Hi! In thinking about how to help the fediverse grow, I wonder if there are more mainstream Lemmy instances?
I’ve pointed a couple folks to Lemmy.world and it’s uhhh, pretty hard Left for them (as one girl, who volunteered for the Democrats said “I just got yelled at because I can’t be Left wing unless I want to destroy capitalism? Which feels weird.”) We’re much farther Left than reddit which itself was definitely Left of centre…
I don’t know if decentralized open source social media actually attracts many mainstreamers but assuming we want to grow the fediverse, I’d like to have somewhere I can point people to without feeling very nervous for them.
Well, I’ve always said that Communick is not meant to be an instance focused on any particular group, so perhaps it could count as “normie” for her?
Kind of a silly question, but asked honestly: How much do you think the name “communick” matters when trying to convince “normies” to try it out? Would they see that, read it as a play on “Communist”, and assume it’s only for extremists or whatever?
You are the first that makes this association, at least that I know of.
Communick is rooted on “Communication”, “nickname” and “unique”: because the original idea was that people that sign up to the service get an unique username across all instances…
To my American eyes and English speaking self, I assumed it was associated with communism. (I don’t think it’s bad or anything.)
I’m finding it incredibly ironic. Mine is the only instance that is unashamedly for-profit and access is only for paying customers…
Honestly, I got also the impression that Communick was about communism, not communication. I just felt I needed to state it anywhere.
Looks like I need to improve the marketing and messaging…
See that “grayed out” SIP part? That’s what was meant to be my first actual service, but I can not afford to offer SIP until I consistently hit ~$1000/month in revenue.
Actually that was my instinctual thought as well. Though, I might be primed as a result of some of the responses.
Sorry, it wasn’t clear to me. Are you saying that your first association of the name Communick is with “Communism”?
Add me to the list. Not helped by the fact that “-ik” is a common russian suffix.
Yep me too
I mean, if you don’t want to dismantle capitalism, I’m not sure I want you around, anyway.
And you shouldn’t feel “nervous”. If someone is unable to defend themselves against ideals they don’t subscribe to, they should work on their defense instead of running to an echo chamber. Debate us s crucial part of human nature.
Not everyone wants to spend social media arguing with people. We have things to do. It’s not a particularly pleasant environment sometimes abd believe it or not, that bothers people.
Then go find one where you don’t interact with anyone. Interaction is discourse and discourse is the “social” in social media… Not everyone is going to share the same viewpoint, and you can either avoid them and build your wall, or you can have a discussion.
Most people are groovy and pleasant to interact with.
You should try it, it’s nice!
Most people voted for Trump.
if you don’t want to dismantle capitalism, I’m not sure I want you around, anyway.
they should work on their defense instead of running to an echo chamber.
If you read it again, maybe you’ll find the subtle difference.
Ahahaha, hadn’t even noticed that!
Check the various compatible kbin and mbin servers as well. I’m posting from fedia.io, an mbin server
Posting from kbin.melroy.org, Mbin developer/creator ;)
fedia.io here too, it’s the one I recommend to others as well. No specific “angle”, just works, based in Europe.
Fedia’s been closed to new sign-ups for a minute, but to anybody considering Mbin, have a look at this: https://joinmbin.org/servers/
Either way, a user’s feed will be as much about what things they choose to subscribe to and block, as what things their home instance does. For the most part instances share communities / posts / votes with each other which is the whole “federation” part.
It might be jarring to somebody who is used to just browsing “all.” I’d tell new users it might be a little bit of work to get comfy. That might well involve blocking a handful of toxic users. On the plus side, you don’t get ads and trackers up the ass and it’s small enough yet that you won’t feel like most comments get drowned out by noise.
Oh I don’t know much about those, I’ll take a look! Thanks!
Reddit was only ever left of center for Americans. To many/most non Americans, America consists of a far right party and a center to center right party.
What you’re seeing is the result of a platform that wasn’t first created by and for American audiences, and whose initial takeup wasn’t dominated by American perspectives.
