Look at pictures of people in their 30s back in the 70s, and compare them to people in their 30s today. It’s a massive difference, I hypothesize that it’s the leaded gasoline and secondhand smoke that makes it although I’m not aware of any science to back that up.
There is a lot of science to back it up, but all of it is on the opposite direction (those things cause aging), and we can’t really tell if the aging we saw was caused by any of them or if there was something else going on.
Some of it is also styles. If you came of age in the 1970s, then 50 years on, you probably dress and have your hair done like it’s the 1970s. We associate those styles with old people and then see the same styles in old photos, which makes the people in them look old.
That’s only a partial explanation, though. A lot of that stuff did age you faster.
Look at pictures of people in their 30s back in the 70s, and compare them to people in their 30s today. It’s a massive difference, I hypothesize that it’s the leaded gasoline and secondhand smoke that makes it although I’m not aware of any science to back that up.
There is a lot of science to back it up, but all of it is on the opposite direction (those things cause aging), and we can’t really tell if the aging we saw was caused by any of them or if there was something else going on.
it was the chaos demons
Some of it is also styles. If you came of age in the 1970s, then 50 years on, you probably dress and have your hair done like it’s the 1970s. We associate those styles with old people and then see the same styles in old photos, which makes the people in them look old.
That’s only a partial explanation, though. A lot of that stuff did age you faster.
Probably a lot of it was first hand smoke.
More stress, tbh. We’re starting to see it swing back, a lot of millennials look older than their Genx counterparts at the same age