For the discerning homebuyer/vampire who hates the idea of natural sunlight!
What the hell did I just watch…
I think it’s cool. This would be an outdoorsman’s dream
But it’s indoors.
Did you not see all the toys?
As an Oregonian, I can’t imagine what it’s like to be an outdoorsman in Kansas.
Get in your ATV and drive in a straight line forever.
How much would it cost to heat/cool this big, open warehouse!? Breaking Bad/Better call Saul !!spoilers spoiler!! !!spoiler
It looks like where >!Mike housed the lab construction crew!<
Not counting the cost of the HVAC equipment, probably 3-400 per month. Electricity and natural gas are cheap in this area.
You just bother with climate control on the building in a building.
Hmm, I guess. There’s something severely depressing about leaving your home and you still can’t see any stars because you’re not outside!
This looks like if an alien made a hamster cage for humans. The little plastic ‘home’ and all
I’d live there, get a few more crosses and lazy boys. Maybe some animal heads and more carpeting
The wall of crosses is weird. What is the thing Jesus would least like to see if he returned?
No, it keeps zombies out unless they’re explicitly invited in. Or maybe that was vampires? Which one is Jesus again?
i mean turning blood into wine does feel vampire-adjacent, but he did also rise from the dead so… both?
I’ve been sitting here trying to decide whether or not “shouse” was a typo.
i kno it’s evil to say, but when people genuinely have an american flag on their property i immediately assume it’s a shidpost or at the very least ironic. but it’s not, which makes it fun.
Nope. These days it’s an indicator that you’re almost certainly dealing with a magat. Occasionally you’ll see an American flag with a pride flag or something similar below it and know that it’s ironic.
Used to be that mostly only ex military or similar would fly a flag. Some folks would fly a flag from their porch for happy fireworks day or memorial day if they had family that died in a war. You almost never saw anyone with an actual flagpole in their yard. Flagpoles were for schools, government offices and such.
My family had a flag in our front yard for the first 10 years of my life, because my dad’s brother was in Afghanistan for the majority of that time. That said, we certainly wouldn’t put one up now :/ it’s been tarnished without question.
I used to see American flags come out on or during the week of Independence Day or Veteran’s Day or something similar where it was not unusual for people to put their national pride on display. That stopped happening when some people took it too far after 9/11 and started making patriotism into their whole identity and used it as a smokescreen for their overt bigotry. Now it’s almost seen as a tacky or gaudy thing to do and I get why.
But yeah, if someone has a full-blown flagpole installed on their front lawn, they are 100% virtue signaling. Big MAGA-weirdo vibes.
Yeah, 9-11 was the beginning when I think about it.
Used to be you had a few, mostly paranoid conspiracy theory types, that even conservatives kind of looked down on and felt sympathy for them being mentally unwell.
It has morphed into this crazy fascist religious cultural identity shit that we have now. Fucking pod people. Sucks.
This shit is normal now and crazy conspiracy theory mentally unwell people are a big chunk of the population.
The really crazy thing is that Osama basically won. Him, 9-11, and the far right like Limbaugh infected the national psyche with something that may be terminal.
Finally, someone with a good grasp of the proper ratios when comes to house space vs garage/workshop space. Chuck in a few exterior windows and I would be fine with something like this.
I would be checking how much weight above the living space can handle though - I suspect it might not be up to suitable floor loadings for workshop usage.
Yeah, this is amazing. I’d buy it.
Some won’t understand—especially if they live in a matchbox apt in a concrete jungle and have the mechanical aptitude of a liberal arts student with hobbies to match.
you do realize that people don’t live in tiny apartments because that’s the dream of their life, right?
they live like that because they have to live in the city to find work, and the cities have absurd housing shortages which makes the tiny apartments the least expensive option. They live like that because the alternative is fucking dying of exposure on the streets.
Lol, chill, that was such an aggressive comment to no one.
As someone who lusts after Dirk Pitt’s studio apartment over a private hangar, I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.
I don’t understand this, but I also don’t hate it.
I’ve installed Internet once to a warehouse like this that had a full on house built inside of one corner of it. Like we totally thought it was pretty normal, since we mostly installed for farms and the highest point to install the radios was usually a barn, shed or warehouse like this. But then when we went inside to run the cable, it was like a movie set. They even had a fake lawn.
It probably was a set for video productions. Of a certain kind.
Would be amazing for growing lots of weed, caretakers lives inside the shack.
Were you born in a barn!?
TBH to me this is very appealing. I want a lot of space that is isolated from others and protected from the elements. This picture shows all those things.