OK but how the FUCK did r/forcedcreampie survive the purge?
There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
OK but how the FUCK did r/forcedcreampie survive the purge?
Just so you know: In the India/Pakistan relocation, millions died.
That’s just a sound bite. Trump just said it, nothing is being done to bring it about.
What is being done is systematically gutting and disabling key government departments and seizing control over the treasury and hiring process, without any legal basis.
goat herders with AKs.
Didn’t know that X runs inside Emacs, but it doesn’t surprise me.
In 1940, the Nazis’ plan was to relocate all Jews to Madagascar.
Just 2 years later, they started exterminating them systematically.
Newfangled bullshit! Choose ext2, twm, alsa, sysvinit, xinit, and compile additional software from source.
They’re sending them to their auntie’s farm up north
That’s actually an example with a manufacturing defect, and a rare collector’s item.
The mass-produced version of the puppet has black skin.
He’s 87 years old at the start of LOTR.
He descends from Elros the Half-Elf.
Figures that the safest men to be stuck with aren’t human men.
Read https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/System_maintenance before you go your first pacman -Syu
And when people tell you that you shouldn’t use aur helpers like yay to blindly install/upgrade aur packages, there’s a reason for it. Read the PKGBUILDs.
In ancient Rome, businesses fought over the right to put up free public toilets.
Then they sold the piss.
And the government taxed the piss.
So that would mean the combination of Gnome+X11 has almost half its lifetime still in front of it.
How would a battleship defend itself against railguns?
Or would this be a “whoever shoots first wins” scenario?
Unless the baguettes sequester Carbon when they appear, this will eventually kill all humans.
The number of times I’ve run out of eggs, but not out of ground flax seed, had been rather low.
Looks like I’m managing my ADHD pretty well. I got a bingo on the bottom row, plus the hot drinks one, but those are things that don’t bother me at all. The major problems in my life are gone with the help of medication, routine, a shared calendar with my wife, password manager, and choosing the right job.