What does “may not be able to salvage his candidacy” mean in this case?
“may not win” or “may not run”?
May not win
may ruin
If the Biden dropped out and the democrats nominated a box of moldy dog shit, I’d still vote for the dog shit.
Sounds like you’re in a cult.
No, I just don’t support treasonous rapists. Do you?
What would you do if the Democrat was also a treasonous rapist?
Hope that there was a third viable choice.
Ask you for proof before pointing at the mountains of evidence around Trump.
Cult of personality dosen’t work that way. No one on the left is happy at all Biden is the nominee, they just know how insane fascism is and Trump is going to use the judiciary to get a seemingly legal stamp to end the republic and make himself a dictator, then privatization of all US assets.
I didn’t say that it was a cult of personality.
I feel like that would only help ou chances…
Tick tock mother fucker.
Man, I’m running out of fucks to give, I couldn’t care less at this point, my vote is anti-fascist whatever happens
Can we just get there already?
The nearly endless campaign cycle seems tailor-made to wear us out. Wouldn’t it be nice to have it for two weeks max and then vote and be done with it? Everyone already knows how they’re gonna vote, don’t they?
You needed that much time before TV to travel the US because it was so large. With the information overload age, that is definitely not a problem anymore as everyone can see every rally and debate remotely
Yeah, French and British showed us we don’t need that much time.
Their territory is also extremely small though so in a week you can cover a lot of places to hold assemblies. Candidates will still want to show up in most States at least once so a month and a half is pretty much the minimum…
Their territory is also extremely small
Other way around. At 4th largest and 3rd most populated country in the world, the US is extremely oversized and should really be broken up like the banks should.
Candidates will still want to show up in most States at least once
Which is just empty pandering that most voters see right through.
If asked whether they would prefer a campaign stop or an extra week working on policy that helps their state, reasonable people choose the latter every time.
French and British territories are very small, keep up with the discussion buddy.
They aren’t, no. Keep up with geographical trends, pal.
USA: 9 525 067 km²
France: 549 087 km² (5.7% of USA)
UK: 243 610 km² (2.6% of USA)
There’s a reason why the last two can easily be covered in two weeks of electoral campaigning. They are small.
You’ve made assumptions that I think matter.
many voters see right through that
Yeah but the voters who don’t, the voters who can change their mind, are the ones who need that. They’re not doing it for the 90% who see through that, they’re trying to convince the last 10% to vote for them.
reasonable people choose [better policy] every time
Same thing. They’re not going after reasonable people. We’ve see recently how many people don’t care about policy and only care about how the character is displayed
Which is just empty pandering that most voters see right through.
Even if this is true, it is false. This is what lost Hillary her election. She took some easy blue states for granted and they gave us Trump instead.
Empty pandering, sure, absolutely. But voters need to see the person they’re electing. They need that person to come to their area and tell them that they know we exist. The personal touch will make or break a real election, and that’s because humans are dumb, panicky, emotional animals.
We’re all so very fucked.
Kill me
Yeah, a piece of me is concerned that if Biden drops out now, Kamala will have to start campaigning “from scratch”, which is a setback.
But the way things are now, it’s probably best if we just rip the Biden band-aid off now and do a Democrat party campaign reset. And the sooner the better. Kamala needs as much time to make up for Biden’s blunders as possible.
Also, honestly, the mistake that put us in this position happened in 2020. Biden never should have run for his first term. Because where we find ourselves now is the inevitable result of him having won his first term in 2020.
God. Kamala is under 60. What a breath of fresh air that would be.
lol I’d sooner vote for neolib Biden than for that neolib pig Kamala 😂
You will get absolutely what you deserve in 2024.
All I am saying is fuck the cop. The Democratic Party is getting what it deserves for everything it did to get to where it is today.
Okay, but my trans ass doesn’t deserve to be killed by fascists, so I dont really give a shit rn frankly
Cool beans, I hope trump isn’t voted for then for your sake. Not sure why me saying I prefer biden over kamala makes a difference right now to you.
Because what you are saying is still making that more likely. The right are gonna fall in line, we NEED to be able to do the same
Okay cool beans I guess I like Kamala more, I’m voting for her now instead of Biden thanks for the help!
Yeah! You show 'em!
