Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha This guy just discredit any future movie involving an FBI agent for the next 75 years. We knew america had a under-education problem, but man you guys are something.
Germany just had a sweeping far right election, and Argentina has had a libertarian at the helms for a bit now. A ton of south Asian countries have had hardcore conservative views for a while now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Canada shifts right next election. There are basically few corners of the earth where populism/right wing ideology isn’t growing and expanding. This isn’t an American education system problem, it’s world wide. The political elites in your country just have you convinced that it’s America that’s now the problem, which then creates a new wave of populism in your country. It’s a self eating snake.
Not that I’m disagreeing that our slapping of allies isn’t problematic. This is just something that is clearly growing everywhere and the people of Lemmy love saying “America bad” as the same exact shit is happening in your country. If you’re an American expand your news beyond our shores. The grass is unfortunately turning to shit everywhere. We’re in for a rough decade together.
Germany just had a sweeping far right election
you can’t say 20% a ‘sweeping’. The situation is worse at other places. And thanks to true multi party democracy, AfD probably won’t be in government anyway.
I hope so for Germanys sake. A 9% increase from the last election, for a party that’s 12 years old… that’s pretty sweeping to me. Not to mention that it’s more so the southern parts of Germany that have an even stronger percentage of AfD support.
Again, I’m not wanting a right shift for these countries, but it’s become clear that things are. We could stick our head in the dirt and say it’s only America, but that wouldn’t be true, and that’s what I was getting at with my comment.
Party is new, ideology is old.
At the height of its power, the Nazi party made up less than that percentage of the population of Germany. It doesn’t take much to ruin it for everyone.
Case in point: US President Donald Trump, whose approval rating has historically hovered around 30%.
Those of us with front row seats to the shitshow hope you’re right, because even just last week, my dad was saying, “It could never happen here!” when I brought up how the playbook Trump is using is the exact same one that Hitler used.
The US has an inefficient electoral system for president. It’s not uncommon that low approval people win
Those of us who have better systems things go better.
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The US is literally in control of fascist now, it’s not nearly as bad in Germany, not that it’s good but there is a big difference
If we’re saying things are “not that it’s good” then it sounds like there is a rightward shift. Which was my point. America isn’t alone in this trend. To act like it is due to some lack of education was the original OPs point and I simply disagree with that based on the current trends of countries around the world.
I mean that is a fair point, but AfD got 20% of the vote and are likely not getting in the coalition, proportional representation and all that
Thanks, I’m hopeful for Germany that they can keep the AfD at bay. I’m hopeful that Americas former allies make enough of a turn on us that the people here realize we messed up and I’m hopeful if we return to decency here that we didn’t burn up all of our credibility. A lot of Americans aren’t Trump supporters, but certainly there is a decent amount that is and it disgusts me.
Let’s be clear here, the right extremist party got over 20% which is really bad for sure, but the mid-right party rules out working with them in a coalition no matter what. That’s rather different from where the rest of the republicans and many democrats fall over themselves to do whatever the lunatic fringe says. Further, the American billionaires are strong influencers of these trends in other countries. The core of the disease is the USA even when there are symptoms everywhere.
The mid-right said they wouldn’t work with them, but as we have seen that means absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the
SDPCDU broke that and started working with AfD. Maybe it’s just me being cynical.I’m not going to disagree that our power projection from the US isn’t a power boost to other right wing governments. I just think that to claim this is solely a result of poor US education when we can see this happening elsewhere in so called better educated countries means it isn’t really the predictor they’re claiming it to be.
The mid-right said they wouldn’t work with them, but as we have seen that means absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the
SDPCDU broke that and started working with AfD.I’m also very worried about that, but it’s another point of difference - there were historically enormous protests (tens to hundreds of thousands per city, well over a million total, more than a percent of Germany’s total population) several times recently because CDU looked like it was slightly cooperating with them with an informal and unbinding agreement about immigration. These protests had the support of the churches, the sports leagues. Various senior government figures support outright banning the AfD. It would not be as easy for them as in the USA, where everyone immediately capitulates.
But yeah I agree it’s a political difference and not just about “education”, you’re totally right about that.
