• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yeah, the whole power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely thing. Unfortunately inevitable, unless there is robust pushback from the rank & file. Same thing happens with political parties. The point of short electoral cycles is that the bad apples can be booted out before they’ve done much damage. Variable election dates also help with the booting process. What gets really nasty is a fixed election cycle like in the USA - where the last 2 years of an election cycle is spent getting re-elected instead of actually accomplishing anything. The appointment of a ‘king’ with no pre-specified end date for power works quite well if the ‘king’ is sensible, but if a bad apple gets power …

  • When unlawful power is called out and given a good smacking? Always entertaining to watch from a safe distance. Unions are not per se bad, but when the power inherent in them is abused it’s good to know that there are some ways to rein them in. You may be too young to remember the whole Painters & Dockers Union stuff, but they did things like murder people. As well as run-of-the-mill corruption and stuff. No-one was surprised when that union was forcibly de-registered - except maybe the members of the union. Seems like the CFMEU have forgotten that lesson.