I remember when the smoking ban was introduced in the UK and the smell of smoke in pubs and clubs was replaced by the stench of body odour, I was actually wanting smoking to return as it was a more tolerable smell!!
Either I’ve got used to it now or people have learned to wash because I don’t notice it anymore!
Did not miss having to dodge cigs at waist height on dance floors though.
It was sick near me, the pubs now clean up properly.
I wonder if our current world has a specific smell that people from the 80s would notice
People from the 40s would recognize the current smell of the world.
I feel like it’s probably the people from the ~1880s-1920s would know the smell of the world today
Cannabis. At least most major cities in Europe/North America I find it really common now to openly smell cannabis all hours of the day. Combination of the strains being MUCH stronger and legalization. Even just 20 years back, of course in the Haight in SF or certain parts of NYC you’d smell it, or outside clubs/bars at night. But today I walk through Downtown SF at 830am and smell it every other block. Was in the design district in NYC a few weeks back and same deal.
It’s common, but absolutely not omnipresent the way cigarette smoke was. Even now it’s quite distinctive and noticable, even if common.
Helps that most people don’t smoke a pack of joints every day.
I’m hoping car exhaust takes that role.
There’s more methane in the atmosphere now. It probably smells like a fart.
Methane needs 5-16PPM [PDF] to be detectable with human smell. Atmospheric Methane is at about 2ppm. So the vast majority of people would not notice a difference.
methane doesn’t have an odor, you linked to the data sheet of trichlorofluoromethane, a completely different molecule
The gas in your house is artificially made stinky so that people would notice leaks and blow their house up, which happened a lot back when the stinky chemicals weren’t added and it was odorless
That’s what I get for moving quick, thank you. I guess the overall point that methane will not make the atmosphere smell still holds
Experienced this when I went to Barcelona a few years back. Lovely city, but stepping out into the street felt like stepping into a cigar bar.
Same experience in Paris a while ago. My sister was about to dig into her spaghetti when someones cigarette ash drifted onto it…
I don’t mind it in the streets. I mean, as long as it’s outside it’s okay.
However, I remember a hotel in Spain where clients would be allowed to smoke indoors. It was hell.
I tie it to Germany. I remember getting off the plane the first thing I got hit with was the smell of cigarette smoke. And then wandering through parks and seeing kids smoking with their parents.
You should go to Cologne (or I bet any other major city), now it’s weed smell everywhere 😂
You used to be able to light the rivers on fire too but Nixon helped ruin that.
Don’t worry, Trump is working hard to bring it back! Make Waterways Burn Again!
By signing the EPA into existence?
Friends and I love to dance to live music, and back in the day this was often in a local bar, where people were drinking and smoking. It was policy to remove our clothing outside to let it ‘air out’ rather than bring that smoke smell into the house. Of course we were all dancing HARD, in a smoke filled rooms. I wondered if I was in training to be a fire fighter, or what?
I remember going out at night then leaving my jeans on my bathroom floor, then in the morning the whole bathroom would smell like an ashtray. It was the worst!
Unfortunately it’s still like that at my in-laws houses. Whenever they send our kids birthday or Christmas presents in the mail, we have to air out the packages for a few days.
And 500 more cigarettes
They apparently found a cure for cancer.
But not for brain rot
I remember going into cafés and things when I was a young man about 14 years old… You wouldn’t be able to see across a small room for the sheer fog bank of cigarette smoke.
We didn’t think anything of it
Look at pictures of people in their 30s back in the 70s, and compare them to people in their 30s today. It’s a massive difference, I hypothesize that it’s the leaded gasoline and secondhand smoke that makes it although I’m not aware of any science to back that up.
Probably a lot of it was first hand smoke.
More stress, tbh. We’re starting to see it swing back, a lot of millennials look older than their Genx counterparts at the same age
There is a lot of science to back it up, but all of it is on the opposite direction (those things cause aging), and we can’t really tell if the aging we saw was caused by any of them or if there was something else going on.
Some of it is also styles. If you came of age in the 1970s, then 50 years on, you probably dress and have your hair done like it’s the 1970s. We associate those styles with old people and then see the same styles in old photos, which makes the people in them look old.
