• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Maybe not exactly big news, but ever since the internet became a thing, information started to flow a lot faster and farther than before. You may have a point, and this article is more an opinion than anything but I don’t think it’s unreasonable. Here’s why:

    Scientists and academics are used to think and develop concepts and ideas for decades. As individuals, each usually has a very firm stance on one particular issue, but as a collective, the sciences will keep several contradictory hypothesis in consideration for a long time until there is enough evidence to cement a theory. And even then, there’s always some whacky theory floating around.

    The general public on the other hand, isn’t used to this kind of nuance. Most pre internet people see " scientific publication = truthful fact " as this is more or less what they grew up with. They didn’t stay in school long enough to see their textbooks get updated, had no easy access to new research contradicting the mainstream.

    Today there is an overabundance of information floating around, especially online, and tons of articles based off on scientific papers which most people take for gospel without any understanding of how the scientific body of knowledge grows over time. Add to that the noise caused by pseudoexperts and conspiracy theorists and… would you like a cup of Ivermectin?

  • Does it happen en masse or does each woman have their own heat season? Say, does everyone go crazy during the same 2-3 weeks or does it vary per person like it happens with periods?

    In the masse heat I think there would be some obvious differences in stuff like festivities and each culture would adapt to these seasons. There would be a need to gather and store resources before the rut, and also to be prepared for the inevitable birthing en masse to come. We would probably have public holidays for the mating seasons and festivities for birthing season. In contemporary times, hospitals would need to do some heavy work planning and preparing maternity ward space to accommodate the seasonal influx. That’s just what pops to mind.

    Not too sure about the differences in the second case though. One option is, women would be allowed to retreat from society and become hermits during heat if they want to avoid pregnancy and this would be totally normal. Or, some cultures would lock them to prevent them getting pregnant. Coming to think of it, I think having women randomly in some kind of irresistible heat like this would be very disruptive and impossible to prepare for so I don’t see much happening in the way of gender equality and women’s rights sadly. I’m inclined to think the re would be a lot of gender based extreme segregation.

  • There isn’t an “enough” threshold. It depends from person to person, basically, if you can do something and you get paid for that, then you do it. It’s even easier to accept doing it if whatever you need to do is easy for you.

    So in the case of an actor, “we’ll pay you a ton of money to sell tobacco and gambling” can be very tempting because it’s easy for them. Also it gives them more exposure and fame, and you may think they already have enough but no. If they don’t take it someone else will and they will no longer be top N.1.

    Sorry kid but people don’t make money to increase their moral understanding. They make money to afford living a certain lifestyle. For most people, it’s just covering basic needs. Maybe to help their families do the same. But for those who already have all that covered it’s just to gain more, and you are right it’s really sad they don’t care how. They should care.

  • You have a ton of comments so I’ll keep it short. Fleas are very, very, very extremely hard to get rid of once they reach critical mass. Their eggs can remain dormant for up to two years, and they’re immune to pest control methods including bombs.

    My suggestion: get a pill based flea treatment, read the dosage instructions and keep it going for at least 3 months. Clean and vacuum regularly. You don’t need to buy a steam cleaner but other than that your girl is spot on.