• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I’ve been binging on election followup podcasts while cleaning the house. There were many seats where Tory+Reform would have beat the Labour candidate.

    The consensus seemed to be that the Tories are going to lick their wounds, then push further right to gain back Reform voters instead of trying to tack to center and peel away from Labour.

  • FWIW, here in the U.S., we’ve been taking our kids in to vote with us since they were toddlers. This was deliberate so they would be comfortable with how the process works.

    Our oldest, when he turned 18, registered to vote. For his first primary election we had a remote zoom call and walked him through where to get as much objective info about what was on the ballot and make decisions. We’ve never pressed them towards a particular ideology. He started off looking disinterested too, but now that he’s an adult, he’s actually looking forward to his first major election.

    These things take time. As parents, I feel it’s our responsibility to teach them the nuts and bolts of civic literacy.

  • Was just listening to the latest episode of Dot Social podcast where there was a discussion with CEO of Ghost (alternative to Substack). They’re integrating ActivityPub into the platform, but where they’re going with it is that you can use your Fediverse ID instead of email to sign up.

    Once they have that worked out, any likes or comments automatically migrate back to the fediverse. Replies back to replies also show up in your timeline and your followers can see them. This makes discovery pretty effortless. They can also use the stats to keep track of engagement across all fediverse services.

    It also means turning one-way streams like RSS (podcasting), email services, and commenting services into common two-way communities.

    You’re now going beyond just catching up to existing services and doing things just not possible in closed silos. Real “Aha!” moment.