• Baku@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Today’s the day I finally get to go home. I’ve been away for just about 3 weeks. Unfortunately though I won’t be able to get into my room. The other kid blames me for him being kicked out, so he tried to pick my lock or something. Whatever he did, he fucked it up and I’ve been told it no longer unlocks. Apparently there’s a locksmith coming sometime between 9am and 5pm tomorrow to fix it, but until then I guess I’ll just be chilling in the lounge room.

    I’m also a bit worried honestly, because he seems like the type to hold grudges. I don’t know what I’m going to be walking back into, and what state of disrepair the house is going to be in. Also, I’ll be alone for the foreseeable future and, well, he knows where I live. He’s been abusive towards me a few times (although not directly at me, just at other people who’ve passed it onto me) over the last few weeks, too. Probably pessimistic and over the top, but I’m kind of expecting a brick to come through the window tomorrow night. Hoping for the best, but bracing for the worst, I guess

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      I’m so sorry dude. The people in charge of your situation fucked up royally and left you in this position. They’ve put you in danger through negligence.

      Please consider making a formal complaint if it won’t endanger your accommodation, or reach out to some independent advocates and tell them everything. Also please talk to somewhere like Berry St or Orange Door.

      I’m wondering whether taking out an ivo will create enough political pressure for them to move you. (And be worth the potential risk of aggravating this kid further.) Though you generally need a name and address to serve it which may require cooperation from the organisation - and these jokers seem to be the type to suddenly remember “privacy” now that it suits them to. (They will likely go into arse covering mode.)

      In your situation it would be called a Personal Safety Order. You are allowed to apply for one by yourself (not sure if your age affects that) or police may agree to apply for one on your behalf. You can apply online and court by WebEx is available sometimes, but if it’s in person there will be court volunteers to support you.

      It may be harder to get one as it isn’t a family member or ex/partner but having it puts you in a stronger position to have something done if he comes back. If you wrote down what happened plus the dates, this is where that comes in handy.

      Also please document that the lock was broken while you were away - even just a quick dated note, write that it happened in this date range so you remember. And preferably mention it in an email to the organisation for a paper trail that possibly prevents the damage being blamed on you or repairs billed to you. (Arse covering mode often involves blaming the victim for anything they can plus refusing to take responsibility or help.)

      Potentially report the burglary attempt and property damage to the police - even if you ring the cops and agree to do the report via email. Send photos of anything you can - reporting the property damage may mean that you won’t get charged for repairs or held responsible and have them try to kick you out.

      Ps. I’m sorry if this stresses you out worse. It’s just coming from someone who has dealt with many ferals.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        2 months ago

        Thanks Melba. I’m not sure I’ll go for an IVO, I’m not sure I’d even be able to since he hasn’t actually threatened me directly, he’s just made threatening comments about me to other people. If he comes back though, then I definitely will

        • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
          2 months ago

          Stay safe dude. It’s a pain in the butt but I suggest jot down anything that happens along with the date. (Even if it’s only a few words or one line.)

          Also it might be good to set up a camera in any way that works for you.

          • Baku@aussie.zone
            2 months ago

            I’ve actually been pushing to have a camera or maybe one of those little ringy bells installed, but the old LT was against it. Since it’s just me though, I think I will setup an old phone in a position that’ll capture the front door at least with one of those ipfs camera app thingies.

            The old LTs room sits right at the front of the house and has a view of the driveway and the front entrance, my room is in the front but sort of to the side (so I have a general view of the front porch and kind of the front door). But that’s also why I’m a little nervous, if anybody was going to break my window, they wouldn’t need to jump a fence first or anything, they could just walk up the driveway

              • Baku@aussie.zone
                2 months ago

                Unfortunately I can’t because the best vantage point and my spare phone are in the spare room, which the cops told me I should keep it locked and avoid going in there until they’ve come out, or officially decide not to. I did have another old phone in my drawer next to my bed, but I noticed today that it’s completely smashed and no longer turns on

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      so they actually kicked him? Jeez, thats surprising. Seemed like they wanted to drag this saga out as long as they could.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        2 months ago

        Well, they’ve been paying for (and organising) the workers and hotels, so I guess they were incentivised to cut costs

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Tinyest can now clap to the parts of “if your happy and you know it” which is pretty awesome. He’s also waving “Hello” after being able to wave bye bye for a while now. He does both at random though, and occasionally wants a high 5 or clap in between a waves. Still, progress. Scrubs was right, it really is like having a dog that slowly learns to talk.

  • Duenan@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Channel 9’s online streaming website is the absolute worst out of all the free to air channels.

    Always stop working and hangs and actually locks up my browser with the ability to wreck other free to air streaming sites requiring a total reboot of the browser.

    I hate channel 9!

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    I take back everything I said about the rain because lo, the moisture hath intensified. Needed to postpone one site visit to tomorrow. Absolutely horrible commute on the way back (even with it being school holidays). I think next Wednesday is a definite WFH day again. It’s such a shit route.

    Today’s been yuck enough that I just want to delete my brain and reset it for tomorrow. I suppose this is why people drink

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Oooooooo a dome that can fit two spires? Yes please!

    The space elevator and the mohole are so dang exxy, my Martians will have to wait for those. I hope to set up some rare metal exports very soon, I only have $12b left 💀

  • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Aldi shop is done. Will hit up one of the Oligopolies for the couple of things on the list they didn’t have. Time to cook dinner, go to gym, and make the most of the rest of today.

  • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    I looooove hard rubbish days. We had one here in Thornbury just recently. My haul this year included a really nice persian carpet approx 2 metres by 1.5 metres. Someone threw it out because they’d just replaced it with ‘something that suits the decor’. It’s in perfect condition - just a little grubby. No stains, no pet smells. It’s going off to the rug washer tomorrow for a thorough tubbing. Cost will be approx $150 for a really nice rug that suits me just fine. You couldn’t buy a nice wool persian carpet for that.

    I also scarfed some very nice wire trellis that will fit the fence around my back courtyard too. Come springtime I will install this and plant a grape vine on it. My nice italian next door neighbour has given me a potted shoot from his grapevine that his family brought over when they came to Australia - which makes the most amazing grappa so I am anxious to give this a go when the vine is fruiting. Lovely big reddish green grapes that are so so sweeeet.

  • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    In office today, in my regular seat, doing my regular work.

    A new team has moved onto our floor and they are waaaaaaay to fucking cheerful and loud.

    In my new managerial role I am going to have a word with their supervisor and give a polite reminder about shared workspaces.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      haha they did that to my department a while a go. Closed our office moved us into an office building in the middle of a floor with all the sales guys on the phone all day. Didnt last 12 hours before a department head was telling us to shut up, and the head of our department went “well, maybe don’t close our office and stick us in the middle of everyone else then ya dick!” Mad respect for the guy.

    • anotherspringchicken@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      It does my head in when people are loud in shared workspaces, like shut up, people are working here. There’s a special circle of hell reserved for the woman who does personal calls on speakerphone in my office.