How does a manual espresso machine work? Do you need to use a cheater bar/lift weights to use one?
The burr is also detectable lengthwise. When starting with a dull blade it feels smooth while sliding fingers lenghtwise. When the burr is formed, it starts to feel rough. When it feels like it’s digging into skin, it’s sharp. It’s a very subjective thing though, everybody has different fingers.
When sharpening knives, with practice you can tell when you are done by sliding your fingertips along (not across) the sharpened bevel. It’s possible to feel imperfections measured in micrometers this way.
I’m partial to Mildlife
It’s not theft. It’s price gouging.
What do the people there think of Mohammed bin Salman?
What are some of your favorite foods?
Also your car needs real winter tires, preferably studded.
Yep, low in flavor and easy to overcook.
Perplexingly they’re bred to maximize the size of the worst meat; the breast.
Huh, I somehow thought the production method had shifted to renewable energy.
hydrogen as an alternative to electric is definitely not a ploy by big oil to keep drilling for fossil fuels!
What are you talking about?
50 species of gulls and every last one of them is a cunt.
Because “they” refers to multiple people?
North Indian is the best.
This might be the least cursed headcheese ever, despite the crazy ingredient list.
Itsekin selasin r/suomea jatkuvasti ennen kolmannen osapuolten sovellusten blokkia. Olihan se ajoittain hyvä ja kiinnostava paikka mutta suurimmaksi osaksi siellä tuli vain masokistisesti suututtua/ärsyynnyttyä milloin mistäkin.
Lemmyssä on valitettavan radikaali käyttäjäkunta vielä tässä vaiheessa. All:ia selatessa tuntuu että joka toisen postauksen kommenteissa runkataan kapitalismin alasajolle ja rikkaiden ihmisten teloittamiselle. Onneksi pystyy blokkaamaan communityja ja instansseja.
A year is plenty of time to whittle some new wooden clubs for the next inevitable brawl.