The world is a hugely diverse place that doesn’t easily fit into a left or right category from the perspective of politics in an individual country. While I agree that the US is a conservative country, this narrative is a bit exaggerated. The median global opinion on various issues would be all over the place from a US perspective, from far right to far left or even defying any categorization. As a result saying that the US is to the right of most of the rest of the world is a huge oversimplification.
The US has a nazi sympathising president, backed by a billionaire who gives nazi salutes in public. So I don’t agree that saying the US is to the right of most of the world is incorrect.
Well, there is a distinction between the the leadership and the populace. The context here was about the populace, since that is who is participating in these online conversations. I agree with you that the current government is an extreme right one. And yes many people did vote for this but I suspect many do not support his full agenda, they were just fooled into thinking this was the least bad option.
A nazi sympathising president was voted in, because the overton window has shifted sufficiently to the right to allow that to happen.
Agreed. I got lost at ‘Reddit is left…’
Huh?Until r/TheDonald you wouldn’t really see right wing concepts on the frontpage.
I distinctly remember liberal messages rising to the top on Reddit, stuff like that you should just accept that you have to go out and work for a living. That’s not left!
10s of millions of “left wing” (read, the entire spectrum from center to marx) folks believe that, for better or worse.
That opinion is entirely valid as “left wing” but certainly isn’t very left, on an absolute scale.
I disagree. Having some kind of grievance with capitalism an sich is central to being leftwing.
If left-wing covers all concepts left of center, and many mild left policy still incorporates capitalism, then it can’t be reduced that strictly. I could agree that progressive or far left policy isn’t compatible with capitalism
Edit either way, we disagree on semantics. It’s off topic for the original question now (I’m not sticking that on you, I contributed to this semantic rabbit hole)
To circle it back, I think there’s a way to invite “normies”, maintain left leaning (even very left leaning) positions, and not compromise the platform.
Edit edit and I think that’s possible without purity testing or shotgunning people with theory
yes you would. you would see straight up imperialism apologia which is ok to their democrat audience i guess.
fuck i remember a post on r/arab getting nuked from the frontpage without a trace when they posted a video of the us bombings in iraq. a few similar ones but this is the one of the worst i remember.
the us has no significant left wing movement. maybe among the minorities.
Imperialism isn’t unique to right wing
No I don’t agree with that at all. You see right-wing Concepts all the time if you know where to look for them. Anytime there’s any discussion of protests? Comment section is militantly right-wing. Reddit gets hard that idea of running over and killing protesters. Anytime there’s anything about criminal justice? Nothing a redditor loves more than the idea of locking people up and torturing them. And don’t get me started on any video game subreddit.
Pre 2016 reddit front page was not as you describe. I’m not saying it was perfect, I’m saying open conservative concepts were not prevalent or popular.
Strong disagree.
I’m not American.
Lemmy is much farther left than any of our national discourse.
I get that American parties are farther Right than most but the discourse here is much farther Left than almost all political discourse. Edit: I’m happy to be corrected, show me a serious party in a position of power in a Western democracy committed to ending capitalism!
I agree that most of Lemmy is rather cynical and very far lest
I’m not saying that if you don’t want to destroy capitalism that you’re not left. I’m saying that the perspective that reddit itself was “definitely left of center” is not a widely shared perspective, and if you believe that reddit of all places was left of center, then lemmy, which actually is left of center, is going to feel very left of center.
I’d strongly disagree. I think reddit is generally on the left side of most cultural and political institutions.
To each their own though.
Then honestly you must live in some radically conservative country.
No mainstream party suggests UBI as a matter of principle for example.
I don’t think that UBI is the predominant reddit viewpoint either - I think that’s just the subs you’re in.
I’m Canadian too, and I certainly don’t consider reddit as left of center on average. It’s almost like 4chan lite.
But on that note, if you’re looking for Canadian instances, there are a few good ones.
The obvious one is lemmy.ca, but the other (bigger?) one is sh.itjust.works which is bilingual and I think is québécois.
Presumably a Canadian instance would have relatively Canadian political leanings, although as has been said before, instance doesn’t really matter.There it is.
Your “country” is a collection of mining and timber companies in a trench coat.
Who is much more left wing than Canada?
Our overton window is only a few degrees to the left of the US.