That’s only a partial explanation, though. A lot of that stuff did age you faster.
it was the chaos demons
It’s still this way in the place where I live 😖
I hate nicotine so fucking much
I’m so glad the USA had such a strong anti-smoking campaign when I was young.
Well let’s just hope the tobacco industry doesn’t get the good idea to cut Elon or Trump a check…
Vapes are way more popular with younger audiences though. I don’t think tobacco companies care about getting more people hooked on cigarettes anymore, and they don’t need government help to make vaping more popular.
autistic person here, I still don’t get why people start. Like, I get that once you start you are physically addicted by the nicotine, but why even start? You don’t look cool, you don’t look tough, you only look like a dumbass who’s gonna go broke buying cigarettes, die in their 60s, and spend a painful life while reaching it because you are always exhausted and out of breath
Like shit, do weed or LSD, at least you’ll have a nice time, but cigarettes are just all downsides
People generally start when they’re too young to really understand consequences, and there’s a tiny buzz you experience during the first few cigarettes. I think there’s an aspect of self-harm to the psychology of it as well (and obviously it is self-harm, but we don’t really think of it like cutting or something similar)
Thats a new way of thinking about smoking tho, again back in its hayday it was seen as cool, ,tough, adult, badass, rebellious, etc which is part of why it got so popular… along with this alot of kids grew up with smoker parents (or smoker friends) so they didnt see any problem with starting themselfs
Sorry to hear that. Where is this?
There are certain places I actually miss cigarette smell in. Most importantly, bowling alleys. They just aren’t the same anymore. It was part of the ambiance.
Did you stop bowling for a while? Over time my idea of “bowling alley smell” gradually shifted to wax, spilled drinks, and well-oiled antique machinery.
I wouldn’t change it back. Now it smells more distinctive from everywhere else.
Yes, I did. I bowled a lot when I was younger, I was even on the varsity bowling team at my high school. That was the last time I regularly bowled. Now it’s like, once or twice a year.
yummy cancer juice
I’m old enough to remember the same things on airplanes.
Smoking rates were around 40% up through the 1970s. If you didn’t smoke, you almost certainly got it second hand. Which implies that up through the smoking bans of the 1990s, everyone (except maybe some farmers and other outdoorsy types) were on a psychoactive drug 24/7 at least a little.
I mean sure, nicotine is technically a psychoactive drug. But so is caffeine and theobromine, so should we stop giving kids chocolate? Ban all coffee shops? Honestly not sure what your point is here. Everything is drugs, at least a little.
The difference is, the rest of them are not being force fed to those who don’t want it.
Cigarette smoke is literally poisoning the lifeline of humans [1].
and everything that interacts with the atmosphere, including my computer. How many times have I had to get gunk off of the dust filters and fans and I tend to seal my room a lot more than the normal person ↩︎
That basically is my point. It’s eye opening for people who don’t think about drugs that way.
Ah okay i misunderstood. Regardless there were far more harmful things influencing everyone in the 70s than nicotine, like the thousands of toxic additives and carcinogens in secondhand smoke, or the lead in the paint and the gasoline.
Reminds me of this ancient story I saw making the rounds on Reddit a few years ago: https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2003/12/07/DJs-mummified-body-found-in-club-wall/72001070836281/
I remember when I was a teenager working in restaurants during high school I’d come home and shower afterwards. when I’d wash my hair it’d reek of cigarette smoke because I’d spent the last 5-9 hours standing in a giant plume of it.
I picked up smoking in college, I wonder if that was a factor. Thankfully I quit, eventually
And it made about as much sense as having a pissing section in a public pool.
I remember in the early-mid 90’s going to pizza hut with my family to cash in one of those sweet book club free pizza stamps and the smoking section always being packed with other families. The other kids would be playing and having a fun time while all the adults enjoyed their refreshing delicious cigarettes while everyone ate. There was no real, “smoking or non-smoking” section. It’s was a smoke filled restaurant with the option to sit shoulder to shoulder with someone smoking a cig or being a few feet away from said smokers.