I’m 100% sure your personal outrage and principles are the keys to 2024. Just squint super hard, focus on your very narrow perspective and ignore the bigger picture. That’s the ticket! What could possibly go wrong?
you really had to add ‘pig’?
stay classy lemmy
She’s is a cop supporter.
AFAIK they are referring to her prior job as Attorney General of California, literally working with the police, people seem to equate it to her being a cop herself.
oh yes I did not enjoy her prosecutorial work either but unusual nickname for a lawyer. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt
I appreciate it. Yes, it’s because ACAB. She’s convicted 1.9k people over weed.
If it’s Kamala, she legally can keep/use all the campaign cash raised for Biden’s re-election too since her name is on the ticket Biden/Harris 2024.
It was absolutely good that Biden run in 2020. His familiarity with the office allowed him to run the country from day 1 (remember how trump was blocking handover and didn’t help with transition of power?)
Biden doing foreign policy for Obama helped him tremendously with repairing all the relationships (he personally knew most of the politicians) that trump damaged and restoring NATO. Putin started invasion, because he was doubting that Biden will be able to bring NATO together in time (the invasion happened in February 2022, but or intelligence disclosed that they observed preparations as early as April 2021)
I don’t think anyone else from the 20 candidates we had in 2020 was capable of pulling this. Not because I don’t think they would be bad presidents, but because they would need time to ramp up
Biden running in 2020 was a good decision. But he shouldve stepped down after like he promised. Whoever came next would have the legitimacy afforded by a proper primary, instead of being a crapshoot as swapping in Harris this late would be
But the way things are now, it’s probably best if we just rip the Biden band-aid off now and do a Democrat party campaign reset. And the sooner the better. Kamala needs as much time to make up for Biden’s blunders as possible.
The real problem with Biden isn’t the blunders he has committed so far, but the blunders he’s yet going to commit.
Yep. Let’s do that instead of focusing on the fascists winning.
Black woman? Suuure, Americans will certainly flock to her
Obamas first term election result was pretty strong from what i remember
back then it was still cool to pretend like you’re not racist the rise of Trump made it cool to openly hate hombres from shithole countries again
He’s not going to drop out. Nobody voluntarily gives up that much power.
Look, I am voting for the Democrat nominee no matter who it is, but I feel like this is why we should have primaries so we don’t end up in a situation where we are finding out that the presumptive nominee is not always coherent.
March was the time to raise and have these concerns, not July.
Hold on hunny im busy watching the final season of the unites states of america.
I think the majority of this is bullshit.
Homie I know said he was worked on an announcement for a replacement candidate. But it was not aired. He would not say the replacements name, but he said it was not Newsom. Sounds like Biden was on the fence about quitting.
Or maybe the replacement they had in mind said no thanks
have you tried nominating anyone younger than a mountain
That would involve Americans being interested in politics more then once every 4 years
Maybe if the news had talked about someone besides Trump sometime in the last decade we’d be better informed.
like you were informed before TFG ran for office…? or were they talking about him then too?
Not sure what TFG means. I would consider myself fairly well informed prior to Trump getting elected. Presidents still got the lion’s share of coverage but I was fairly aware of what a lot of other political figures were doing. Since Trump was running against Hillary practically everything in US politics is about him or relating to him in some way. I still try to read news every day but it’s incredibly frustrating with how much coverage that orange POS gets.
weird you switched from “we” in your previous comment to “I” here. my point was the US voters were never well informed. be it reelecting W, or picking the original celebrity president Reagan with an insane landslide, a brilliant move that would ruin the country for generations to come.
Yes, they tried, and Biden won about 90% of votes in the primaries.
Lol. Such a ridiculous take.
So at the time people with private access were swearing up and down the emperor had clothes, the people voted in a ‘primary’ where the only opposition was someone no one had ever heard of with no media budget and with no debates between the candidates, and voted for the allegedly clothed emperor.
Then the emperor showed up stark naked to a debate, everyone saw with their own eyes, and people are freaking out.
But no, naked dude is definitely what “the people” want.
Do commenters regurgitating this stuff even hear themselves?
Bidens age was never a secret. Votes have consequences. People rejected Bernie twice, now live with the consequences.
Same for the Republicans, they could have had Bush 2, Rubio, Kaisich, Hailey or even Cruz, they chose the criminal ignorant clown.
w was bush 2
are we pretending there was a real democratic primary now?
