I see a lot of people blaming tiktok and “brain rot” content for the increasing ADHD diagnoses, but I think its a matter of better detection, similar to how OCD and autism diagnosis have increased too.
Also as someone with ADHD, it feels like shit that it could be “my fault” or that I have brainrot.
I struggled in school despite being smart. I was tested but they said I didn’t have it.
Then as an adult, I re-tested. They updated the things they look for and are more aware of how people can try to mask and deal with their symptoms, which in the past made it difficult to diagnose. I was diagnosed then.
Going through this with ASD now after my surprise adult ADHD diagnosis a few years ago lol
Just like video games don’t make someone a school shooter, tiktok does not make people have ADHD. Both can exacerbate existing problems and people need to be aware of this and look at WHY kids in particular seem to spend a lot of time gaming / scrolling brainless videos. But the causes are more complex and inconvenient so society jumps on easy answers.
people need to be aware of this and look at WHY kids in particular seem to spend a lot of time gaming / scrolling brainless videos
Obviously because of the dopamine rush, this isn’t new information.
Well yes, that’s what’s happening in the brain. I was more talking about the reason why kids might feel the need to passively consume for hours in the first place.
ADHD is, as I understand it with my shitty, distantly earned BS in psychology, congenital and not acquired. You can’t just “catch” ADHD, your brain was born with a neurochemical issue - not that I understand neuroscience well, but the dopamine isn’t doing its job of keeping your thoughts on target, hence why only immediately rewarding things seem to be possible sometimes.
There are a lot more diagnoses of late, but I’ve read that part of it is the war on drugs making the Rx systematically scarce so it’s just easier to blame people for seeking care rather than addressing the systemic issues. Sort of akin to blaming the consumer for climate change.
TikTok is probably not helping, and it is easy to become addicted. This is a separate matter however.
I’m a licensed mental health professional but I don’t specialize in ADHD. I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and take stimulants every day.
ADHD is mostly genetic, but IMO the increase in diagnoses is partly due to the information overload from the digital age we’re living in. There are simply more things distracting us, more cognitive demands, such that even “normal” brains will struggle to keep up.
I want to point out, too, that the DSM has serious issues with validity and reliability. Some of the criteria are so subjective as to be useless, and two providers diagnosing the same person can arrive at very different disorders. Allen Frances, chair of the DSM-IV (we’re on DSM-5 now) wrote a book called Saving Normal where he criticizes the APA’s trend of pathologizing basic human experiences. With each DSM edition the diagnostic criteria get more broad, to the point that I can argue that any given person meets criteria for SOME disorder. If everyone is disordered, then what’s normal anymore? How is that helpful?
Most of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD describe someone who isn’t a “good student” or a “good employee.” It doesn’t consider context. If someone fucking hates their job, I’m not surprised they struggle to complete tasks that require sustained mental effort. Kids are reminded every day that the world is burning, so of course they’re distracted from their math homework. I’m not saying people aren’t suffering from what we call ADHD, I’m saying that it’s a normal human response to the state of the world right now, so why are we calling it a disorder?
Edit: a word
It’s not the first I’ve heard of professionals hating the DSM, the whole of scientific thought exists within capitalism and so its tendencies can’t ever be entirely free of capitalistic slant. Being critical minded and well educated (as you appear to be, if I may say so) is perhaps the best we can do.
If everyone is disordered, then what’s normal anymore? How is that helpful?
It is helpful to therapists and pharmacuetical drug manfucaturers.
I’m not saying psychology and psychiatry are complete bullshit.
I’m saying that if you can manufacture a problem, you can sell a solution.
Ah, another interesting book I can recommend is called Crazy Like Us, about the globalization of the Western concept of mental health. They talk about execs at GlaxoSmithKline trying to figure out how to market antidepressants in Japan. In Japanese culture sadness and depression were seen as a normal part of the human experience. Like you said, the pharma guys had to get clever to convince their Japanese market that depression is an illness, and they had the treatment.
