Plain sight.
I noticed a few empty hooks on the wall. “I know what someone’s getting for Christmas!”
Or maybe they’re somewhere else around the house. Such as in the super locked room. This is how the door looks like.
Looks like your uncle has a healthy happy sex life, and these commenter’s in here shitting on you and your uncle sound like jealous obese incels that you should ignore.
Does anyone with bdsm context know what the bicycle horn would be used for in a session?
Add sound to orgasmic contractions.
My guess was ball gag personally
Edit: nvm I don’t like that theory anymore… The way it’s hooked to the wall makes it so it can’t be a ball gag
I’ll take a wild guess that it’s a stop signal, if you aren’t able to speak your safe word.
Funniest one for me is the pan.
Hey man, sadism is hungry work.
You make them honk it like a trained seal
That horn…
More of a pegging board than a peg board, innit?
Is he in IT? Just noticing the cat 9 tails he’s got there.
He’s in medicine. Neurosurgery.
Lol, not surprising at all. Everyone in neurosurgery is a freak of some sort. At least he has a healthy outlet for his sadism, bet you he’s the nicest and most well adjusted guy in his entire department.
I might be a bit biased though, I work in Orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation and we can get weird as well.
Anyone involved with surgery is… different.
Bless you all. I appreciate what you’re able to do.
Yeah, I would prob agree with that. We do usually have different flavours of “different” depending on the department.
My department mainly has a bunch of dudes with a lot of divorced Dad energy. They mostly just work too much and then spend their off time pretending to be motorcycle dudes, or playing squash way too aggressively for their age.
is his name Uncle Moe Lester?
Man is living his best life, as we all ought aspire to 😌
Okay, kinky and organized, that’s nice. But what the fucknis up with the bright pink bike horn? I do not want to know where that thing has been.
Oh no, they are into clowning
No idea. I’m most curious about the frying pan though.
The Trex grabber!!?
pan sexual
I don’t even want to talk to her unless she can give me the HJØNK
Yes! I’m not into that, so it was a little off putting until I noticed the bike horn, and then when I saw the frying pan I cracked!
I can guess the secret of the bike horn, but the… oh. Oh, I just realized what the frying pan is for.
Ok, the hilarity has passed. To each their own, but hoo boy.
Please share the bike horn secret with the class.
I guess it could technically be a nipple sucker or something.
You insert it rectally and then honk it, obviously.
Coulrophilia perhaps?
A safe word for when one is gagged
Thats the Safeword for Bondage while gagged
Seems like you were poking your nose somewhere and didn’t like what you found. Seems like a you problem.
The movie theater called for you, they want their projector back.
I’m not the one posting someone else’s sex toys on social media.
You are the only one in the thread immediately complaining and making accusations though. There’s nothing wrong with being prudish, but jumping to judgment because of it makes you a bit of an ass.
Look, I think its bad taste to post this in this community.
Especially where its not the OP’s sex toys. A storage room also isn’t “out in the open”
I made an observation, and a comment. You’re getting your nickers in a twist because of it.
Not everyone wants to know what you do behind closed doors, and that doesn’t make them prudish.
Showing what others do behind closed doors IMO seems dickish.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but if you think it’s inappropriate to post here, I think preaching about it is dickish compared to reporting and moving on with your day
Yeah, so let’s see your sex toys?
Hahaha, nope, it’s a common storage room. That’s the thing. I was in there to look for some household stuff. And I never said I had a problem with it. I just find it funny how it’s not hidden at all.
I mean it’s a bit whacky that this is just an accessible room where relatives are allowed.
That said, it’s interesting and kind of funny and I hope your uncle uses his stuff! There are some creative things in there!
The funniest part is that this is probably just the “mild” equipment that’s easily accessible. He has a room locked real proper. I’m sure all the hardcore stuff is in there. I posted a picture of the lock in a comment.
The rj45 flogger is amazing.
Cousin of the cat5-o-nine-tails
What else is he storing in his “storage room”?
House stuff.