Also the Ontario Liberals conducted a UBI pilot in Hamilton during the 2010s with the goal of proposing some form of it as a policy if results were positive.
Then there’s been the UBI experiment in Manitoba during the 70s.
So basically the same as America but behind by 18 months then politically?
Is hating for profit healthcare a leftist ideology?
I mean, it’s probably best to stay out of political subs at that point. Reddit’s pretty far left of… mainstream US media, and yeah lemmy is fairly left of reddit.
But to be honest, just politics in social media will always be arguing. You aren’t likely to find a political group that perfectly lines up with exactly where you are.
Good points!
I find mbin at https://fedia.io/ to be just… everything…
I wanna say there’s Hilarious Chaos which is right wing and a lil more normie. This instance is pretty good too.
I just got yelled at because I can’t be Left wing unless I want to destroy capitalism? Which feels weird.
That’s a terminology issue that you’re going to run into in any sufficiently political community. ‘Left-wing’ in casual use in the US refers to “everyone except the Republicans and some moderates”, but “left-wing” in any serious political talk refers to anti-capitalism.
I dobtwrhinj it’s any serious political talk (otherwise most countries are having unserious talks about their Left and Right wings) but maybe in serious political theory talks?
Like, Germany’s Left parties mostly don’t want to dismantle capitalism but I wouldn’t dismiss all conversation about them and putting people on that Left Right spectrum to be unserious.
There is a lot of “Capitalist Realism” but the people in these parties that still consider themselves leftists usually do agree that capitalism should be abolished if pressed on the topic.
Like, Germany’s Left parties mostly don’t want to dismantle capitalism but I wouldn’t dismiss all conversation about them and putting people on that Left Right spectrum to be unserious.
Even the SDP is pro-forma still for the abolition of capitalism.
I always thought they were more traditional socialist democracy?
But I doubt many of their voters believe a vote for them will bring about the end of capitalism…
They very much expect the SPD to defend things like co-determination laws to the death, though. They also expect the SPD to implement referenda that say that landlords with over 1000 apartments should be expropriated, that they’re dragging their feet on that kind of stuff (“but the markets might get uneasy and that would have consequences”) is one of the reasons why they don’t poll well.
Can you imagine a US city the size of Berlin pushing through a referendum to expropriate landowners? That’s how far apart the overton windows are. There’s hardly even overlap.
That’s because for many of them it is easier to imagine the end of the world, than the end of capitalism.
I always thought they were more traditional socialist democracy?
… what do you think socialism is, exactly?
Generally, classically I’ve understood Socialism to still involve central planning of industry/production.
Whereas most modern socialist democracies tend to heavily regulate industry and enact social welfare programs to minimize the effects of different classes etc.
I don’t disagree but there is a distinct difference between social democracy and a socialist democracy, or democratic socialism.
The former is a capitalist system with some welfare systems in place, the latter is socialism without the one party state.
Generally, classically I’ve understood Socialism to still involve central planning of industry/production.
Socialism is worker control of the means of production, which can take many forms. What it is, most distinctively, is incompatible with capitalism, which is investor control of the means of production.
Whereas most modern socialist democracies tend to heavily regulate industry and enact social welfare programs to minimize the effects of different classes etc.
The most successful socialist parties in the West take the view that the harm of capitalism should be reduced while it still exists; they still believe in the eventual abolition of capitalism.
And the harm reduction comes in the form of removing parts of the economy from capitalist control, which is … anti-capitalist.
‘Left-wing’ in casual use in the US refers to “everyone except the Republicans and some moderates”, but “left-wing” in any serious political talk refers to anti-capitalism.
Please list the mainstream “leftist” parties in any G20 nation that are “anti-capitalist”; and by mainstream I mean they have more than two representatives at the federal level.
Socdems are leftist, even if you might disagree with their whole non-revolutionary approach. Definitely more leftist than the billionaire-creating CCP which yes is in the G20. China is part of that club. The whole EU, constitutionally, is not capitalist but a social market economy.
Mainstream leftist parties aren’t necessarily leftist, especially economically leftist. E.g. the Democratic party in the US.
I would say mixed-marked advokates fit into left wing as well, social democray and so forth.
