• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • General and cat rambles

    Ah Melbcat has licked a hotspot. It’s fair enough. Things have been intense with meds around the clock, wiping her clean, and interrupting/delaying cuddles to do a dose or chores. (She still gets cuddles every night.) I’ll keep an eye on it and see if I need to shield the area. She’s probably finishing her antibiotics soon.


    I shouldn’t have spent money on something frivolous, especially overpriced fast fashion microplastic fabric. And when I could theoretically have sewn one myself. But I’ve been feeling absolutely terrible lately and wanted a squishmallow so I bought one. I don’t have the energy for patterns and sewing these days.

    I also got some sneakers. They’re not amazing for padding, kind of hard, but that’s because cheap. The pseudo slip-on deal is weird but works for me. Miraculously they kind of fit - a little loose but long enough. The wonky shoe proportions worked in my favour for once. They’re white so that’s risky but for now they look clean and presentable.

    The 2 pack of wireless bras is probably going to the op shop with tags still on. The band is way too tight and even with a band expander just digs in uncomfortably. It’s very hard to find something that isn’t awful even when buying brand names and there’s no time to go to the factory outlet, so I’ve given up and have just been playing clearance roulette.

  • Cat rambles

    This happened a few days ago. Melbcat spat medicine on herself so I removed her collar to clean her up… found a small hidden patch of slight matting where her tags rub.

    Completely unexpected since the collar is quite loose, I check to ensure it isn’t rubbing her skin and give her scritches, and she has short hair that she independently keeps well groomed. But she can’t reach that spot between chest and neck. It was lower and to the side, created and hidden by the tags. And she normally doesn’t like me to brush her. I carefully snipped out a small piece with round tipped kitchen scissors and combed out the rest.

    I’ve left her collar off for the moment but stressing about it.

    Melbcat is an inside kitty but I still prefer her to be wearing her ID and name tags at all times in case she door dashes… but perhaps as a more comfortable compromise I could get a collar with her info embroidered on. Or maybe just buy a cheap soft collar and Sharpie it on. Just for her to wear as ‘pyjamas’ around the house.

    Other considerations are a smaller softer brush to get at her chest/neck fur with, a bib for medicine time, and a more washable collar.