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Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It’s accelerationist. You and I can openly talk about America’s failures and discuss the disasters objectively. The fascists at the levers of power that run roughshod over the United States government for the last century. Precisely because we actually want to improve things and to help people.

    Accelerationist don’t. Or at least they think they do in a warped and twisted way where the only way to do it. Is to destroy the west, to destroy its governments, to injure the people. And then only once everything has collapsed can they build them back up into a system. Which objectively has been shown to be no better than the system they currently have. But in their eyes would magically somehow be better.

    It’s manic, cultish Behavior. As an actual leftist in a red State I definitely don’t see that type around here. But I’m sure in more liberal areas they exist. Really though more than anything it’s just a demonstration that even those of us on the left are acutely vulnerable to propaganda and radicalization as well as being indoctrinated into cults.

  • And your petulant childish behavior is without bounds. Listen I’ve never once questioned your commitment or political alignment. Yes I’ve commented how you behavior is childish. Which it is and that’s one thing. But I’ve never questioned your intent. Just the efficacy of it. And you’ve proven over and over again by impuning upon my commitment calling myself and others no true lefty. Because we disagree with you. You could not be displaying anymore petulant childish behavior.

    Even your last response here was completely disingenuous purposely missing the point. Yes they f***** themselves over with trump. But on the regular they actually get things accomplished. Whereas people like yourself who constantly harp on others, denying their identities. Are the exact reason why people in general don’t take the left very seriously and why the left as a group struggles to get anything accomplished. Have fun with your Purity tests.

  • It’s not hypocrisy. Republicans first tried to overthrow the government in the 1930s. They’ve aimed at ending democracy for a century at least. The reason Trump can do it has nothing to do with presidential powers. And everything to do with fascists in Congress. Who would support it.

    That you think it’s some sort of failing of Democrats or Biden. Just speaks to a completed lack of understanding, and no desire to engage with reality. That’s why you’ll be down voted.

  • Yes that’s the guy! If anyone hasn’t seen the video. Even if you generally hate debates. Even if you generally can’t stand to hear republicans. It’s absolutely riveting. I don’t think most people have actually seen what a real debate looks like. And that’s by design. If they were all like that. I think things would be a damn sight better. They’re also used to being pampered, going overtime, and talking over each other. He just cuts them the fuck off as it should be. In the middle of trying to answer questions other than the ones he asked.

  • It boggles the mind doesn’t it? The left tells them what behavior is unacceptable. So they ask how they’re supposed to behave. But the left already told them what was unacceptable. Then they get upset when the people who told them how to behave react to negatively to them acting ignorant.

    If men really need to be told how to behave at all. There’s no hope for men’s liberation. If you don’t know what patriarchy and misogyny is. You shouldn’t be taking part in any debates activism or discourse on the subject. At least not until you’ve gone and educated yourself.

    And to those who really don’t know or would actually like to understand. Asking how you’re supposed to behave is the wrong way to go about it. You can behave however you like as long as you don’t act misogynist and patriarchal. Don’t imply someone must be a certain way or can’t do a certain thing because of who they are. For example I think most guys would get a little upset if someone assumed that they were an ignorant caveman incapable of learning.

    If you really have to ask. The best way to ask is to be genuine. To tell anyone acting offended that you’re aware some of the behaviors Etc that you’ve been raised with are problematic. And that you are doing your best to understand when they are and learn to not do that. And then ask the person to help you understand what Behavior it was that upset them. You’ll have infinitely more success and much better answers that way. Just by being sincere.