You know left “lite”
are they really anti-capitalism?
or just calling for properly regulated capitalism?
According to capitalism, capitalism is the only regulation capitalism needs. Capitalism regulated by something other than capitalism is anti-capitalism.
The bigger issue is that so many people misconstrued capitalism and markets. They are two different things. You can have markets, well regulated markets. And not have capitalism. Even under authoritarian leninist governments they have markets. There were markets in Soviet russia, there are markets in-state capitalist China. Even in North korea. But they do not let the wealthy regulate and decide the markets as capitalism does. They have plenty of other issues however.
According to capitalism, capitalism is the only regulation capitalism needs. Capitalism regulated by something other than capitalism is anti-capitalism.
Respectfully, I don’t think this is true.
Even Adam Smith warned about the dangers of monopolies and the fact that businesses would try to crate them, collide againat consumers etc. That’s kind of the foundation of anti trust legislation.
Now, modern republicans have endorsed the view of capitalism that you’ve noted but to say that’s the how Capitalism works is like saying Soviet Russia is how communism works.
Adam Smith, in modern terms, would be a social liberal. Probably some kind of ordoliberal. It’s Marx where the modern definition of capitalism comes from and it’s pretty much “what capitalists do, systemically, to stay in power”: Accumulate their capital, evade regulation, generate monopolies, seek rents, etc.
Respectfully, Adam Smith did not invent capitalism. So why even bother bringing him up? I know it’s what the indoctrinated have often been selectively fed. But he is no final word on capitalism other than the American system.
Even then he needs to be understood in the context of the times he lived in. He was very Progressive and educated for his time. But even if he believed that government should have some say in capitalism. Government back then meant wealthy white land owning males. I.E the capital class. I.E Capital controlling capital. Not the workers. Not women. Capitalism has always been about oligarchy.
Neither capitalism or socialism works for anyone but the vanguard/oligarchs.
Respectfully, Adam Smith did not invent capitalism…But he is no final word on capitalism other than the American system.
So the Scottish Economist who is often described as the “Father of Capitalism”, the guy who was teaching Capitalism before the United States even existed is somehow irrelevant?
Say w0t?
You can’t just define capitalism however you want.
Most people understand that businesses need regulation, that’s the point and basis of so many agencies and bodies that it’s almost comical.
The real argument is how heavily it should be regulated. Yes, some folks, particularly those with a lot of capital don’t want regulations. That no more means capitalism itself doesn’t want or need regulations than say, a soccer player with a strong punch who wishes you could just punch other players means soccer wants players to be able to punch each other in the head.
Properly regulated capitalism is my Left but…
Then you are technically left. Although leninists Will loudly denounce anyone who doesn’t follow their authoritarian ideology as being no true Scotsman.
Capitalism as I stated above is regulated by capital. Anything other than capital regulating capitalism is not capitalism. The whole point of capitalism is that Capital regulates itself. If you want something other than Capital regulating capitalism, i e the people or government. Then you are against Capital regulating itself. And therefore anti-capitalist.
The tricky bit is. That wealthy oligarchs have spent centuries at this point conflating markets and capitalism. They are two different things. Markets have existed for centuries, Millennium even. It’s one of man’s oldest inventions. Coming right about the same time as agriculture. Predating capitalism by thousands of years. Capitalism as a concept is barely older than the United States itself.
That’s a very absolutist view of the meaning of Capitalism.
With that view, how could anyone be against Capitalism then?
It’s technically never been tried with that definition.
It’s not absolutist. Mildly reductive perhaps. But not remotely absolutist.
How could anyone be for it? It’s literally rule by the wealthy. It was a response created by wealthy mercantilist. Frustrated that no matter how much money they had there was an echelon of power always denied to them.
It’s always been tried with that definition. At the founding of the United States, wealthy white land owning males. The capital class with all the capital controlled it. It was oligarchy from it’s establishment. It was more beneficial on average than mercantilism. But still a failure.
Even today in China. The vanguard, their capital controlling class controls and regulates their state capitalism. Capital regulates capitalism. Not the people.
Lemmy world left??? Lol they’re milquetoast liberals and capitalism is garbage. Your friend needs to grow up.
