Your way of doing things is now how things must be done. Extra points for petty and minor stuff.
Shine on, Gemini!
i want images
here’s one
that is what i am referring to, yes.
i want more stuff like
Gemini doesn’t allow multimedia like that. What you’re looking for is
All you authors, columnists, and other motherfuckers not using the Oxford comma are now in big trouble.
This could’ve been a delightful meta joke, and I was disappointed to see that it wasn’t.
Serving bacon with sweet things. No more bacon-honey-maple-cinnamon whatever. I have spoken.
- We eating chips and popcorn with chopsticks now.
You’re welcome for cleaner fingers and everything you touch with them.
- Beer ain’t getting served without some sorta pickle.
I love garlic stuffed olives, but have to eat them with chopsticks to slow myself down.
My dogs love Pupperonis (one letter away from pepperoni), but I call them puppereenies so they don’t go ape shit when discussing toppings…
Edit: Swipe typing is getting worse every day, fixed auto assumptions…
I feel like swipe typing worked flawlessly over a decade ago, i don’t even bother with it anymore.
“Andrew Garfield nice”!?
How many times do I have to manually enter “nude”!? I wanna see that Andy G, D!
And you’ve taught your dog to eat Pupperonis with chopsticks?
You fool! I eat chips by pushing the bottom of the bag, then grabbing one with my mouth. No utensils required.
That seems messy and bad but you do you
Going to be pickle stonks. Get them while hot
The foreign language trick doesn’t work, turns out dogs can pick up words from various languages
- You’re getting paid for your commute time now. Your employer is covering tolls, transit passes etc.
I wonder how fast they would start allowing work from home again.
Not that fast really. It’s pretty common in europe if you can ride a train and work en route. I’ve even seen people compensated for driving time & gas.
Pets will be told about foods, walks, and treats in a foreign language as to prevent them getting excited about things they love during normal conversations
And this was how TheAlbatross’s Labrador became fluent in Croatian.
Which one?
And salads! It’s so much easier.
Oh You’re so right. I had a salad with sliced chicken breast for lunch today that I ate with chopsticks. Soo much easier
Everything, but in too many small ways for me to list. You just keep going, and I’ll let you know when you mess up.
I changed my mind actually. I’ll just do it; it’ll be easier for both of us.
TV series now have 25 episodes a season.
Five season minimum.
All TV series are released on physical disc after one year (the creator of the show can choose a smaller amount of time if they want, but never longer). After one year it MUST BE on disc.
Blu-ray Disc at a minimum. Can choose 4k if the creator of the show wants. Can do both.
Federal penalties if the show is cancelled early.
All devices that require an always on connection, must have a patch to allow the device to work if the server is ever pulled offline.
Subscription based services must provide an actual benefit. Not a “well the company wants more money so they’re just going to create a subscription service”… looking at the companies that make heated steering wheels in cars subscription based.
niiice! here’s your petty upvote for
5 season minimum
. well done!the others in the list are reasonable, or at least entertaining.
Thank you 😁
TV series now have 25 episodes a season.
Fuck no. That’s how you get pointless fucking padding episodes halfway through the season where the plot and the characters just spin their wheels and nothing meaningful happens.
But, obviously what I mean by that is that your way is the right way.
No offense meant, but I’m actually confused by your response.
Are you saying that my way is the right way or my way is not the right way?
Just as an example, the TV series, Stargate SG one we had a fan favorite episode called window of opportunity. The creator of the TV series said in today’s society there’s zero chance we could ever have that episode and yet that is literally the fan favorite of the series. Window of opportunity was basically the Groundhog Day episode. Those are the Sorts of episodes that literally would not exist anymore. While you disagree and you think that we shouldn’t have those sorts of episodes and we shouldn’t “filler episodes “ I’m on the opposite side.
Although I may have misunderstood your response and maybe you meant that my way is the right way again like I said I’m a little confused.
Different people like different things and that’s a good thing!
I like short, tightly plotted series that have a story to tell, that tell the story, and then end. 6-8 episodes is about right. What really turned me off to longer series was a combination of 24 (there’s a fistful of episodes in the middle where Bauer’s wife or daughter - I forget which - gets kidnapped, escapes, has amnesia, gets kidnapped again, turns into a goose… I don’t remember all the pointless timewasting filler details) and Lost (it became increasingly obvious that they hadn’t actually written the whole story, didn’t know what the fuck was going on, same as the rest of us, and were just making shit up as they went along).
The last line of my comment was me remembering the premise of this thread :)
Thank you for the response.
You’re welcome!
Pouring cereal before the milk.
Wrong: cleaning ass only with toiler paper.
Right: Using a bidet after pooping.
Your asses will thank me.
Top tier: use both
Secret sauce: Do the drying with the hair dryer on mid heat.
I’ve read somewhere that blowing air in a vagina is super dangerous so I’m a little bit hesitant to put a blow dryer near my asshole but it does sound… Oddly comfortable
Roommates toothbrush.
True that. Best to nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.
Toilet paper forever more goes under. Suck it.
Chaotic Evil, aren’t you?
