- Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
- Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.
I misread this as regurgitate, weird suggestions. Hahaha.
I’d make the weather more predictable so I could adapt to it.
Would you like define pi to be 3 while you’re at it?
What use would I get out of this?
Much easier math
Just make it 1, then the math is even easier.
That’s the kind of thinking we need!
“relatively inconsequential”
Nothing is 100% inconsequential.
Don’t think that weather control is relatively inconsequential.
Weather control isn’t, but to many of us the weather itself is, in the sense that stuff tends to happen regardless of the weather here and people look at the weather and think “meh”. By keeping it in line though, some things would become easier.
Fast lane is for passing only
Ok, but if you are still tailgating me in the right lane because I’m doing the speed limit, I’m allowed to deploy James Bond style gadgets from my car at you.
Nope, if someone wants to pass you you need to get over
Read more better.
Where? Unless you’re saying people need to pull over on the shoulder because someone wants to speed in the right hand lane.
Minus the UK and few others, most countries left lane is fastest and people should pass on the left. Passing on the right causes more accidents, and weaving in and out of slow traffic does to. If slow traffic gets out of the left lane then that’s all avoided.
While I understand this, are you referring to freeways only?
Or do you include any street with a > 30 mph speed limit regardless if I need to be in the left lane for the stoplight in 1.5miles?
It’s almost always safer to sit in that lane when it’s busier than changing lanes
everlast minuteFreeways
Tell that to the civil engineers who designed spaghetti bowls full of splits and left-exits and ignored surface street routes and mass transit so even when the freeways are moving at the speed limit there is enough traffic that there is no guarantee there will be enough space to move over at the perfect time.
This is a lovely enough idea for actual intercity travel, and it only takes a couple of clueless asses to make that frustrating, but I see people who think it’s actually realistic in populated areas and I shake my head.
But that’s already regulated.
It’s is never enforced in the US and it’s incredibly frustrating
Already is, just that nobody enforce this.
It may seem slightly above inconsequential, but parking. Parking is a great example of arbitrary rules having longstanding effects. (Really neat video on parking regulations - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUNXFHpUhu8)
As for more inconsequential. Leafblowers Leafblowers immediately banned unless they are
- Less than 20db
- Zero emission
Never live in the japanese countryside. Work starts between 5 and 6am every day (sunrise is before 4:30am at it’s earliest where I live). By 9am in August, it’s already getting ridiculously hot for working outside.
My neighbor likes to do yardwork at 10pm
Luckily he has electric equipment so it doesn’t make as much noise
Except for the days he decides to do woodworking too
These people are usually the sorts who rise at 5am regardless of day and have become bored after 3 hours awake. If they think about it at all, they believe that everyone who is not yet up by 8am is a fool who ought to be out of bed, thus that is the perfect time to make noise.
As to why they rise at 5am, take your pick from: i) Old and unable to sleep for long periods - Will be asleep again in an armchair by 11am once they’ve gone back inside; ii) Military bearing or wannabe - Probably has reveille.wav for an alarm; iii) Abject a-hole who gets a kick out of it. Honourable mention: iv) someone with no choice under direction from one of the above.
I’m guilty of 8am yardwork, but mostly mowing in the hottest part of summer at the coolest part of the day. I’m also guilty of 8pm yardwork when it’s just the only time I can find to get it done. I only mow once every 2-4 weeks depending on how much my grass has grown, so I figure that balances it out somewhat
You forgot v) collaborates internationally for work, requiring them to be awake early to maximize overlapping hours in their workday.
But even I know not to do noisy shit outside until at least 10. Those few quiet hours in the morning where it seems I’m the only person alive are to drink coffee and cherish.
you also forgot people who work in factories that have to get up at 4:00 a.m. during the week and so they like to sleep in till 5:00 a.m. on the weekends.
Relevant podcast episode:
So 10 times quieter than a silent room?
Yeah no kidding, this guy uses decibel scale but doesn’t understand decibel scale. I fucking hate leaf blowers but 55dB seems like a reasonable starting point to me. It won’t even barely reach your yard from a neighbor’s.
It must be quieter than the sound of a leaf hitting the ground!
Oh no… Guess we can’t have leaf lowers anymore… Shame…
Can we have leaf highers?
They need to suck sound out of the environment
They said regulate, it’s up to the industry to create a compliant product
Sports teams that change cities must also change names.
No more “Utah Jazz”.
Similarly, cable channels that veer from their original content must also change their names. Mtv hasn’t been Music Television in decades.
Sounds like you want trademark reform.
There are basically no requirements for maintaining trademarks. If a company owns a name they can use that name and branding forever, no matter how false it becomes, no matter how much the business or product changes, they can keep the name. This shouldn’t be the case.
If an ice cream company is named after their two founders, the company shouldn’t be able to keep using their names after they’re no longer involved. But under current laws they can.