The Swedish mid-right also ruled out working with the far-right. Until they had to to gain government control.
I agree it’s a huge concern and I also absolutely don’t trust the CDU, and especially Merz, as far as I can throw them. However I’m just saying that the situation is not identical to the USA, there are some points of difference.
Didn’t the German election end well? AfD isn’t in charge, and the winner is pro-Ukraine, anti-Russia, and pro-EU independence of the US.
AfD walked away in second, but jumped by nearly 9% over the last federal election. That’s a huge gain in momentum.
It depends on the coalition that gets formed, does the conservative party go with the center left party for 4 years of stagnation or break their word and work with the fat right.
They have done the later already on emigration, passing a non-binding resolution (with only one conservative vote against) and narrowly losing on the second round because their own members of parlament didn’t show up to vote.
Last I saw (as in, a few mins ago), all the major players were refusing to talk to AfD.
Argentina has had a libertarian at the helms for a bit now.
milei is not a libertarian, he’s a generic hard right conservative.
You mean a libertarian? Yeah we know. The dude is currently wrapped up in a memecoin scandal is oeak libertarian dude
If you mean US flavor “libertarian”, you’re going to need to specify that
Idk what else you would mean by libertarian. The original (marxist) meaning is long gone and all the right-wing larpers are just as bad as Milei if not worse. There exists no libertarian who isn’t just an authoritarian fascist.
Idk, a quick search shows that the President of Chile, apparently, is a left wing libertarian. Unless he’s also secretly an authoritarian fascist?
I guess nowadays every political ideology ever is just a facade for yet another right wing authoritarian shithole.
No, libertarians are on the right, assholes etc but we need to be fair to them to expose milei’s lies.
He’s anti abortion and is not going to be introducing any new freedoms to Argentina. The libertarians claim they are pro abortions, drugs and anything else… For a price. And anything…
Although you have to admit, it is near impossible to get such a perfect dream team of scammers elsewhere.
Oh 100%. I’m not ignorant to our complete takeover by morons and the allowing of it that people have here in the states. I’m just saying we’re not the only ones. Especially since it’s happening in countries with “better education” than us. Which means Americas crappy education system isn’t the real problem like the original comment was saying
The centre right in Germany won, the afd came in second
The CDU has also made it very clear they’re not going to work with the AfD
The CxU has claimed they won’t work with the AfD but…. Link
The cope is strong with this one. “There’s other people being dumb too!”
Yup, and the source of this is disinformation from adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran being laundered through US social media companies to made to appear legitimate. Well I guess TikTok isn’t American (yet) so I guess China somehow got into the game of laundering disinformation too.
And the trend is actually incumbents losing power, not necessarily a right wing shift. You see the disinformation can be a blunt tool so it just results in people hating their own governments. The UK had an election where the Conservative party lost… as they were the incumbent.
But nowhere has the government been turned over to greedy businessmen to the degree the US has been. Argentina has their President briefly promoting a memecoin, sure, but he may face a lot of repercussions for doing that. Fun Fact: the Argentinian memecoin was launched by the same people that launched $MELANIA, and no one in the US cares about it nor do they care about the $TRUMP memecoin. It’s open season for grifting Americans, because it’s the gritters that are now in charge of everything in the US.
But go on making excuses for why it’s all ok. I’m sure that will result in fixing the problems in your country.
The incumbents are losing to whom? Certainly not their own parties. You bring up the UK which is an outlier of recent events, but was a predicator of the future with Brexit during their right wing shift. Brazil could be another, but Bolsanaro is still an active threat as are his supporters.
But sure, just say “cope” and it automatically makes my comment wrong and yours right!
What word describes what you’re doing better than cope? You’re coping with the embarrassment of what your country’s becoming. Which would be fine, but trying to make it be about other countries rather than facing up to it, that just makes you part of the embarrassing state your country is in.
