Mine‘s getting so accustomed to cold showers that I a) absolutely do not mind cold water for swimming etc. anymore and b) could not enjoy warm or hot showers anymore. They just weren’t nice at all.
I work full home office
2 jobs one office here. WFH squared.
WFH gang rise up
Since 2020 or before it was cool?
After a lifetime of allergies, I’m really good at Dracula-sneezing in the least bad direction
Thanks to my allergies I can sneeze with my eyes open, (I don’t close them all the way) I remember people saying that was not possible?
I do this as a power move to intimidate my enemies when the going gets tough.
Sneezing in to your arm (looks like you’re covering your face with a cape like a vampire would).
Uh-uh-uh-von to ACHOO!
b) could not enjoy warm or hot showers anymore.
Grew up without hot running water and I can relate. It’s only a problem in some hotels really, where the showers don’t get cold enough.
My weird flex would be being so accustomed to command line that I don’t know how to use well, and get frustrated by, GUI applications.
Someone was probably around for Unix.
Setting environment variables in windows annoys me irrationally.
That is definitely a skill issue
idk, in linux its just adding a line to my bashrc or running a command, but on windows its opening settings, going into a specific page, pressing the advanced button, pressing the next advanced button and then choosing edit system environment variables.
Open Powershell
$env:MyVariable = “HelloWorld”
I haven’t seen any Star Wars movie.
Watch the first 6 and then stop
I enjoyed 7 when it first released. The visual style in the first 10 minutes was appealing and I figured we were retreading the same notes for nostalgia before going on a different plot with Finn. Nope, just poorly written rehashed story lines with nonsense plot devices. So much potential thrown away.
That’s fine, but don’t make it a personality trait.
the original 3 are good (a new hope/empire/return of the jedi) and the rest are bullshit
yeah, that’s what I heard, too.
funny thing is that I haven’t seen any of them, still know everything about it, thanks to 9gag through osmosis.
for a long time, this is why I decided not to watch any of thr movies, as I never would be able to experience it as first time.
but now, since I’m a bit older I know that’s stupid, it’s just some movie so I’ll watch those eventually with gf.
The thing I like about the original Star Wars trilogy is not that they were great stories, but just that they had really, really good pacing. The characters and scenarios were introduced at just the right rate so that when the big action scenes came around you really cared about them, especially in the first one. That’s also where the later films fell down. I don’t consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, but I would say it’s worth appreciating for the art of it even if you already know the stories.
Huh. That is weird but it shouldn’t be.
I go to bed at 9pm everyday, and get 8hrs+ of sleep.
Alright tone down the bragging, we get it , you’re “well balanced” or whatever
Hello from 2:23 am. I resent you so hard right now.
Fucking superpower right there, straight out of a videogame
With that reduced amount of “me time” (he/she time?) I bet OP wouldn’t understand videogame references /s
I need this so much
Me too, but I’m too lazy to go to bed. I rather procrastinate till late night, not wanting the day (and my onyl me time) to end. So i go sleep late and wake up grumpy every single day. Yay!
I’m double jointed.
Quite the opposite. I am so used to burn away my migraines, i can last in 60 degrees hot water for a (short) while.
That’s nothing! I can last in 100C water, for a (very short) while
I have a stomache of steel. Nothing will pass my digestive tract alive or intact. I never had any kind of stomache trouble and I can not puke. I ate every dish in south-east-asia that landet in front of me, even from some dirty streetfood shack in the middle of the burmese jungle. Most of the stuff would have killed the average middle european slob. Not me.
It even goes so far that I cannot use edibles. Which is funny, because all the growmies make fun of me now.
I have a pretty ironclad stomach, but not as strong as yours. I’ve been with my wife for 13 years and she’s witnessed the horror that is me puking twice. And the first time came 4 years ago. My friends say it sounds like I’m “calling the dinosaurs” and it is very traumatic for me.
Edit: I forgot my point. I’m jealous.
The dog-barf…
Street food is often the safest anyhow, its the hotels and water you have to worry about
This is genuinely so cool.
I can not puke
No gag reflex you say? 😇
Omg I love trippy ambient electronic. PM me if you want. I have so many suggestions and would love to get some from you too.
After over half a century of action, a lot of it in “extreme sports”, and countless injuries, I have yet to break a bone.
Congrats! Must be all the malk.
We don’t have any malk, but I can get you some MILK
Good god, I have to rewatch that right now. Thanks, I’m not the only one thinking of that video!
Now with vitamin R!
I used to drive a Ford Flex. I was frequently assured of its weirdness.
Start a limo service in Vegas with a fleet for the novelty.
call it Flex Appeal
bro marketing like ‘Flex on your whole crew!’
I can drive as long as possible without touching my phone.
Isn’t this like… idk… normal intelligent human behavior?
haha intelligent and normal are usually two different categories of drivers
For the 2022 Microsoft Excel World Championship I downloaded the problems the moment they were released to the contestants and public and solved as many as I could in real time. I would have finished 5th.
You’d better be well paid, whatever you do. Like politics, all the wrong people go into Excel.
Couldn’t agree more. I’m not, but I’m doing my duty so there’s that.
Now that there’s python in excel, I wonder how that competition will change.
Yeah… And what about copilot?
I can drive 18 hours at a time only stopping for fuel and something to eat while driving.
That is impressive! I can’t go 18 hours without a bathroom break.
Normal, hydrated person can’t go 18 hours without toilet break.
Okay, well I’ll admit. I do pee at gas stations.
Sounds like your whole story is falling apart now!
My personal record is 22 hours.
Interesting, my record is the same.
I can perform almost any activity in adidas slides, and have for the last 20 years of my life and have yet to twist my ankle. Hiking? No problem. Running? Totally cool!