I mostly disagree that diagnoses are helpful to therapists. Or rather, most diagnoses are not helpful to me. I can look at them as shorthand, so if a client has MDD in their chart I have a broad sense of some of the symptoms they’re experiencing. But I can just as easily, you know, ask the client what’s going on. There are a small few (ASD, bipolar, schizophrenia, OCD) whose symptoms are so discrete and disruptive that specialized treatment can be life-changing. Outside of those few, if insurance didn’t require it, I would never assign a diagnosis again.
I thought that was the outdated bullshit definition that was used to push pills
I did say it was a shitty, distantly earned degree - the proviso stands.
Which part of that are you saying is outdated?
It’s just a chemical misbalance
Yes. “Just” a misbalance in dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine reuptake is too quick, there’s too little dopamine available, so the brain’s reward centre doesn’t activate properly. That’s pretty much what they’re saying. Drugs can inhibit the reuptake, making more dopamine available longer.
If true, why is non drug treatment more effective than drug treatment in the long term?
I’m not a medical professional but based on what I’ve read (and experienced), I don’t agree that it is. Both usually work best in tandem.
When drugs are stopped, no benefit persists long term
or “tiktok”?
I have ADHD. I have never used tiktok.
Case proven? :)
Have you tried screen maxing?
What’s that?
You mean putting Subway Surfers on the side?
Same. It just screams “feed me ALL your time!”
I avoid it out of self preservation
Tiktok definitely reduces the attention span of its users. Same goes for YouTube shorts, instagram reels and all other short form content. But more ADHD cases being diagnosed comes down to better detection and generally more awareness by the public for the symptoms.
The rates are also increasing. Not just better detection.
RCCX Theory.
The increase in rates is contributed by people having children later. Lots of peopld have kids later in life compared to decades ago. Like ASD there is a link between parental age at the time of having the child and an increase in non-normative conditions. It’s not the only cause, just a factor that increases risk.
I agree that is a factor. As are many other things. But we’re also seeing the rates of diagnosis of all the other rccx connected disorders like t1d.
Ok, maybe aging parental DNA affects RCCX more? Who knows. Also overweight parents are more likely to have kids with diabetes, and being overweight is rampant in the US.
Could be a different mechanism but yeah it is a stress vulnerability.
Type1, so the autoimmune version. As well as Crohns, MS, etc
I think doctors are diagnosing ADHD more often because it didn’t used to be a recognized thing. Awareness and detection are both rising. I also think as pharmaceutical companies make ADHD meds they can profit from, it is yet another incentive for doctors to give an ADHD diagnosis.
I think people are self-diagnosing ADHD more often because, well, I could probably write an essay on that. It’s not just tiktok because the self-diagnosis trend predates tiktok but tiktok certainly contributes.
Excessive time on TikTok is not good for a person, whether it “causes” ADHD or not.
If you have an ADHD diagnosis, have a conversation with your doctor about both meds and non-med ways to improve your life. Cutting down on TikTok may be advisable, in addition to any meds or other instructions the doctor has given you. Obligatory “Lemmy is not the place for medical advice”.
I wonder if adhd should even be considered something that you get diagnosed with. So many people have it its like diagnosing someone with having red hair or something. Instead society should just accept there are people who think in different way and accommodate. Though of course people should still be able to know if they have that variation.
Since medication and therapy can help, getting a diagnosis makes sense. ADHD is unfortunately not just a different way to think.
Hmm, might have mixed it up with something else in my head. Either way, society should be much more accommodating towards those with adhd. Tiktok is basically preying on those who have it.
I wonder if adhd should even be considered something that you get diagnosed with.
What are you on about? It sounds like you don’t know what ADHD actually is and should stop talking as if you do.
I have a add myself so i have some idea, even if it isnt exactly the same.
I don’t think you can become ADHD. You’re either born with it or not.
Have you been formally diagnosed by a psychiatrist or other qualified healthcare professional?
Undoubtedly ADHD (especially ADD variant) went underreported for a very long time as until only relatively recently we’d have blamed its symptoms on other things. The increase in people being diagnosed is real.
But it needs to be done by a qualified professional because some ADHD symptoms overlap with other neurodiversity or other conditions. So a portion of self diagnosed people will, in fact, not have ADHD but something else.
Have you been formally diagnosed by a psychiatrist or other qualified healthcare professional?