And yeah incumbents losing is a well known thing… here’s a link to the first article on the results from a simple search: https://abcnews.go.com/538/democrats-incumbent-parties-lost-elections-world/story?id=115972068
Also here in Canada, the Conservative poll numbers are dropping like a rock. The Conservative are now running a ridiculous number of adds to try to claim Carney is the same as Trudeau because they got nothing other than the incumbent disadvantage that’s become the global norm. The US idiocy is serving as a cautionary tale and making people turn away from anything resemblance of it.
I don’t get your point here… Russia China Iran are behind this mess and incumbents are losing elections (to…?), but it’s only the US that’s bad right now? And it’s the US fault? And USiams are coping for being worried about other countries?
Is that your point? Because that really doesn’t make any sense.
capitalism is the common denominator here.
fascism is capitalism in crisis.
Living in the twenties.
I guarantee he doesn’t actually believe this shit. He’s just a grifter grifting just like the rest of the Whitehouse circus cast. The only exception might be Robert F. Kennedy Jr. That freak show might actually believe the shit he spews.
That freak show might actually believe the shit he spews.
He may, he may not, but the brain worm does, and he’s given to its will.
Word is when he was trying to get appointed he went around telling congress he doesnt actually believe that shit but the rubes eat it up
pls get me out of here
Refugee Application: Yes, belonging to my home country risks personal harm
Sorry, some of us did what we could…
“you believed my medical lies once. you’ll fall for it again!”
Why did all the replies get removed?
Modlog says “argument nuke.” But it doesn’t look like either of the two users who’s argument was nuked were being uncivil about it.
Once again: Your job as mod isn’t to shut down arguments. It’s to keep them from devolving into insult slinging or rule-breaking behavior.
It did get uncivil into insults. There were personal attacks.
Probs because the dude legit runs the FBI now?
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Gotta love people who don’t want to take a vaccine that was designed by the absolute top experts in the field and extensively tested, but have no problem popping pills some grifter on the interweb sold them.
They look a lot like the fiber pills I take. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re just branded fiber pills, and the massive shit is proof that your body is detoxing the spike proteins.
We’re fucked. This guy is now in charge of the FBI and now has the power to investigate and charge people with federal crimes.
But more important, the power not to investigate people. Wink wink
“Warrior Essentials”
“Spike Gangsters”
Do the incels he’s trying so hard to market to understand how stupid these names are?
Using several of them at once is even funnier - they didn’t feel confident enough with just one, and got “Manly man’s sigma razor spike gamgster king warrior essential basics”
Holy Flamin’ Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin’ Vorpal Hammer o’ Woundin’ an’ Returnin’ an’ Shootin’-Lightnin’-Out-Yer-Bum
I’d say that’s more stoner dwarf than fuck boi.
Shedders? Do these people think vaccines are contagious?
Yes, pay attention to mention of “shedding”. They think that vaccination causes the PT in question to shuck it off as though they were Pigpen from Charlie Brown cartoon.
they should wear a mask, so they don’t catch it
preferably a solid one
It’s not even applicable to most vaccines.
Basically polio spreads through poop, and this is your shedding. Oral Polio Vaccine does this as it’s a weakened form of the polio virus and exhibits the same spread and provides vaccination indirectly to others. The US uses E-IPV, which is inactive and harmless and doesn’t have this spread.
You’ll only find OPV being used in countries with very inadequate medical access as it can be administered orally(hence the name). Only downside is that if you are very immunocompromised, there is a non zero chance you get polio and a chance you suffer from paralysis.
Flu vaccines, covid vaccine, literally anything else doesn’t have this “shedding”. It’s literally one vaccine that isn’t even administered in the united states.
I wish people understood the differences between types of vaccines more. I despise the “vaccines good” Vs “vaccines bad” thinking. Each of them are separate treatments and like any medication have pros/cons for each individual recieving them. I think a lot of people learn about Jenner and the smallpox vaccine and assume all other vaccines work the same way.
Well, the grifters don’t. The multitude of morons they’re scamming do.
Stupid as it sounds, yes
Vaccines can shed (sometimes we have to add that as an seondqry endpoint to clinical trials), but not even remotely in the way these idiots are saying.
Were you assuming these people understood even the basics of what a vaccine is?
I don’t like being alive, I already didn’t, but I like it less now. I crave the afterlife.
