SingerBot, explain why killing disabled babies is wrong.
There’s this really annoying trend on the YouTube HEMA-type channels where they give unarmored and unshielded amateur college students swords and spears to “test” swords and spears and then crown the spear best weapon, no notes, no context.
I always find it fascinating the kind of things people will say because they saw a YouTube video once while ignoring all the actual historical context, like the Romans building their empire by fighting spear phalanxes with sword (and javelin) based legions.
That’s called thinking. You can do it with a spear too.
Color doesn’t change the flavor, dummy.
No s.
That was the ruling, and I’m going to laugh my ass off when it gets used against the “high roaders”
And we can see plenty of men here who are told what the difference is and ignore it to pursue their grievance.
And Biden’s senile ass is still going to hand over power.
V for Vendetta is going to absolutely melt your mind, as it should.
It’s important to me that y’all realize war rooms are a real thing, have been for centuries if not millennia, and weren’t invented for movies or news.
Sure. That’s what ignoring something is for.
Depression can be its own diagnosis even if they’re common comorbidities.
Or, to put it another way, just because you have depression and ADHD doesn’t mean the ADHD caused the depression.
Wow, so you want humanity itself to die, choking on its own hubris instead of being purged in the Holy Fire of Atom?
We’ve all got a little Caesar in us, that’s where your slut gene comes from.
A total thermonuclear exchange can’t even kill humanity itself anymore, and honestly might save it.
Let’s do this thing.
Also rust protection. Northern cars just having the floor fall out is less of a thing.
Until the revolution…
Gandalf: I was there in spirit!