Some men just want to watch the world burn…
This is the coping mechanism for the people whose cats like to fuck with tp rolls. I can’t go back now
For me it was because I was living in an apartment where the heat register was directly beneath the toilet paper dispenser, and so in wintertime when the furnace was running, if the TP was over it would flap around like one of the wacky inflatable tube guys you see at car dealerships. I started putting it under at that point and the habit just stuck.
But yeah, cats is absolutely the most common reason. Toddlers as well…dumb ones anyway. The smart ones figure it out regardless.
All calculators are RPN.
Many of your major tech services are self-hosted.
Everyone picks up a new random hobby every few months, spirals into self hatred about not being amazing at it with no practice or research, and adds another box of crap to the closet.
No change for me
Everybody now plays Ultima Online, Quake 1, Doom 2, and works from home. Also, free transit and anything displaying sapience (or at least sentience) gets the same respect as anyone else
the brutal trolling in Ultima Online made me quit
Nothing like trying to get enough ore to kick start your adventure and 4 or 5 guys on horseback come and fuck your shit up for an hour or two
the brutal trolling in Ultima Online made me quit
I’m sitting here thinking “I don’t remember it being TOO bad…”
and 4 or 5 guys on horseback come and fuck your shit up for an hour or two
Oh. Yeah.
There’s a reason someone (Midas?) once parodied the entire steppenwolf song…
You don’t know what
We can find
Why don’t you die for me little n00b
On a magic Corp Por ride
Everyone is frugal and likes (or is okay with) nitpicky, complicated things like PoE skill trees, taxes, and investing.
I’m guessing this is not a skill tree about Power over Ethernet nor Point of Examination?
I’m right-handed when using one handed tools and “left-handed” when using two handed tools like axes and shovels. The hand closer to the tool bit (the left hand in my case) is only there to provide support and slide around as the other hand controls the orientation and motion of the tool.
I declare my way is truly right-handed while these right-hand-in-front-of-the-left-handers are just ambidextrous pretenders
Petty and minor, huh?
Dates are now
(2025-02-25) for the short form, anddddd, YYYY mmmm DD
(Tuesday, 2025 February 25) for the long form. -
Time is now written in 24-hour notation (14:44:41)
The first paragraph in a section doesn’t have indentation, but all succeeding paragraphs do. For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis velit aliquet, accumsan eros id, tincidunt lorem. Integer ac arcu elit. Sed efficitur mi vitae viverra egestas. Quisque sed varius nisi. Vestibulum in cursus diam. Ut pharetra quis nibh at semper. Integer dictum leo eu velit condimentum, a varius mi tempor. Sed at nunc lacinia, consequat eros sed, fringilla quam. Proin pulvinar ante ac ipsum suscipit dictum. In libero augue, tristique iaculis libero in, bibendum eleifend massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse a risus non lacus pellentesque molestie congue non risus. Quisque ut condimentum dui. Aenean dictum leo at commodo accumsan. Vestibulum ullamcorper diam et arcu bibendum maximus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse porta libero sed nisi aliquam volutpat. Nam rutrum, odio quis ultricies blandit, elit metus pulvinar diam, non condimentum tellus arcu sed eros. Praesent nunc tellus, aliquam vitae leo sed, pellentesque placerat ex. Aenean tincidunt libero magna, sed sagittis neque facilisis id. Vivamus quis lectus nunc. Donec lacinia, dolor sed eleifend volutpat, massa dui elementum risus, congue sagittis tortor sem sed neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque tempor risus arcu, a dapibus risus tristique in. Ut sapien est, placerat ac lectus non, scelerisque feugiat nisi. Nam nec luctus nibh. Aenean id ultrices risus. Phasellus magna enim, sodales sit amet nisi id, interdum interdum neque. Sed scelerisque scelerisque lobortis.
There are two spaces after a full stop, except when occurring at the end of a paragraph where there should be none.
will be used as a generic non-gendered pronoun and will be the default along withone
. For example:- “Someone sent me an e-mail, but I am not sure they meant to send it to me.”
- “Really, one should make sure the e-mail address is correct before sending an e-mail.”
Functions that are called in other functions will be declared before any function that calls them.
Functions should be around twenty lines long, and at most have three levels of nesting. Functions that are too long or have too much nesting should be revised and broken up into two or more functions.
Code indentation (tabs) should be set to four spaces.
Code will be formatted as follows.
function (params) { // code }
Let’s see…
Functions that are called in other functions will be declared before any function that calls them.
Okay I can dig this. Let’s see-
Code indentation (tabs) should be set to four spaces.
Closing bracket indented with current level?
I’m not with indenting paragraphs. And functions should be PascalCase with braces on new lines. Long parameter lists are indented as below and parameters and other variables are camelCase.
public int MyFunction(int paramOne, int paramTwo) { return paramOne + paramTwo; }
Otherwise a good list
Ok I’m on board for a lot. But PARAGRAPH INDENTATION!? DOUBLE SPACES!? I can’t with your blasphemy.
Yeah he lost me there.
Paragraphs shouldn’t need indents if there’s already blank space separating them
Braces (and almost anything that is indented) should always end at the same column they start lest I feel like I’m physically off-balance and uneasy. First paragraph should be indented because it’s a paragraph and they’re indented. Otherwise, I agree.