Yes they can see you nude, but those specific machines have been removed from unspecified airports,
The one in Sydney for sure still can image you nude. Ask me how I know.
Yes they can see you nude, but those specific machines have been removed from unspecified airports,
The one in Sydney for sure still can image you nude. Ask me how I know.
The TSA scanners at airports really can see you completely nude.
The ones at the toilets are simple IR sensors to detect if the toilet is not occupied so it can automatically flush.
This is a genius idea.
That mission was short and interesting, if you read what the Animals gang was up to and why they were there in the first place.
I set out in 1983 to develop an operating system, calling it GNU […]
Holy fuck this video game Morrowind itself achieved CHIM, ascended beyond its own code and invented GNU?!?!
The Guy Faux masks are cringe, though. Can we please just all adopt a simple bandana/ski-mask/ Halloween mask face-covering and hoodie imagery? I don’t want to buy a fucking specifically themed mask just to join the group…
What is this from? If this is your own original writing, you are an amazing artist!
Never knew about casaba rounds, thank you for the wiki article link!
Because I’m running a bunch of docker containers from inside the LVM and DockerDesktop is wonky ass software.
Also, I don’t want to think about having to worry about enabling a feature that can be locked behind a Windows Pro license when migrating to another system
Also, because you just now gifted me knowledge of this feature.
Bro, they flew in with gliders, shot and killed hundreds of kids at a concert…
Please enlighten me what kinds of heroic “freedom fighters” take hostages for ransom money?
This is not a rhetorical question, I’m genuinely asking you because I’m dumb.
Yeah, next four years is going to be rough for everyone except the wealthy.
I predict a contemporary security failure worse than 9/11 or Israeli October 7th Orc invasion, and will ignite the World War powder keg once again.
I just JBOD a bunch of random sized disks in various forms of enclosures (a 4-bay cheap piece of Chinese shit filled with 4 random sized HDDs harvested from dead PCs, a couple of USB-3 external laptop drives, two random sized SSDs in their own enclosures harvested from dead laptops) within a linux LVM using WSL2 to host all the drives using a VM of Debian running on a Windows PC.
I think I’ve kludged together approximately 20 Tb of total disk space, and all i need to do to enable Striped RAID on it all is wait for a refurbished single enormous NAS drive to go on sale on Amazon and enable RAID on the LVM as a separate volume.
Sandy seems the type if you give her snacks, she will allow you to join her on her occasional frolicks.
So, this dude does a clear Nazi salute, openly in front of the presidential seal, with the entire USA watching, and nothing is done about it? Democrats are all pussies. We need to hurt Nazis like him, and all democrats have done is fucking finger waggle with protests that no one will care about in a few weeks.
I never understood why you’d have a “home” placard or “live, laugh, love” tacky shit. Like, do you need a reminder where you currently live? Do you need a reminder to have emotions?
They look so bad! Imagine you come to my house and I have “SHIT” engraved onto an enormous stone obelisk in my fucking bathroom…
Actually, never mind that sounds cool af
So the S23 was the final phone with all features upgraded from the previous phone, whereas this one removes features in favor of AI bullshit
Very interesting take, OP. Can you please elaborate why you think this is the situation for NZ?
Trash people. Deport them.