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Cake day: November 22nd, 2023


  • 10-hour shifts are very common in the US. Working 50 hours a week is fairly common, though sometimes people work four 10-hour days instead of the usual five 8-hour days that people know as a “9 to 5 job.”

    I was recently looking at a job listing where they were hiring for 2 shifts of the same role. The first was 50 hours a week working 10-hour days from 7am to 5pm, and the second shift worked 42 hour weeks with four 9-hour days where you worked from 3pm to midnight and then a shortened 6 hour day on Fridays. These kinds of schedules are the norm in manufacturing and logistics jobs, and in my experience, the higher your salary and the more senior your role, the fewer hours you’re expected to work. And you might even get benefits like vacation time and sick days/pay!

  • And local colloquialisms as well. I can tell you the secret to a Boston accent is to replace the r after a vowel with an h, and that’ll help you pahk the cah at Hahvahd yahd, but won’t do a damn thing when somebody tells you the food at a restaurant is wicked pissah, but warns you that it’s rainin’ feckin’ hahd out deyah so yeh better off takin’ the T to Southie.

  • Because of the American Puritannical values, which dictate what the credit companies and advertisers are willing to do business with and the cultural zeitgeist along with it.

    The Puritans were some of the earliest British colonists in the US, and were either thrown out of England for attempting a coup to replace the king with a puppet to force their more extremist form of Christianity on the country, or left by their own choice because they felt that the Church of England was too liberal. They were basically a bunch of prudes who believed that the human body and sex were shameful and disgusting.

    This has led to the dichotomy where advertisers want nothing to do with sex/nudity, except when it comes to implied sex in advertisements. Because sex is bad, but it also sells, which is good.

  • Once again, I am tapping the sign for people to go watch the two hour video by Shaun on the subject.

    The moral of Harry Potter is that the status quo is correct and should never be questioned, and nobody should ever try to change anything.

    Harry doesn’t defeat Voldemort or change any of the issues inherent in the bumbling bureaucracy of the wizard world. Voldemort kills himself on a magic technicality, Harry becomes a magic cop and helps to ensure that magic is never used to help the undesirables of society (Muggles), and Hermione is ridiculed for being a girl with blue hair and pronouns who tried to end the chattel slavery system before she “grew up” and became a much more sensible person who realized that the slaves actually want to be oppressed, and it’s for their own good.

    You can see Rowling’s morality change practically in real-time as the books go on, from criticizing the system to defending it as she began to benefit from it as her wealth grew. And underneath it all, you can see her discriminatory opinions of people. That was always there. When she wants you to hate a woman, she makes them fat or gives them masculine features. If I have to read the phrase “mannish hands” one more time, I might vomit.

  • Coal is often radioactive when it comes out of the ground, and thanks to poor regulations, is often radioactive when it goes into the powerplant, leading to radioactive particles coming out of the smokestacks and landing anywhere downwind of the plants.

    More people have died from radiation poisoning from coal than from all of the nuclear accidents combined. But, as you said, 200 years vs. 70 years. But, also, nuclear is much more heavily regulated than coal in this regard due to the severity of those accidents. The risk of a dangerous nuclear power plant is nowhere near as large as commonly believed. It doesn’t take long to find longlasting environmental disasters due to fossil fuels, from oil spills to powerplant disasters. They’re used so heavily that it’s just so much more likely to occur and occur more often.

    All this to say that fossil fuels suck all around and we should be looking at all forms of replacement for them, nuclear being just one option we should be pursuing alongside all the others.

  • One thing to remember about the mining issue is that coal mining is just as bad, and coal is often radioactive as well. More people have died from radiation poisoning due to coal power/mining than have died from radiation poisoning due to nuclear power, even when you include disasters like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

    Of course, we’ve also been mining and using coal a lot longer, but the radioactive coal dust and possibly radioactive particles in the smoke from coal plants is something that many people are unaware of.

    But, like you said, the big thing is to move away from fossil fuels entirely, and nuclear power has its own issues. It doesn’t so much matter what we go with so long as we do actually go with something, and renewables are getting better and better all the time.

  • I don’t know about Wal-Mart, but every other site you listed is famous for being filled with Chinese companies that make cheap knockoff garbage. Yes, even Amazon. It’s like the perfect blend of enshitification and consumerism.

    I don’t know about the tech companies, but with clothing companies you’ll see the exact same companies with names like asdfghjkl on both Amazon and Temu, selling the exact same product with the exact same pictures as 3 other similarly named companies. And what you buy will only last slightly longer than the 6 months the company is around for before it disappears and the owners open back up under a new name.

    For tech, you gotta do research and see what the experts are saying and find out the reputation of the brands that you’re looking at. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as just going on the website and checking the reviews.

    As for your original question, I think the answer will be FOSS projects. No company is going to willingly drop the potential ad revenue of AR ads. “This dream brought to you by Underwear brand briefs!”

  • From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed Machine.

    Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day, the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.

    But I am already saved. For the Machine is immortal.

  • I mean, how is it any different than referencing movies, music, TV shows, stand-up comedy, or any other piece of pop culture?

    Would referencing a movie somebody hasn’t seen before make you terminally in-theater or something? Though, having said that, I am now going to take every opportunity I can to work the phrase “terminally in-theater” into my daily life anytime somebody mentions a Marvel movie or something.

  • I saw some context for this, and the short of it is that headline writers want you to hate click on articles.

    What the article is actually about is that there’s tons of solar panels now but not enough infrastructure to effectively limit/store/use the power at peak production, and the extra energy in the grid can cause damage. Damage to the extent of people being without power for months.

    California had a tax incentive program for solar panels, but not batteries, and because batteries are expensive, they’re in a situation now where so many people put panels on their houses but no batteries to store excess power that they can’t store the power when it surpasses demand, so the state is literally paying companies to run their industrial stoves and stuff just to burn off the excess power to keep the grid from being destroyed.