A glass company can build its reputation on making heatproof glass, then change the glass so its no longer heatproof, while still selling it under the same name. This is unjust.
Companies should be forced to rebrand upon major changes. Current trade mark laws are fundamentally misleading.
The point of trademarks is to avoid market confusion.
MTV didn’t instantly eliminate all of it’s programming and created new programming overnight. They had reality TV shows playing alongside music videos in the 90s. There are some people that might like a reality show that was on MTV when they were playing music videos, then suddenly the name of the company changes because they don’t play music and those people can’t find the show they like? Even though it’s still on, still being made by the same company, but under a different name because curmudgeons don’t think it’s appropriate that a company with the letter M in it’s name isn’t focused on music?
Trademarks are about people being able to know which company they’re buying from. The name of the company is relatively arbitrary. You could start a company making computers and give it an arbitrary name like I don’t know “Apple”. then people will associate the quality of the computers with that arbitrary name “Apple”. Well you could if someone didn’t do exactly that already. It’s not so much the name it’s the consistency that matters most.
And many names we just kind of forget their origins because they’re irrelevant to what the company now does. Does Motorolla have to change it’s name because they no longer make record players for cars? Does DC have to rebrand because very few of their comics are about detectives? KFC can’t call themselves that because a vast majority of their restaurants aren’t in Kentucky?
I’d actually go the other way if anything. Make it illegal for a company to change it’s name. Facebook promotes eating disorders to teenagers? Sorry you aren’t changing your name to Meta, you can’t do bad shit and erase that negative brand association by re-branding. You want your brand to be considered good? Then do better.
“Local” sports teams should be comprised only of locals. No buying and trading from other regions.
"Soon it was commonplace for entire teams to change cities in search of greater profits. The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes. The Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil. The Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don’t allow music.The Raiders moved from Oakland to LA back to Oakland, no-one seemed to notice."
I like this. It’s stupid that LA has the Lakers… because LA is known for it’s lakes? They also have the Dodgers… yeah because people are always dodging streetcars in LA?
The MTV thing though… I think they’ve already made it so the M doesn’t stand for anything now. They removed the “Music Television” part off of their logo anyway.
- Loading dishwashers properly requires an official government license and a test.
- Putting a flat plate in front of a bowl means a year of hard labor.
- Loading any of the good kitchen knives is an automatic 10 years.
But how am I supposed to wash my good kitchen knives?
Same as you wash the poop knife. In the toilet.
All of the good knives i have say to only hand wash them.
Right so you take it really seriously… Regulating something inconsequential now has consequences and they’re draconian!
I absolutely agree with you. My former flatmate didn’t like to use the dishwasher because according to her, it wouldn’t clean the dishes properly. Yet she would load the dishwasher by stacking the plates horizontally… as you would store them in a cupboard
I’m impressed they managed to work out the complex process of inhaling and exhaling with that few working brain cells.
As someone who uses a Nintendo switch and an Xbox, the A and B buttons should be in the same place on all game controllers.
Fucking yes. @[email protected] for world president.
While I agree with the first thing, I’m concerned what someone with the name Arbitrary might do with more power!
What if they ban chocolate chips on waffles?? I’d be doomed!
No bans of chocolate chips on anything will ever be issued. You have my word.
I fully endorse you now, without knowing anything else! Woo party with waffles with chocolate chips on them time!
I can get behind this one.
Good rules!
Bottom right = standing or lying? Tag should be on flat also and must tell the bed size.
I think my butters are opposite colors.
A modern standard for indoor lighting receptacles.
It’s silly that we ship a driver and circuit board packed into the lightbulb just to make it compatible with screw bulb receptacles. We should have a new socket that accepts efficient lightbulbs and that can reuse or modularize driver electronics. Instead, the market has gone for full integration at the expense of the consumer.
If you build a new home these days, you get the lightbulb and fixture integrated together. This necessitates replacing the entire assembly when it fails, and when you have to do this eventually you’re going to have mismatched indoor lighting unless you had the foresight to buy extra units.
We need a new lightbulb socket standard, but for modern lighting.
And it must not connect to wifi or the internet.
Having some kind of control signal available over wire would be nice, though. So the only way to dim lights wasn’t to turn them on and off again a hundred times a second. That would also enable timers and automatic lights for those who want them. Without clouds.
Local ZigBee is fine, like all the 12v IKEA lighting.
I love telling my phone to turn off my lights in bed, or changing the color of my lights with a simple command. It’s super handy and I’m never going back.
I agree that that is nice. However, in my opinion, it is not functionality that should be facilitated by a lighting receptacle standard.
Hue or whatever brand you like, can build that functionality on top of an independent standard.
That way, you can use it if you want, but the standard doesn’t force you to. Similarly to the current situation but with a more sensible standard for low power applications such as LED lighting
If your toaster can’t fit a slice of Warburton’ Toastie comfortably, then the CEO of the toaster company gets toasted to death at the stake.