“rigged election”… where have I heard that lately…
oh that’s so weak. this isn’t the general election. yes it is rigged because there were no real options. who were the primary candidates?
Your ignorance is not “rigging”.
answer the fucking question
What’s the point? Even if I didn’t know, you think I wouldnt just Google it? What does that prove?
The DNC never ran a primary of any kind. The incumbent is always given the nomination.
I’d vote for a mountain over a fascist every day of the week. And twice on Sundays.
as you should. and of course you would, though the question is whether the American people in general will, especially considering the incredibly democratic elections you have where it doesn’t matter which candidate has the most votes.
That’s great and all
But were talking about winning an election.
A pretty serious election…
Can we try not doing it with both hands tied behind our back?
Pretty sure the person in a straitjacket shouldn’t be complaining about tied hands.
Why does it matter if he’s up for the job or not? Trump is absolutely unfit, and also petty, malicious, vindictive, an enemy of democracy, an ally to our enemies, a compulsive liar, a 34x convicted felon, a rapist, a scammer, a pedophile, a seditionist, a traitor, and so many other things that shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near positions of power.
This is a popularity contest, as it’s always been. There’s more people that want to vote for Trump than there is for Biden. Hinging an entire election on the never-Trumps is fucking risky.
That’s a sad statement to make about a few hundred million voters.
But…it also perfectly aligns with their history.
Last time they de-throned a fascist who threatened global peace and stability it required the ill-judged intervention of a 3rd party…who ironically thought crippling the US Pacific Fleet would do the opposite.
So you want a weak candidate to run against him?
No. But since one is, and we are powerless to change that, it doesn’t matter. Trump is absolutely, by, and far, the worst candidate, and worst president, in the lifetime of anyone alive today. He’s a pathetic, disgusting, excuse for a human being, and isn’t qualified to run anything, let alone the most powerful country in the world. I don’t care if his opposition is a chimpanzee, or a literal pile of garbage. Either option would be preferable to him.
But we aren’t powerless. Talk to your local Democrats. Heck, email the white house. Making us feel powerless is part of manufactured consent.
Not once in my entire long lifetime has writing to my senators ever done a single thing other than generate an auto response. :(
I mean, in the last few months I carpet bombed an executive team with a well-written email and got a response within two days. If I can get the attention of some money-grubbin, tax dodging, narcissistic, wannabe dictator types to give a shit, I am sure we can collectively manage something.
That’s cool, man. I do write my senators. I was writing them pretty much every other week from 2020-2022. I wrote them extensively when trump needed to be impeached. But I haven’t received anything back other than an auto-response. I shouldn’t be negative about it, nor discourage other people from writing to their representatives. Please do write them, and continue writing them. I’m just personally a little jaded after the last 8 years of political fuckery.
I won’t ever ask you to not be jaded. In fact, I heavily recommend being wholly pissed. Only just that…the basics should continue. We should write those letters and vote. We should also be doing much more.
So in a way I’m right there with you.
Because Trump is such an existential threat.
If a serial killer was for sure coming to your house to kill your family, would you open the door for Barney Fife just because you think “well I won’t open the door for the serial killer”?
Or would you maybe ask the police HQ to send a more competent opposition to the serial killer rather than just welcoming Barney Fife with open arms, because “after all, he’s not the serial killer that’s on his way.”
There’s 5 months before the serial killer shows up. That’s more than double how long the entire election cycle for other countries takes.
Plenty of time for HQ to send actual backup, instead of who was already in the neighborhood and offers very little protection against the killer.
I agree with you in that regard. But they’re probably not going to send anyone except Barney. We can’t control the DNC. Short of revolt, all we can do is write the DNC and our senators, and protest. In the end they’re the ones making the choice.
Why does it matter if he’s up for the job or not
we’re supposed to be electing people to govern well so the country prospers. instead we’ve been electing lesser-evils for so long that the country is garbage now
I understand. What I’m saying is that in this situation neither of them are up for the job, but the alternative is openly hostile to everything this country stands for. The decision given our options is clear to me.
There isn’t just one alternative. The dems could put up a new nominee. They have 4 months. It’s plenty of time. Biden doesn’t even have to step aside.
Yes. Hopefully they do. But I don’t think they will. Maybe I’m wrong! Prove me wrong, DNC!
