I love it with bourbon but don’t want to support genocide… Tried pepsi zero, not the same and they work with sodastream…
I don’t like bourbon & coke but you might want to ask this on [email protected] , someone who does might be able to suggest another drink you’d like based on your preference.
Bourbon and pineapple juice or pineapple tepache is amazing if you want to go in a different direction.
Are you looking for cola specifically or something like cola adjacent? And do you like it sweet or are you not super particular?
The flavor of Coke Zero with preferably no sugar but doesn’t have to be that way
What you could do is get some store brand soda water / club soda / seltzer or a non-sodastream water carbonator. Then get like a cola syrup online. I know some ones that do use sugar are 1883 and Torani, they both have a cola flavour. I also havent seen a lot but I saw one brand called Zerup that has a zero sugar cola syrup. You could try that.
That’s a great idea! I do have a carbonator!
Go sober like the people of Gaza and make your own cola at home, lots of recipes online and it will definitely taste better
Honestly, the best you can do is try a bunch of stuff and research the company if you like it. It also really depends on how you define an ethical company. Even if you remove capitalism from it, if you look into deeply enough you’re going to find that every company has done something unethical or works with an unethical party within their supply chain.
Water and bourbon doesn’t sound like the best cocktail tbh
A little bit of water releases the burbon flavors and males it taste better. Also, ice waters it down after a while and tastes lile shit.
Oh true actually. I know scotch bars will give you a little dropper of water to activate the flavour. I was imagining a ratio of 9-1 water/bourbon though lol
isn’t that just flat favourless tonic for poor people?
You should see some of the filtration systems I’ve seen mounted on the sides of rich houses I work around
On the one hand, that’s excessive. On the other hand, if I had the money, sure why not – you can’t trust the regulators anymore
Go run 5 ㎞ at a decent speed and water will be the best drink ever. No need for poison-water.Literally not answering the question while also coming across like an ass
The sacrifices we make for not supporting corporations.
Anyway, water is non-coke and it’s an alternative to coke zero. Therefore logically my answer is valid and true, but I can read between the lines and accept your rebuke.
85% of products you buy of literally anything in some form benefits towards those who do fucked up shit. You can’t avoid it.
Not all products have an organised boycott movement behind them. The number of large-scale organised boycotts is quite small and easy to participate in.
Cheerwine Zero exists. It is a black cherry flavored soda. Idk if it is available outside of the SE USA, where I live. Wikipedia says “It has been produced since 1917, claiming to be ‘the oldest continuing soft drink company still operated by the same family.’” So, maybe less evil? I do know it tastes quite good.
Fritz Kola super zero
Make the spice syrup at home and mix that directly into your bourbon then carbonate the results and add water as needed.
It will be a million times better and you’ll only need to make new syrup a few times a year.
An example recipe is here https://www.flavorlab.xyz/recipes/cola
Kombucha can scratch that soda itch for me. Humm makes some good ones and is not on the boycott list.
There are also Italian sodas you can make with syrup and sparkling water, let’s you choose the strength of the sweetness too
Tap water.
I used to drink a lot of carbonated drinks but after I gave them up, I don’t miss them.
Yeah OP, just mix tap water with your bourbon!
A splash of water in whisky isn’t uncommon in Scotland, however you’d also get some weird looks for mixing your whiskey with coke.
bourbon and water? eh
A splash of water in whisky isn’t at all uncommon in Scotland.
yeah but nobody in scotland would call bourbon whisky
The taste and quality of tap water varies hugely where you are. I find hard water particularly unpleasant.
Find some local alternatives. There’s so many craft sodas out there these days.
My favorites around here are Northern Sodas, Lift Bridge, and 1919 Root Beer. Holy shit, pony kegs of 1919 are the best thing ever.
Edit: I forgot about Sprecher Soda somehow. Their Green River is. The. Best. Soft. Drink.
Most smaller brands don’t have the excess funds to lobby, etc.