Interested in sewing, gardening and preserving, with a strong focus on sustainability.

AKA @[email protected]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ve been thinking a bit about time travel today, and whilst I think overall travelling in time would be problematic (losing all narative structure to your life, requiring way too many tenses to keep track of and leading to constant jetlag) I think there are some things it could be really useful for.

    Most useful would be the ability to transport objects in time - imagine getting home from work, putting a roast in the oven and setting it to start cooking 3 hours ago. Then making up an extra plate of food and transporting it to tomorrow’s lunchtime so you can eat it freshly cooked and still hot. Food storage would also be revolutionised. Instead of trying to keep things fresh you just reach into the past to grab it when it actually was fresh! Leftovers would remain freshly cooked, you could have vine ripened summer tomatoes in the middle of winter and your milk would last however long you needed it to.

  • The level above “average” of the community that you need to be to get a medal might be lower, but the base level of difficulty they have to start at is much higher. Just navigating day to day life with a disability is a challenge, and the process of travelling overseas to compete would for many be a huge undertaking.

    In a lot of ways the method of separating out a lot of categories is fairer at rewarding effort over genetic endowment. We do this somewhat in other sports, like weightlifting or boxing where we have different weight categories. But you can have the most amazing basketball skills in the world, but if you are 5 ft tall you won’t be competitive. In reality the pool of potential competitors is restricted to the much smaller group who are really tall. So whilst you can say that the pool of “potential competitors” is every able bodied person, the reality is that the pool is only a small number of people who have the approproate genetic endowment to be in the top group. The narrowing of the selection pool is not as visible as in the paralympics and might be seen as “natural selection” rather than externally imposed, but it is still there.