Do I remember correctly that Pepe dies in the comic because the author didn’t want to keep producing material for them to hijack?
Oh no, you!
Do I remember correctly that Pepe dies in the comic because the author didn’t want to keep producing material for them to hijack?
Depends how much I care about the end result and how knowledgeable I am with the topic.
Computers: No paralysis at all - I am picky and I can easily filter out most options.
Curtains: Get it over with and pick something with a reasonably average price so I can leave as quickly as possible.
I remember chuckling to videos of drumptards dancing to RATM during the Floyd protests and covid. It was obvious that their only takeaway was “fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me”
Saved you a click: Foxhole.
Fun game, I’ve been meaning to get back into it for a while, I just never found the time.
Can confirm. This person has done enough.
Source: Only they can define how much is “enough”
Mostly non-political, and pretty inclusive as long as you don’t repeat misinformation or step on other people’s rights.
Performance anxiety and stage fright is a bitch.
Fun fact: Apollo 8 had a strict schedule of when and of what they were supposed to take pictures. This picture broke that schedule, but everyone in the craft agreed that this was something that needed documentation.
And I doubt anyone ever berated them for “wasting film”
I don’t think I’ve heard anything newer than 20 years by them. Ska isn’t my primary taste in music, but they had a few bangers way back when. And yes, this includes “sell out”.
From what little I know about them, that tracks. They just happen to have a song that was pretty in line with what was (became) popular at the time and made it big. Everything else by them is A LOT more punkish.
Ferist in Norwegian, at least. Translates roughly to “Cattle grid/rack”
We have them everywhere rural, even across regional highways, here in Norway. Hell, there’s even one across the road to my local airport.
It’s an effective way of keeping cattle and sheep in an area even if said area is intersected by a road.
Yes. There are exceptions, but most American beer usually fall into two categories:
At least these are the common denominators for most well known beers.
Exceptions, off the top of my head:
Blue Moon
Shiner Boch
Some weird local brew I stumbled across in Galveston
While it doesn’t hold a lot of flavor, I do enjoy Miller now and then.
GTA2 save point.
“Halleluja, another soul saved”!
Not quite dead yet. This seismic survey ship I was 9n fairly recently… we had generated the navigational data, and needed to feed it into the ships autopilot. This was done via floppy.
Yes, it was a relatively old ship (late 90’s, I think), but there are plenty older ones around. And even when refurbishing a ship, they often leave the autopilot alone.
Knock Knock
Speculative Execution
Who’s there?
Varies a lot. Sometimes weeks can go by without me eating a single egg. But when I start, I go hard. It’s not unheard of that I go through an entire carton as a late night snack with boiled eggs.
“No, not that one, It’s GPLv3, which is evil”
“Actually it’s BSD licensed”
“Even worse!”
“OK, how about this one, it hasn’t been maintained for 20 years and is still under GPLv2”
“OK, fine”
Spends several days trying to satisfy a broken dependency tree of a 20 year old light bulb
220,5,1,5 or something similar
I played it last in 2022, and I would say it’s more WW1, at least from what I remember. Maybe 1920s, considering the improved tanks and trucks.