The decision given our options is clear to me.
Here are some of the names I’ve heard floated so far: Harris, Buttigieg, Whitmer, Newsome. Are you telling me that Biden is a better choice than any of these? Especially when polling shows some of them beating Trump by 2-3%. (While Biden is currently losing by 1%.)
Unfortunately we can’t make those people run, or force the DNC to put them on the ballot.
Why don’t you americans have some younger and more capable people to vote for?
Why are you voting for nearly dead person and a liiiiiiiittle bit less nearly dead person that is also one of the most stupid beings on this planet?
Because they let old people vote while not going out to vote themselves and prefer to complain on the internet about the results instead of getting involved.
Ohhhh, young people didn’t vote hard enough.
The entire political scene is 70+ but it’s young peoples fault that the country is falling apart.
Barely over 40%
Young people don’t get directly involved enough, the reason the whole political scene is over 70 is because younger alternatives don’t get elected.
Young people don’t deserve instant blame, but it’s a catch 22 that only young people can break, so even if it’s not their fault, it’s their responsibility.
They don’t vote because they don’t see representation for their issues. They don’t see representation for their issues because they don’t vote.
Right now they complain while not voting in large consistent numbers. If young people simply voted consistently in as high numbers as the elderly, they both would have representation and no reason to complain.
probably… if i had to decide between biden and trump i’d take biden, no question.
But let’s be honest here, both of them shouldn’t be a allowed to even run for presidancy. Both are way too old and one of them is a fucking convicted fellon.
I agree, but as long as a minority of people under 30 bother to vote, why would they expect politicians to care about them?
I vote a lot and politicians don’t care about me.
Good, now get the other 60% of people under 30 to vote as well
They care even less than politicians about what I think.
Then get involved directly if you want to see someone with your opinions on the ballots.
that’s so weird to see… look at the eu parliament elections a couple weeks ago.
so many young people voted.
In the US, it’s not cool to pay attention to politics. People under 40 will refuse to vote and then brag about because the system is rigged. They won’t run for any elected office either. In my state, most local races are unopposed Republicans. That’s right, our left wing (lol left wing) party can’t even field candidates in most races because Democrats are so unpopular and no one wants to run.
It’s okay. This is likely the last election for a while. What’s going to be the most frustrating is when the undesirables are killed or reeducated, they’ll act like it was inevitable.
Why don’t you americans have some younger and more capable people to vote for?
God I’ve said this almost as long as I’ve been able to vote
Because the not-fascists are broadly satisfied to say “I told you so” from the moral high ground, and thus aren’t super invested in winning. Those that are are so idealistic that they cant actually politic effectively, think never voting for a moderate will convince the party to try harder to appeal to them instead of write them off as unreliable.
That’s a wonderful question.
Because America isn’t a democracy, it’s governed by 2 parties that service Capital above all else and presents preselected candidates that don’t represent the interests of the people.
You can vote third party, but this is actively discouraged by both the establishment and the broader public, even if the broader public wishes it could happen. This provides an illusion of choice thay ultimately makes no material difference.
oh look .ml pushing more both sides are the same bullshit. Shocking
Both the DNC and GOP are Capitalist parties. The GOP is a far-right populist party, and the DNC is a right-wing Liberal party. They have numerous differences, but also numerous similarities. They can be compared both ways.
The United States is the global Hegemon, with a firmly entrenched Capitalist class that dominates the media and both major political parties via donations and funding. The parties care more about maintaining the good graces of their donors than they do materially benefiting the public.
No, both parties are not the same, but both draw their support from the same direction and as such ultimately move in directions that service those that support them.
You can choose someone else. A lot of people just say this same rhetoric and make everyone else feel hopeless.
Strategically speaking, voting for a 3rd party in the US system means throwing away your vote. Which means even less people are going to vote 3rd party and the cycle continues.
The 2 options must be REALLY unpopular in order for a 3rd party to even start to have a chance.
You undertsand no third party ever wins under an FTTP system, because it is mathematically impossible
Meaning I can vote third party, or meaning I can choose a different representative of the DNC? Again, the DNC preselects candidates and pushes them forward, Biden has an abysmal approval rating and is still being propped up. Third Party voting doesn’t seem like it will gain enough impact to take the presidency either.