More like wasting space and time. GTFO the way.
You want to sit and chat with someone, go to where there is space to sit and chat instead of inconveniencing everyone.
More like wasting space and time. GTFO the way.
You want to sit and chat with someone, go to where there is space to sit and chat instead of inconveniencing everyone.
Then everyone decides to look out the left windows at the grand canyon.
And then slowly shifts to the back of the plane because they want to see it longer.
Soon they’ll see it up close.
Halloween give you choose.
Is potato
I have a similar coworker, was constantly coming by and trying to start up conversation. Asking what I did the weekend etc. Why I don’t like their pears etc.
Finally one Monday morning when they came by wasting time I pulled off the headphones and asked "do you have a work related issue you need help with? " their response was “no I’m just socializing” I responded with something implying they’d actually be good at their job if they did that instead, and I’m not now or ever interested in socialising with them. They finally buggered off.
It sinks.
Tungsten isn’t reactive with water, it’s not an alkali metal.
Sodium, lithium, potassium etc (alkali metals) would react violently with water though.
Isn’t a funeral a meeting anyways…
Instead should have been “this funeral could have been an obituary”
Bold of you to think it’ll only be 4 years of Drumpf, or his appointed successor.
I live in the western us, where 150 miles isn’t all that far, and 200 between compatible fast chargers can be normal depending on where you’re driving.
In the end it’s all about everyone’s personal situation. Mine is, that battery is only a commuter because there’s no way I can afford the 400+ mile cars (nor am I interested in them anyways)
If your #1 priority is to save the planet and not pollute and you have the money, so of course go for it.
In the pollution case, it’s better to keep a viable used ICE car running than to go buy a new EV. But that’s completely ignoring the economics of it. Battery is cheap once purchased. And ICE has more maintenance and repair costs.
That kind of range is a different vehicle. My 500e I bought for 7k. It’s the perfect commuter.
Do you really NEED to be able to drive 300 miles every day? If so, battery isn’t likely for you. And if you don’t need to, why cry that it can’t?
Personally the newer vehicles have been going more and more into drm on all their things. Even ICE vehicles have been doing it. Locking the consumer into their walled garden parts and service. And when they erroneously decide that your car doesn’t make enough profit, they tell you too bad, your 3yr old car isn’t supported, you should buy a new one.
Battery technology itself isn’t going to have a huge breakthrough reach the electric vehicle consumer in the next 5 years. They’d already have to have viable proof of concept to do that, and nobody has.
Make sure that the car matches your expectations.
Don’t trust their range claims, most of the time they are exaggerated and only able to get that range on a perfect day doing constant 45mph without hills.
Do you have a reliable place to charge it? If you don’t have a personal parking place, and cannot install a charger at said place, trusting you have the range you need gets difficult, and expensive. As you have to rely on public chargers that are not very reliable, and worse for battery longevity (level 3 chargers)
Is the cost worth the vehicle? Buying new is expensive, buying used can be risky. Do your research thoroughly and you’ll be able to decide what fits what you NEED (and that answer may easily be a used ICE vehicle instead)
Yup anyone who as umlaut to an n will buy anything for “cool factor”
True, though if you constantly cause civilian casualties you end up being in the same odor as Russia, or the us law enforcement.
Not really good look for a country needing the rest of the world’s assistance.
Problem is Ukraine actually wants to not injure civilians unnecessarily.
Sure they could just launch whatever to the bridge and fuck it up. But without being able to at least reasonably claim to confirm they minimized civilian casualties, it’s a big risk.
Just because they call themselves communists, doesn’t mean the end result isn’t the same as capitalism.
A select few have the power, most others are exploited as much as possible
I know what will stop those drones… blowing up the roads, of course that’s the only way the drones can get to the capital…
Ummm it’s called a forest, and we’re burning them down, not planting them.
If I were in your shoes I’d sit down with the son and ask what he’d like, and try and explain why I’m uncomfortable being around his mother and her new fling. Then in the conversation figure out if his desire is greater than my hesitations, come to an understanding on what we feel the vacation would look like.
Would it be all 4 just… Hanging out? Then probably not. That’s the most awkward. Or would it be that there are things to do (planned) that could pair off and have some time with son, while his mother and fling does whatever they do? As long as those times are more frequent, and son likes the idea, sure I’d probably accept.