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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • Fishman sent her maintenance man to deliver a ten-day eviction notice to her door.

    Yeah, that’s not legal. Hope the tenant finds a good lawyer.

    Mun. Code Ch. 5-12-170: Under the 2020 revisions of the RLTO (“Fair Notice Ordinance”), Landlords must provide a tenant that is not in the eviction process: • 30 days of notice to terminate a month-to-month tenancy, decline to renew your lease or raise your rent if you have lived in your apartment for less than six months. • 60 days of notice for the same if you have lived in your apartment for more than six months but less than three years.

    One of the high-points in my life was having a landlord show up with the local sheriffs to try and force an eviction that up until this point had only been verbal. I happily showed them the state’s tenant laws that said “30 days after written notice is provided” and had a lawyer friend on speed dial if they had any questions. Landlord got so belligerent that the sheriffs escorted them off instead.

    Also a PSA: If you rent, know your rights.

  • Probably not exactly what you’re looking for but I use a batch file to accomplish this (in linux but windows should be similar). For example:

    #!/bin/bash sleep 2h && steam sleep 8h && killall steam

    Executing that will wait 2 hours, start steam so it can download whatever it wants while I sleep, then shut steam down 6 hours later before other people start needing to use the internet.

  • Really the only thing we disagree on is that not tipping does/doesn’t hurt the business. I’m with you on everything else.

    I really don’t have a dog in the fight tho. I don’t work in food service nor do I participate much in the dine-in restaurant portion of it. I can count the number of times I’ve sat down and ate at a restaurant in the last 4 years on one hand. I’m also a hypocrite, I over tip for takeout/delivery and perpetuate the problem.

    But I do believe if people collectively ditched tipping, the problem would sort itself out. Not that it wouldn’t be painful for the workers. And not that there aren’t better options (I’m 110% for minimum wage to be the same across the board).