Fuck no. That’s how you get pointless fucking padding episodes halfway through the season where the plot and the characters just spin their wheels and nothing meaningful happens.
But, obviously what I mean by that is that your way is the right way.
No offense meant, but I’m actually confused by your response.
Are you saying that my way is the right way or my way is not the right way?
Just as an example, the TV series, Stargate SG one we had a fan favorite episode called window of opportunity. The creator of the TV series said in today’s society there’s zero chance we could ever have that episode and yet that is literally the fan favorite of the series. Window of opportunity was basically the Groundhog Day episode. Those are the Sorts of episodes that literally would not exist anymore. While you disagree and you think that we shouldn’t have those sorts of episodes and we shouldn’t “filler episodes “ I’m on the opposite side.
Although I may have misunderstood your response and maybe you meant that my way is the right way again like I said I’m a little confused.
Different people like different things and that’s a good thing!
I like short, tightly plotted series that have a story to tell, that tell the story, and then end. 6-8 episodes is about right. What really turned me off to longer series was a combination of 24 (there’s a fistful of episodes in the middle where Bauer’s wife or daughter - I forget which - gets kidnapped, escapes, has amnesia, gets kidnapped again, turns into a goose… I don’t remember all the pointless timewasting filler details) and Lost (it became increasingly obvious that they hadn’t actually written the whole story, didn’t know what the fuck was going on, same as the rest of us, and were just making shit up as they went along).
The last line of my comment was me remembering the premise of this thread :)
Fuck no. That’s how you get pointless fucking padding episodes halfway through the season where the plot and the characters just spin their wheels and nothing meaningful happens.
But, obviously what I mean by that is that your way is the right way.
No offense meant, but I’m actually confused by your response.
Are you saying that my way is the right way or my way is not the right way?
Just as an example, the TV series, Stargate SG one we had a fan favorite episode called window of opportunity. The creator of the TV series said in today’s society there’s zero chance we could ever have that episode and yet that is literally the fan favorite of the series. Window of opportunity was basically the Groundhog Day episode. Those are the Sorts of episodes that literally would not exist anymore. While you disagree and you think that we shouldn’t have those sorts of episodes and we shouldn’t “filler episodes “ I’m on the opposite side.
Although I may have misunderstood your response and maybe you meant that my way is the right way again like I said I’m a little confused.
Different people like different things and that’s a good thing!
I like short, tightly plotted series that have a story to tell, that tell the story, and then end. 6-8 episodes is about right. What really turned me off to longer series was a combination of 24 (there’s a fistful of episodes in the middle where Bauer’s wife or daughter - I forget which - gets kidnapped, escapes, has amnesia, gets kidnapped again, turns into a goose… I don’t remember all the pointless timewasting filler details) and Lost (it became increasingly obvious that they hadn’t actually written the whole story, didn’t know what the fuck was going on, same as the rest of us, and were just making shit up as they went along).
The last line of my comment was me remembering the premise of this thread :)
Thank you for the response.
You’re welcome!