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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • So sorry. I have a parent that went full extreme right wing conspiracy nutter during covid and has never come back. We don’t talk anymore, after much trying on my part and none on theirs. I have no advice other than look after your own mental health, because you probably can’t do anything about theirs. They have 100% certainty in their righteousness. I hope your situation is not as bad though. It’s rough, because it’s like loosing a parent. Actually, it is loosing a parent. You’ll grieve and wonder why. But you’ll feel better in time if you prioritise yourself. Took me too long to learn that.

  • From what you have described there might be a bit of a harsh truth that no one has said to you in a straight up way. Reading between the lines, they are saying you are poor at communicating task progress, which means probably stuffing other people around causing workplace inefficiencies and pissed off coworkers, because they don’t know the status of things. All jobs have boring components. Doing just the fun bits of your job and leaving the boring bits for others will lead to resentment from coworkers in every single workplace. Changing jobs won’t help this. I think you have to look at it from a team perspective. So I reckon use the grace period they are giving you to turn things around, it will be an asset for the rest of your career if you can overcome this. If I have misread the situation very sorry! Am just trying to help with another perspective.