Yeah, this is exactly the childish annoyances and unpleasantness I’m talking about.
Sorry not sorry. The world is falling to fascism thanks to the conditions created by capitalism and your friend needs to grow the fuck up and read some history. Lemmy world is centrist lib shit takes, if your friend thinks that’s “left” then maybe they should go to a fascist platform like meta or x where they belong.
Mate, you’re not going to deconvert libs by pushing them towards the fascists. You don’t have to be so antagonistic all the time.
As a queer person I’ve completely lost my patience with shit libs. They’re fascists.
Also if they’re that easily pushed to fascism they had it in them all along and were never an ally and don’t belong on lemmy.
If you are making alternatives to republicanism more unpleasant and unappealing to the people whom we need to persuade, well, it seems like you are aiding fascism…
alternatives to republicanism
You calling spez’s little playground and a far right “enlightened centrist” instance like . world “left-wing” makes it abundantly evident to anyone with more than half a brain and the slightest bit of education that any supposed alternatives to fascism you’d find acceptable would be effectively indistinguishable from fascism.
Only fascists and idiots would want to be appealing to fascists.
It’s a very good thing that you don’t feel welcome outside of your fascist echo chambers.
If it’s that easy to support fascism you’re a fascist all along. Typical liberal.
You’re missing the point.
By being wildly unpleasant at people, you’re making it less likely they’ll read the news you agree with, read the same books and come to the same conclusions…
“Oh good, that person who called me a fascist is recommending something! I’ll definitely read that!” - said no one ever.
Fine, you don’t have to have patience with them, but that doesn’t mean you have to jump in and start flaming when they’re not even making reactionary statements. There’s others who do have the patience to help deconvert them.
Calling lib shit lemmy world “too left” is reactionary
there’s this bizarre contingent of very vocal users who go nuts, pushing back against any actually achievable non right wing stance, and go on and on about how “liberals“ are evil and not “left”. I believe they are plants who’ve been given the job of dividing the left.
I’d like to agree with you but I am so cynical I think that’s just how dumb people can be.
But those are exactly the folks that make this place less enjoyable for me and at least a couple other folks I know.
All I will point out is that the overton window in the US has shifted to the point where a double Sieg Heil at your president’s inauguration is within normal discourse .
Anyway, lemmy can be pretty “normie” for you so long as you stay out of political discussions. But if you want to actually discuss politics within the US overton window, lemmy is going to be very hostile. However if you come with an attitude to learn instead of debating/arguing, then I suspect most people wouldn’t flame you. But if one starts doing genocide denial for Israel etc, then they’re going to have a bad time.
Db0 is the best instance with the least friction from mods and admins.
However if you come with an attitude to learn
Translation: if you are willing to swallow the opinion most people have here …
Lemmy is notorious for asking and including sources. It’s part of the culture. I wouldn’t say you’re supposed to swallow anything, but quite the contrary–make your stance.
shifted to the point where a double Sieg Heil at your president’s inauguration is within normal discourse
Haha thank you. I’m not even American but to me it’s pretty shocking to find out that this place, world of all instances, is too ‘extreme’ for people. Maybe I really am a dirty radical but I think that if people who consider themselves democrats are still fucking clutching their pearls about the left wing being too left wing while Elon Musk does open nazi salutes and trans people get their rights and dignity stripped away, then it’s no wonder the USA is so fucked.
You guys clearly need a new political party because your choices are overt right wingers, or spineless right wingers that like to pretend they represent the left.
Edit: maybe the bad men will see the light if we all hold hands and sing kumbaya. I’m sure that all of the people who are already finding themselves victims to this will thank you for taking the high road and not scaring too many centrists.
I’ve found that for those moving from reddit, sh.itjust.works seems to be pretty accessible
Thanks, I’ll take a look!
Roughly speaking, Lemm.ee is more libertarian some libright. Slrpnk is libleft but is home to pleasant politics community. Dbzer0 is anarchy leftist. World is closest to US centrist. Lemmy.ca is kind of Reddit’s onguardforthee vibe, Left/NDP wing.