I also choose that guy’s dead wife
What? Who;s dead wife?
It is a ~10 years old meme from reddit.
A bad one.
It’s an old meme. I don’t entirely get it in the context of this thread, but then again I’m also old and stopped being hip years ago.
I believe in non-linear reincarnation. I hope I come back sometime before technology. Maybe even not as a human. I need a break cycle.
if it’s non-linear, maybe a reincarnation in a parallel universe without those grifters would be to your taste?
My luck I’d be reincarnated as a water bear just in time to be shot to the moon… where I’ll eventually crash.
These people literally don’t know what mRNA is, they believe it’s the same thing as DNA because it sounds vaguely similar. It’s good to see actual experts calling him out though! We really need more of this.
These people literally don’t know what mRNA is, they believe it’s the same thing as DNA because it sounds vaguely similar. It’s good to see actual experts calling him out though! We really need more of this.
People being clueless about mRNA is an abject failure of the US education system.
Out of curiosity, I read one of their scientific studies on the website. The first one I read was a literature review (no tests were actually done) that said “one study says the supplement does nothing and another two sources say the study was done wrong so it could maybe be beneficial???” Wow. Such strong evidence.
Barely anyone would go to the same extent as you to seek evidence. The target market are more than happy to see any citations at all.
I wish I could set aside my convictions and care for others to make money this easily.
I feel like this is the key reason why the worst people are the most successful. I cannot count the number of opportunities I’ve passed over in life that would have just required me to lie to someone, to inflate my worth, to take something that I haven’t earned, and so on. It’s so natural for me to think in terms of morality and equity behind my decision making that I don’t even consider alternatives.
And thus I’m over 40 and broke and will die working.
edit: just in retrospect, I figured I would mention my father. He was a man who was remarkably similar to our current president/king. Same hair and everything, the only difference was he drank like a fish. He had ZERO qualms about lying, he carried bizarre lies to his grave just to keep anyone the satisfaction of calling him out on even the smallest things. Lying came so easily to him that he built a multi-million dollar empire on lies, on borrowing money from one lender to pay another, of drug dealers and gangs and organized crime, of the very worst people in the world following him around like scavenger jackals hoping to catch a shred or crumb from the waste and excess my father surrounded himself with. I watched millions of dollars pass through his hands (and up his nose) and he never felt anything about it, he felt like it was never enough, that he deserved more and the people who suffered for it deserved their pain. I am telling this story because a lot of people think it’s not real, that there are not truly dishonest people in the world, and everything we’re all so contentious about is just misunderstandings and differences of perspective.
NO. There are lying liars who will look you in the face and tell complete falsehoods to you and smile as they do so, and they will delight in it. You are not aware of human darkness and you need to get it together. You NEED to understand how bad people can be, and how much people really LIE.
Cheers to good conscious. Also, grab any chance to lead a good change
Exactly. It’s not some cosmic battle or any of the other shit some people will use to grift, but some people are liars who more or less don’t give half a shit who they hurt to get what they want (or maybe they do, some might, just not enough to not do it). And I’m not calling for cruelty or anything to them (many of them will be the first to advocate cruelty to “bad people”), just awareness, caution, and caring for your fellow humans.
There are other types of evil out there too. The banal variety has been made famous, but there’s an evil made of fear, an evil made of self righteousness without reflection, an evil made of tribalism… I also think distance from the consequences of one’s actions is a contributer. Power makes you a less moral person and all that.
Also, your father’s life sounds miserable and exhausting. I bet he thought people who did things honest and built community were fools despite us often being happier than folks like him
I bet he thought people who did things honest and built community were fools despite us often being happier than folks like him
I see you’ve met him (or his archetype) because yes, his favorite past-time was condemning the “sheep” for living their lives in suburbia, paycheck to paycheck, how useless education was, how worthless so many kinds of people are, how miserable life would be living like so, so many people in the world who are happy and loving with their families. He railed against the “spoils of babylon” while sipping champagne and brandy from his private restaurant booth.