Further: all toasters should be able to steal the sunbeam radiant control patent since it’s being squatted on and not used in any toaster on the market
Everyone is obligated to share their truthful impression of everyone they encounter upon every contact. Just get past all the stigma. We’d all know most of us are totally indifferent to one another. However I would love for it to be normal to tell people I’m attracted to without stigma and in the casual context that I feel without there being some deeper meaning, awkwardness, or tension.
First one I disagree with. Most people think things that they don’t necessarily agree with, especially as first impressions. I might have to tell someone I think they look shady, and It turns out I just have some sort of unconscious bias.
I am fine with that. I want to know. Such information says far more about yourself than it does about me. I will find out this information in short order by inference. Why not save me the time, and anyone else for that matter. It is okay to disagree pleasantly, online or in person.
I’m just saying that the difference between what someone thinks and what they believe is the majority of their personality.
Laptop keyboard layouts. There is no reason they should be so different.
Specifically, those laptops that have full-sized left and right arrows, but half-sized up and down arrows - those earn 1 week of jail time for the CEO per unit sold.
While we’re at it, the power button must be in the same place on all laptops.
Makes it so hard to use console command history
Adding a copilot button to a laptop, 10 years jail
no trial
I just want every keyboard to have a home and end button (I’m a coder, and my current keyboard doesn’t have them, and I have to set a binding in every. single. thing.)
The Sims 2 had wonderful keyboard shortcuts for toggling walls and jumping between floors via Home and End and Page up and Page Down respectively and this was carried through to The Sims 4
I wholeheartedly agree. But unfortunately my regulated standardized keyboard would probably be very unpopular, especially in the US.
ANSI keyboard no more. ISO keyboards only.
Caps Lock has no use beyond writing angry replies in the YouTube comment section, so Caps Lock will be replaced by Compose.
Adding a power button, or anything similar such as suspend, in a place where it might be pushed by accident is highly illegal.
Oh, and all keyboards will be US Dvorak from now on. Sure, you can change the layout in software, but the lettering on the keys remain.
Caps lock is stuck in what is a great place for a modifier. Specifically ctrl. Compose can be somewhere to the right.
I prefer to keep ctrl where they are. But if you insist on moving left ctrl to caps Lock, that means that bottom left is available for compose.
Compose is best to have on the left side, as the first key struck immediately after it is sually one of the characters to the right. Plus, historically, keyboards that actually had a dedicated compose key had it in the left. Where shift is now, I think.
I’m very much fine with that, too. I just think it was on the right on Sun keyboards. Either way, not the most common key but infinitely more useful than a caps lock.
It has some niche use®s. I for one use it daily - My preferred keyboard layout is US Dvorak, but as a noggie I sometimes need to type æøåÆØÅ, so I use compose for those, as well as the occasional trademark, copyright, degrees, etc.
Reverse the polarity of circuit diagrams so electrons flow along the arrows drawn for current.
International standard paper sizes (A4 etc.) in the U.S.
I assumed it was global… What do you use in the US?
A pretty-much arbitrary system based on a standard letter size of 8.5 in x 11 in, with multiples and fractions thereof. It lacks the critical √2 aspect ratio, so pages designed for one size have the wrong proportions when scaled up or down.
That sounds like a massive pain in the backside.
No, it promotes Freedom™.
Metric units aka SI units aka sanity
Tipping, the default tipping options should be displayed next to the price of the item.
How about we just make tipping rounding and pay people a living wage? You know in Europe, eating out is not more expensive than it is in the US and they don’t beg for tips. It’s such bullshit here
I’m not from North America but I live in Canada now. I find tipping is ridiculous. But if I’m going to be forced to tip it should be made clear to me before the transaction starts. I’m not saying this is the best solution. Tipping should obviously be abolished but I’m just answering this question.
You are basically never forced to tip. I’ve seen some places auto add tip for huge parties, but it was known upfront. Otherwise it’s always a skippable option.
I hate tipping as much as the next guy but it really doesn’t bother me that the option exists, just hit 0 and move on if you feel like they shouldn’t get a tip. (Ex. Fast food)
You’re down playing the social and anchoring forces. For instance, you’re in a long line and you’re prompted to pay, the no tip or tip less than the default options is always more difficult. These default options are used by employers as a way to under pay staff. If these default options were made clear before the purchase there would be a pressure for businesses to reduce or remove those options. As it stands, the default options is a strong anchor.
I disagree. Hardest I’ve ever seen to not tip is click “other amount”, press 0, you’re done.
Your argument about a livable wage would have made sense years ago when there was a separate wage for tipped workers. Everyone in Canada get paid at least minimum wage now.
Hard disagree. Tipping should be abolished and restaurants forced to pay a living wage should be the only regulation around tipping.
Lol, I’m not saying this is the ultimate solution. I’m answering the question. I also think tipping should be abolished.