• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I was previously convinced that taking cold showers was my only saving grace during hot summers, but this year I got the advice to try to take a warm shower a short while before bed, and I’m surprised to say that it has helped. This is for high 20s though so YMMV for sure.

    Other things that help:

    • Open windows when outdoor temperature is lower than indoor temperature, and try to get a cross breeze going if possible
    • Keep light out of the house by closing blinds during the day
    • Wear linen clothing and use linen bedding, this material works better for warm conditions
    • Fans help reduce perceived temperature by several degrees

  • Those things sound super great… but they’re of course all meant to keep you working around the clock, meeting deadlines.

    This is not going to be universally true at all big tech-companies. There are places with perfectly reasonable WLB on top of huge salaries and fantastic perks.

    These places are usually big enough that you’re going to see extremes on both ends within the same company - some departments with huge deadline pressure cultures, and some with highly relaxed work settings. It can be a bit of a gamble.

  • Tråkigt med lägre deltagande, men jag kommer inte fälla allt för många tårar över att just SD-väljarna stannade hemma.

    Det verkar för mig som att det i allmänhet är en dålig strategi att ställa upp i EU-val och samtidigt vara emot EU - Vänsterpartiet bekräftar det antagandet genom att byta ställning och vara för EU och samtidigt lyfta 4%.