Thing is that influences from other more ideological instances will make it onto All threads. “Lib-shaming” is something some folks at lemmy.ml, hexbear.net and lemmygrad.ml like to do frequently, which is where those experiences might have come from.
Lib shaming is for good reason as the US and most of the western world falls to fascism thanks to libs creating the material conditions for it.
I have to say it again:
- Fascists promise to do fascist things
- Americans elect fascists
- Fascists do fascist things
And I have to say it again: libs created the material conditions to let it happen. Obama bailed out Wall Street instead of Main Street. People aren’t born fascist. They become it. Twice Obama voters switching to trump is great example of that and as usual democrats say nuh uh im not listening!!!
So you’re mad at Democrats for not being fascist enough?
What an idiotic take. Millions of people lost their homes in 2008 and watched those responsible walk away with millions of dollars in golden parachutes thanks to Obama lining his cabinet with Goldman Sachs bros and holding no one responsible. The “tea party” that formed is trumps base today.
Jesus Christ read a fucking book.
Whatever you need to think to excuse fascists for being fascists, I guess.
You’re way too fucking stupid for this. Complete lack of intellectual ability. Fascism doesn’t exist in a vacuum and as a typical liberal you take the lazy route and refuse to see how democrats played a massive part in allowing fascism to flourish by being failed leaders, just like the Weimar Republic.
Open a goddamn history book for fucks sake. Your ignorance threatens my queer existence.
It’s a bit more like:
Capitalism creates the material conditions that promote fashism
Democrates aren’t fashists, but they keep capitalism
The material conditions that promote fashism end up happening and fashism props up
Fashists end up getting elected
The point isn’t that the Democrats are fashists, but that they would rather continue support the thing that litterally empowers fashism rather than doing anything else. Kinda like a person who refuses to get vaccinated and spreads a disease to everyone else.
This is some incel logic.
“Women won’t date me so I’ll call them bitches and sluts!”
“People don’t vote for my side so I’ll say they’re enabling fascism!”
Typical lemmy.world user right there.
I’m a queer woman.
And the logic you’re using is very similar to an incel.
That’s literally how analogies work, you compare similarities in unlike things, e.g., my cat snores like a chainsaw. She is not a chainsaw but has a comical similarity in one aspect, even if she can’t cut down a tree and does not use gas or electricity.
“People don’t vote for my side so I’ll say they’re enabling fascism!”
iconic, I’ve been repeatedly told by liberals that because I voted third party that I’m essentially a trump voter.
that wasn’t what was said though.
they said that liberals created the material conditions for fascism. i.e. by suppressing the left and only offering up warmongering and genocide they created a situation where someone like trump could get elected. again.
a fair number of the people who are on this platform are here specifically because oligarch-owned media sites heavily censor all left wing speech, and have done so for many years.
Lib shaming is for good reason as the US and most of the western world falls to fascism thanks to libs creating the material conditions for it.
Presumably, there was an alternative group to vote for in primaries or however else this delightful person thinks change should happen. People did not do whatever they think should have happened and thus I will name call them.
There was a primary this time around and it was even more of a farce than usual. The party just straight up ignored all the people voting uncommitted, to all of our detriment.
People did not do whatever they think should have happened and thus I will name call them.
I don’t actually understand what this is saying.
Either way this isn’t the place for a back and forth on this kind of thing, so I won’t be discussing the election further.
To steer back to your original topic though, you seem accustomed to the type of censorship of the left that’s typical on Reddit. Many of the people that are here are specifically here because the left wing communities they were participating in were systematically removed from reddit.
The reality is in a place like this sometimes you’re going to hear dissenting opinions, unless you’re very selective in your instance and only browse local.
a fair number of the people who are on this platform are here specifically because oligarch-owned media sites heavily censor all left wing speech, and have done so for many years.
I got banned from every platform, and my account on lemmy.world was also banned.
Capitalist owned platforms support fascists and ban anti capitalists, anti fascists, anti imperialists. We’re a threat to power and profit. Look at all the capitalists lining up to suck trumps mushroom cock right now. They’ll do whatever it takes to make a buck, whores are more honest than them.
I got banned from every platform, and my account on lemmy.world was also banned.
