I try to join about 5 minutes before because I’m terrified of being the first person or the last.
Three minutes before. No more. No less.
Whenever I remember there is a meeting on. Have to keep those damned outlook 15min reminders on screen or I will forget
Sometimes people don’t include the reminder in their outlook invite. They have no right to expect me to show up at all if they do that. At the very least, they need to apologize when they send me the stupid “Are you attending my meeting?” Slack message.
I never cared about your meeting, Derek. No one cared about it. We only show up to meetings when Outlook tells us it’s time. Our calendars are just endless strings of soul-sucking meetings no one wants to be on, and I will never check mine pre-emptively. I accept everything I’m invited to, Derek. Everything. We all do. Remember the fucking reminder, Derek.
Usually exactly on time, but if I’m doing something that requires concentration and there’s a chance I might lose track of time I might join 5 min earlier so that I don’t miss the meeting.
Aren’t you always the first 5 min before? I know that the times I joined even a minute or two early I’ve always been the first.
One to two minutes late to most meetings. I don’t have time or energy for the BS of “How are you” etc. Let’s get down to business.
Caveat is that if it’s with a VIP I’ll be exactly on time.
if im invited then right on time if I host then one minute early, maybe 2. usually. sometimes I have meetings that end 3mins to the next or go over which impact my ability to get to the meeting on time.
Usually as soon as Teams notifies me of the first person starting the meeting.
How can you not always be the first when youre 5min early, wtf xD
Depends on the context.
- My meeting? Right on time.
- Team meeting? On time.
- A meeting I knew about, was on my calendar, and requires my expertise? Right on time, but a lower priority.
- Something is broken and we’re grouping up? Right on time.
- A meeting on my calendar that I don’t really need to be in? 2-3 minutes after, I’ll finish what I’m currently engaged in or get to a stopping point.
- A meeting I’ve been invited to with no additional context? 2-5 minutes late.
- A meeting I was invited to with no communication/context that is before/after my normal working hours? If I remember and I’m bored.
- A meeting I was inviting a to outside of my working hours and will start before I come online? Forget about it.
I work for a global corpo, so the last two happen quite a bit. Time is money friend.
between on the dot and a few minutes afterwards depending on whos hosting. If i know they’re gonna waste time jibber-jabbering at the start I give it a few minutes for that to play out. I don’t care about what you did last weekend Janet.
They reason they chit chat is to kill time waiting for people to join.
Not always. I’ve been in plenty of meetings where everyone was present and they still were off topic for 5-10 minutes at the start.
On the dot if I can.
Same here.
Ha. Bold of you to assume I have some sort of control over these things.
If I join at all, i join whenever the stars align and it occurs to me as something needing to happen.That being said, I usually intend to join just a couple minutes early.
I shut and lock my door ten minutes before a meeting. Hit the bathroom and then usually log in for a functions check, fix my blinds and pull up the relevant group chat that doesn’t have the boss in it.
Organize my notes on my desk, get a coffee or water in front of me. Someone will always be later. I’ll sometimes be the first. Let teams let them see that I’m starting it, whatever, everyone knows I’m getting my coffee.
Also, I like to give my colleague a fifteen minute heads up since he’ll sometimes forget.
1 min early, or right on time. Never late.
Zero minutes early to one minute late (for work ones). I hate the virtual meetings, and the software is robust enough I trust it. If it’s something else where I have to use my phone (doctor appointment or similar) then more than 5 minutes ahead to make sure I have time to reach out if it isn’t working.
If I’m hosting 5 minutes early. If I’m attending, 2 minutes early unless I’m the only one attending from my org, in which case exactly on time.