Ok, but if you are still tailgating me in the right lane because I’m doing the speed limit, I’m allowed to deploy James Bond style gadgets from my car at you.
Minus the UK and few others, most countries left lane is fastest and people should pass on the left. Passing on the right causes more accidents, and weaving in and out of slow traffic does to. If slow traffic gets out of the left lane then that’s all avoided.
Ok, but if you are still tailgating me in the right lane because I’m doing the speed limit, I’m allowed to deploy James Bond style gadgets from my car at you.
Nope, if someone wants to pass you you need to get over
Where? Unless you’re saying people need to pull over on the shoulder because someone wants to speed in the right hand lane.
Minus the UK and few others, most countries left lane is fastest and people should pass on the left. Passing on the right causes more accidents, and weaving in and out of slow traffic does to. If slow traffic gets out of the left lane then that’s all avoided.
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