Gee, from your comments on this post I could never imagine how that could happen.
If everywhere you go people smell like shit, maybe you should check your shoes.
I’d strongly suggest that the issue isn’t your beliefs, but that you’re about as abrasive as kissing the pavement at 75mph.
Typical liberal tone policing while lives are at stake.
Everything I don’t like is Liberal: A Guide to Modern Lemmy Discourse
More seriously, lives are not at stake in this particular comment section.
Edit: and I never told you to stop, just that it’s abrasive as shit and likely why you’re being banned so damn much. Do with it what you will. I’m not your parents, the police, or your boss.
(as one girl, who volunteered for the Democrats said “I just got yelled at because I can’t be Left wing unless I want to destroy capitalism? Which feels weird.”)
I get why folks do it, but I’m not sure if they’re going to get people to embrace their philosophy, if they keep jeering at other people like this. There are more cordial ways that one can acknowledge the benefits while showing why the drawbacks outweigh them.
Queer people like myself are currently in the crosshairs and don’t have the energy or patience to put up with this shit.
I’ve been screaming from the top of my lungs since 2000!!! about how we were heading towards fascism and nobody listened. I’m out of fucks to give. If they’re too stupid to see it that’s on them. In my book lib shit behavior is complicit in the rise of fascism.
Then maybe don’t waste energy being shitty online and instead build the local community and personal resources to protect your ass.
If I was in your situation looking at the changes Trump did in just the executive orders his first day, I can tell you one thing that would be at the absolute fucking bottom of my todo list: argue on the fucking internet.
I’m currently extremely ill and bedridden with a painful and dangerous dental infection that I’m struggling to get adequate treatment for thanks to capitalism.
But yeah, do tell me how to live my life. Typical liberal scolding.
Also I LOVE the assumption that I don’t normally make community when I’m well. 🙄
While I do think some ways of communicating are certainly more effective than others, social change also requires some amount of tension to be effective. Cordial methods are often the first to be tried, and are also most often summarily ignored.
Moderates often find tension emotionally distressing because it pierces their perception of themselves as a morally just person. They sometimes perceive what is often valid criticism as being yelled at. This tension is required in order to enact social change, though.
As someone who has been on the receiving end of that tension before, I can attest it’s an unpleasant experience, but it passes, and hopefully leaves room for some amount of contemplation in its place.
I’d highly recommend reading MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, as he bridges the concept much more eloquently than I could ever hope to.
Can vouch for this. I learned a thing or two from people who had the patience to explain. Including some ML people. @[email protected] for example has nerves of steel. Permanent snark isn’t useful but it’s understandable, especially coming from people who are being actively harmed. Repeating the same things over and over without frustration isn’t something everyone can do.
Appreciate the kind words! You’re 100% correct in saying that snark isn’t useful but is understandable. Many good people are being actively harmed and are out of patience in explaining how and why said harm exists, and how we can move beyond it. Ultimately, what I’ve found is that most people aren’t going to be convinced of something that seriously challenges their worldview in a single conversation, but through compatible life experiences make themselves more open to new ideas. Those are the ones that end up listening to others genuinely and taking to heart what the other person has to say.
Please, Slrpnk may by attractive for different kind of people due to aesthetic and design buy its core philosophy is not Lib, is Anarchy.
Make your own?
The point is that you want somewhere with a large userbase so as to ensure there’s content to enjoy.
Creating my own seems… not helpful.
The beauty of the fediverse is, they’re already here. They may be just like you, wondering where the content they’re looking for is, but unwilling to get the ball rolling. If no one starts it, it never happens.
a large userbase so as to ensure there’s content to enjoy.
That’s not a requirement. Yeah, it takes some getting used to the idea that people might have to be the first to “discover” a community in order to have it in the frontpage, but even my modest instance is well connected enough as to not seem empty to newcomers.
i think the content and the ‘home base instance’ can be completely separate. its all about what they would choose to subscribe to.
theoretically you could be on lemmy.world and not subscribe to or access any of its local content. conversely, an ‘onramp’ instance might not have much of any local content but have access to hundreds of remote instances. (mine for example)
it can be kind of confusing for new users.