He was crushingly miserable and blamed everyone and everything else for it and became physically violent at anyone who dared to challenge his assertions that he was the perpetual victim. He drank himself to death alone and broke because he had burned every bridge in his life and squandered a fortune.
Yeah, everyone who is just fully on board with neitzche. Though the “spoils of Babylon” thing makes it sound like he was religious enough to hate that description of him
Unfortunately him and his kind control large aspects of my country. And yeah I bet he also thought he worked harder than the suckers and earned it all. Folks like that can’t see past their own nose and their introspection is so bad they can’t see much closer than it either. They’re the sort of folks whose stomach aches from overeating and lament that they can’t eat enough to stop the pain as they eat off your plate.
I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to keep my distance from them, but I’ve known the more openly pathetic variant, who aim for your sympathy rather than your honesty.
He drank himself to death alone and broke
I was worried there wasn’t going to be a happy ending.
I guess our compensation is being able to be content with what we already have, and not having to constantly worry about someone finding out.
They aren’t the most successful, they just have the most money.
You can literally put anything in these unregulated supplements. There’s no restrictions. If you think swallowing a few fl grams of ox testicle will make you a boner having manly man. Then you can sell that to people. Wait… maybe I don’t need all these morals…
But then youd be a putz so really a no win situation
Wait until he finds about the big room full of brass pipes feeding oxygen and nutrients to the brain of J Edgar Hoover, from where he is still running absolutely everything.
Elon enters the FBI’s inner sanctum and must solve the Vat’s riddles three in order to prove he’s not a gay communist
If only he had spent some skill points in Charisma, he’d have the dialogue option to talk Hoover into self destructing, but alas
Starter perks “born rich” and “prolific propaganda” kinda OP though
I sure hope we get some crazy satirical video game from this time in history
But we already have Fallout
Of course the URL has to appeal to the wannabe driving his lifted pickup truck, it has the word warrior in it. You get all these meatheads with delusions of being some sort of Spartan badass because they took 300 as a documentary.
And ironically enough they have more in common with the Persian “soldiers” which are just fodder for their God King.
Don’t be silly.
The Persian Empire had basically abolished slavery. Xerxes is noted in particular for being a far kinder conquerer than the Greeks were proven time and again.
Whatever you can say about the fledgling democracy of the slave state Athens, it would be destroyed by Sparta eventually.
The wrong side won at Thermopylae.
Wait, didn’t the Greeks famously lose at Thermopylae? They’d turn it around later but that’s one of the most famous “celebrated losses” in history
You’re right, but no one knows what the Battle of Plataea is.
Werent they the aggressors though?
All slave states deserve to be destroyed! But in that war at least, yes. How much time do you spend judging Alexander for his conquests though? It’s just what those assholes did to each other in the Iron age.
Personally I’ll root for the imperialist assholes who don’t have slaves.
You get all these meatheads with delusions of being some sort of Spartan badass because they took 300 as a documentary.
And are either too stupid or too ashamed to recognize all the thinly veiled homoerotic themes
My dad occasionally bought gay erotica when he was looking for muscle magazines, there’s A LOT of crossover.
They probably think 300 means 300lbs…
a part of me hopes this is dangerous/lethal. then maybe we can darwin ourselves out of this nightmare
Sadly I don’t think the shysters and oligarchs creating this current shit show are going to darwin themselves. They aren’t stupid, just evil.
Some of them are pretty stupid, just not stupid enough to be a self-resolving problem
good point
really like the use of Darwin as a verb, imma borrow it for a minute thanks.
Is their logo “uwu” or is it the shrug emoticon?
Looks like udders to me. The deep state has been cows all along!
or some very hanging boobs
wouldn’t surprise me, antivax movement has a strong association with the raw milk cheesebreathers.
I imagine it like “if you are stupid enough to buy this dont know what to do with you” kind of shrug
Looks like cock and balls to me.
Equal length.
Does anyone else see a limp dicknballs as the logo on the pill?
Hahah, I didn’t before you pointed it out. It’s perfect, a small dick and a loose old man sack as the logo for “warrior essentials” manly alpha man supplement scam.
I hope it makes their nuts actually fall off.
Not proud of it, but I saw a steroid clit instead.