• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Same as anything else.

    Like there’s Cody Johnston (some.more news), who was an editor for Cracked decades ago when it was one of the top websites in the world before even Facebook was live.

    He does podcasts, and talks about news and obviously politics with an election coming up.

    And others where they are informed and provide insight to shit that’s happening. Those are fine.

    Then there’s people making entertainment videos and their topic is politics they’re worthless.

    Like science. Neil Degrasi Tyson makes a lot of youtube videos these days, and so does PBS.

    Comparing them to a YouTuber who says airplanes turn the frog gay isn’t really sensical even tho both talk about “science”.

    Usually just looking at the title and thumbnail is enough to tell what kind of video it will be.

  • From India’s pov, China is always the Boogeyman, they don’t really need explicitly involved.

    For Biden I think the propaganda will be that America siding with Ukraine should be taking as a warning that America will side with Pakistan. Maybe even to the point where India starts a war with Pakistan by attacking America first.

    If we do see WW3 I think China will take the Soviets spot where it starts out as them fighting their own war against Russia’s side, then hopefully they align with the modern allies to stop the modern axis.

    And we’re left with a cold war style thing between China and the West.

    Which like, we’re kind of doing already?

    There’s just too many different wars going on and countries will continue to join one side or the other as they drag on.

    Recent European elections are a good sign at least, but shit could expand to an actual World War really any day now. It’s not guaranteed to pop off, but it’s been too close to comfort for years now already

  • it’s just I do know there will be people that wanted to vote exclusively Biden who will no longer vote because it wouldn’t be biden

    I mean, the DNC isn’t putting a progressive in the race, it’s almost certainly gonna be Kamala if it happens.

    If there are some who will only vote for Biden (I doubt it) I just can’t see them not coalescing around the DNCs pick.

    Even if they do, it’ll be like 08 PUMA where it turned out to be just an incredibly vocal but tiny group

  • Yes, I know the basics of neurology and anatomy. I also know that you’re less likely to focus and use those mental functions if you’re exhausted from travel and sickness,

    Did you not watch the interview?

    He was back 12 days from the overseas trip before the debate, and Biden contradicted himself by saying it wasn’t a virus and then it was a cold.

    Seriously, it’s a good interview, they brought up a lot of tough questions and would repeat when he wouldn’t answer.

    My point about his stutter is that people are pretending that he’s far worse than he is because he struggled that night with his speech

    But it was far worse than a stutter…

    I literally just gave you a 36 year timeline of his public speaking abilities…

    and doing fine without any obvious characteristic signs of severe mental decline that are not expected for his age, why should we focus so hard on it?

    Because “for his age” is him breaking his own world record for “oldest American president”…

    And four years ago it was already a valid concern.

    You can see that he’s fine in the ABC interview.

    I can not…

    The one that I linked for “now” up there?

    Like, even if you mean you personally consider that “fine” theres noway that you can think people don’t have a valid reason to question after the interview.

    And I will not accept your claim that his stutter was only during his teenage years.

    Fine, but I can’t provide links of every single time Biden spoke publicly on video and expect you to watch all of it to verify.

    You just need to find one video of Biden stuttering before 2012 when I said it came back. Hell, let’s just say the 2012 video I linked. Give me a timestamp where he’s as bad as he is now and I’ll say I’m wrong.

    Those are life-long conditions.

    You think it’s literally impossible to overcome a stutter?

    I don’t think you understand how common stuttering was back then for kids. Biden got rid of it by fifth grade, completely gone with no trace before he went to college.

    Like, it happens now less commonly, but how do you think everyone with a childhood stutter continues to have a stutter? And how is Biden so special his disappeared for 60 years?

  • I would vote for anyone opposite Trump

    So why argue against people trying to get a better candidate?

    1. You and everyone else willing to vote for Biden, will vote for any Dem.
    2. Some people don’t want trump, but won’t vote Biden.
    3. There exist other politicians who can be the Dem nominee.

    Conclusion: Sticking with Biden, becomes the worst chance at beating trump.

    Don’t worry about anything else, just look at that logic.

    Can you find any flaw in it?

    But just so you don’t keep asking:

    I’m curious, though, who is your candidate?


    But again. All we’re talking about who can beat Trump. And if that logic up there isn’t something you disagree with, let me know. Just stripping this all down to a pure logic thing.

    I’m optimistic this will work.

  • But that fear is hypothetical, we’ve never tried it.

    We do know what happened to Jimmy Carter and trump. The last two incumbents that ran for elections with approval numbers similar to Biden.

    I just can’t imagine a single person willing to vote Biden but not for any other D nominee.

    So I don’t understand how any replacement can be considered worse than Biden.

    Where are those “only Biden” voters?

    If theryre the same ones that voted against Obama, well, there wasn’t enough to matter back then either.

  • People actively ignore that he has a speech impediment.

    You know Biden has been on camera for decades, right?

    1988, literally called the greatest orator of his generation:


    2008, still great:


    2012 debates, this is when his childhood stutter came back, because he’s almost 70 (get into that below) but he’s still lucid and very on top of his game:


    2020, lots of people had doubts, but between him and trump he squeaked out a very narrow win:




    He had a childhood speech impediment. When someone overcomes that, it’s because of a semi-concious action in the prefrontal cortex. As we age, that’s one of the first parts of our brains that takes a hit. And it is very easy to write off damage for years, but it’s accumulating.

    That same part of the brain handles critical thinking, controlling emotions, and overcoming impliciti bias which is why there’s a stereotype of people “getting” racist as they age. They’re literally losing the part of the brain that say people outside of their in-group might not be murderers and thieves.

    You don’t have to take my word for it. There is literal decades of science about how aging effects the brain.

    Look at those videos. Biden isn’t starting down this path, he’s pretty fucking far down it, and were discussing if he can run the country during a fascist takeover.

  • Especially if when you asked him if anyone else could do the surgery, and he drifted off, rambled on a bit, then eventually said only “lord God” would prevent him from doing the surgery no matter what anyone else said…

    It’s fucking insane so many people are defending him. They act like the president is meaningless but also that it has to be Biden. And they can’t give a single reason that isn’t easily disprovable.

    They’ve tied their identity to Biden like trumpets to trump.

    But like, at least with trump I get how idiots would fall for it. I have no idea why it’s happening with Biden.