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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’ve definitely put my foot down on meeting this person solo. The people who’d normally go with me aren’t available til next week. After which point we are past the deadline. I’ve communicated this back and provided a solution that I think should satisfy everyone… but it’s not my problem until Friday, meanwhile let’s hope someone monitors the shared inbox.

    The person who normally goes on site and meets customers if necessary does it solo, I don’t quite have his mental fortitude! Not gonna hold myself up to his standards.

  • It fucken cold. And a long day. 11 hrs and nothing came easy today. The plus sides, though, are:

    • my uni stuff got sorted in the nick of time
    • I don’t need to redo my assignment
    • I found out I have until 28 Oct to rectify my whole 3G phone network bizzo. Two more months of breathing space to enact firmware hack or give up and buy a new phone.
    • I’m doing so much overtime I could probably take an extra day off and stretch it to 10 days away in Perth
    • can avoid today’s Angery Customer until Friday
    • avoided all the Weather today
    • have stash of ready-made food in freezer
    • pay day this week yey thank fuck
    • barely used my car, can save on filling up until next low point
    • long awaited haircut this week

    It’s gonna be alright… tries not to dramatically sob into pillow

  • Can I just delete this week, it looks like a whole pile of Everything Difficult And Going Wrong On All Fronts. Very aggro customer response that I’m frankly scared to deal with and responded as best I could to the intermediary (cust. wants face to face meeting. I put my foot down). More to come in other job tomorrow. And now it turns out I’ve been enrolled into the wrong bloody uni subject because nobody was paying attention (including me)… and who the fuck knows what fresh hell that opens up with uni bureaucracy and CSP payments. plus my assignment is now 50% over the word limit. I want to disappear into the ground.

  • Wow, totally bonkers dreams - epic story of environmental damage, human trafficking, my old work and family drama all in one. It would be too much to write it out, but it could’ve been a mildly interesting story of how a lowly environmental consultant discovers a massive crime operation through the cunning scrutiny of plans and unexpected access to certain areas. And then has to try and keep these developments secret while her family is in town for a big reunion but maybe some of them are involved as well…

    Okay whatever, time to get out of bed.