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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Oh, one thing to mention - if you’re a resident in Nanaimo who frequently needs to go downtown you might just consider keeping your car on the mainland. It’s theoretically possible to have a ferry with no walk-on room but it almost never happens in practice.

    And, like, living on an island is a “luxury” there are complete services on Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast so in theory you can do things locally but if you choose to live there the limited transportation is something you should be aware of.

  • If I wanted a WYSIWYG field I’d probably still use markdown. I could add the buttons to properly inject markdown symbol and use a JS markdown renderer for the text field. Tbh I’d be amazed if there weren’t at least a dozen out-of-the-box packages that included a live rendered text area with a widget array.

    In this instance I’m not advocating for markdown as a user interface but just using it as a quick and dirty markup language. Be aware that if you turn to HTML, you’d be adopting responsibility for a lot of non-trivial security issues. If the customization went beyond markdown (into, for instance, fonts) you’d need a more complex solution so you’d likely want to investigate other tag or boundary marker based markup languages out there. Markup is just simple and has ten billion implementations out there.

  • That is a very unlikely approach.

    Rich text in the modern world is almost exclusively solved by using markdown because it’s such a trivial solution.

    In previous words it was usually solved either using range tags (similar to HTML, sometimes literally HTML, more often custom stuff) or embedded boundary markers (something that marked a new boundary and then had a full definition of the styles to follow, sometimes omitting styles that didn’t change, often times in some insanely dense binary format for predictable scanning).

    Usually, it’s more sane to embed formatting in the string itself rather than having styling separately defined (i.e. CSS, kinda). Because otherwise storage would be a huge pain and reading would require a lot of non-consecutive disk scans.

  • A very real risk.

    Make time to check them if it’s important or be clear that it’s a dead communication line if you can’t maintain it. As a fellow ADHDer I’ve had to back out of a few different platforms because I simply can’t allow myself to engage with them - if someone @s me on Facebook I’ll see it in six months to a decade… I do try and make sure my contacts all have good lines to me if they need to reach out, though.

  • I still constantly bitch about not being able to pin the taskbar to the side of the screen in windows 11.

    There will always be some static-friction to UI changes, even if it’s a change that makes the UI more accessible overall. Everytime you alter your UI you’re taxing your users as it will take them some time to adapt to the new system. You should minimize how often you do this for that reason. Additionally, sometimes you may be unaware of an unintentional feature users appreciate that you’re depreciating.

    I dislike your comment because it’s making a lot of sweeping generalizations (like that the UI changes are actually good) and ignoring the fact that users may have legitimate complaints.