Would you ask that to someone who told you they have cancer?
If people claimed to have cancer without a diagnosis by a medical professional as often as people claim to have neurodivergence then I would ask them if their cancer diagnosis was from a medical doctor.
It’s still not exactly nice to have that be the first thing you say to a person.
If people claimed to have cancer without a diagnosis by a medical professional
Not my question. If someone posts on Lemmy saying they have cancer and asks a question about detection being better these days, would you go out of your way to ask them if they have actually been diagnosed with cancer? It’s pretty fucking out there to do so.
as often as people claim to have neurodivergence
This is plain fucking rude.
If they were worried that TikTok gave it to them then yes.
two more possibilities:
a systematic change in environment
or systematic change diets of pregnant mothers or young children
You forgot the /s.
These are also possibilities that i would be interested in seeing research cover.
no /s
Research has been done, and no.
May I see this research please?
Saying environmental factors or dietary factors CANNOT have a influence on ADHD is a very strong statement.
“Having an influence” and “causing” are two different things. You seem to imply that what mum eats during pregnancy might directly cause the kid to have ADHD.
Depends on who does the diagnosis and for what reason.
First of all, self-diagnosis specifically linked to TikTok trends or other social media is a very dumb way of claiming to have ADHD or any defining trait of some kind. Enough users do this to make it an issue of general perception of the actual state of things.
So while I’d say that detection has increased, the alleged “brainrot” has followed as well - for the duration of the trend’s popularity.
Self-diagnosing in general is dumb. That’s why Depression, ADHD, Anxiety, PTSD even and even Autism are seemingly record levels.
It’s discrediting actual sufferers and once again putting them under the rug. It pisses me off when I see bodycam videos, right away, the person arrested immediately starts going over a laundry list of mental issues that they have. All the while screaming, resisting arrest and shit.
Then we got armchair psychologists and therapists on the internet who practice without a license (or knowledge) that actually “grants” people these issues after just sitting down and having a conversation with someone.
People are looking for it more than they used to. NOBODY was looking for it when I was young. I was probably in high school when I first heard of ADD. (They hadn’t added the H yet) and the general understanding was that ADD = a spastic kid that can’t sit still and makes too much noise, and that medication just sedated them to the point of complacency.
I was quiet, and liked to read, so when my third and forth grade teachers said that they were concerned about my ability to pay attention, my mom got offended that they would imply there was something wrong with her smart boy.
I wonder how my life might be different if she had listened to them instead of letting me figure it out on my own 30 years later.
This was me as well. Literally hiding other books inside school books in 4th grade because the class reading went way to slow. Didn’t realize myself until I was 26. Would have been great to learn earlier and maybe avoid the college burnout
“The quiet girl who is clearly not stupid and reads A LOT but has trouble organising herself will be fine, she’ll be able to sort herself out, especially with the help of her parents who are both teachers - no cause for concern here, there are kids who very obviously need more help.”
- my teachers, probably, in the late 80s and 90s.
I don’t exactly blame them, there really were kids who needed all their attention so I fell through the cracks.
This is almost the story of my boyfriend’s childhood.
“My son don’t need any drugs!”
Now he’s over 40 and finally putting all the pieces together. But not before going tens of thousands of dollars into debt, which is forcing him to keep a job he hates so that he can pay rent. Have I mentioned the daily panic attacks and constant stress on his body?
But he still hasn’t seen anyone to get a proper diagnosis because “I am barely making it right now, but seeing someone is something I can’t handle right now. Seeing someone might make it worse, and I’ll just go further into debt.”
So here we are. Quickly dying, and not fixing it.
both? i was diagnosed super young, and by the time i got to college some people around me spent so much time on their phones or dodged so much homework it made me feel i was on a more even playing field lol
Considering I’ve never used TikTok or joined it, I was diagnosed in 2022 (or so, I don’t remember), after almost 40 years of life. So much of my past, pre- and post-internet era, started to make sense when I learned that ADHD has an inattentive side that lacks the hyperactivity.
It’s not that the diagnosis of and has exploded due to “X cause,” but like autism, we have increased identification for them or categorize behaviors differently.