Trees make wind because whenever there was wind, they moved.
Old people were always old
There was a place by the beach call Helenback.
My siblings and I in the car: Where are we going?
Mum (shouting): Hell and back!
I was an adult before I realised it had another name.
When I was very young, my dad told me we were going to Miami. I thought he said “my Ami”, which I assumed was a word for some kind of relative, like Auntie, Granny, etc.
I thought that dogs were boys and cats were girls. No idea why.
Its funny, my niece made it to like 8 thinking that aunts were adults and uncles were kids. She had one young uncle, and me. Called me “Auntie Phanto.” I still haven’t lived it down.
my niece made it to like 8 thinking that aunts were adults and uncles were kids
This fits well with the accidental mild misandry in Catholic school when we learned about differences between men and women. One of the books we had to read said something like “men consistently outperform their female counterparts at making almost miraculously stupid decisions”
Troy is that you?
Dogs = boys due to energetic, clumsy and loud.
Cats = girls due to classy, well-behaved and quiet.
I’d guess it would be a trend similar to saying girls play with dolls and boys play with action figures.
classy, well-behaved and quiet
Except when they decide not to be, of course. Or when they’re in heat.
I believed that peas were the pupa of something similar to a butterfly or a moth. I refused to eat peas for years because I felt so bad eating little baby critters. I think my aunt might’ve “encouraged” me to think that.
They are suspiciously similar in color and conceptually to Metapod the Pokémon
Had to watch a YouTube video about Metapod to know what you were talking about. I don’t think Pokemon existed when I was a kid but Metapod isn’t a million miles away from what I imagined.
I thought that
was a wrapper around theapt
commandIt’s not?
Wait… Someone explain things to me!
Dpkg is the low level tool for Debian packages.
Apt-get is the original frontend for dpkg. It is a full featured tool that lets the user give commands to dpkg, along with apt-cache, which displays information to the user.
Apt is a high level tool for user friendliness. It combines some features from apt-get and apt-cache, as well as adds progress bars and other quality of life features. It also strips down some features the average user doesn’t use.
So neither is a wrapper for the other. They are two similar tools that do the same job. Apt-get is better for scripting due to being a more rigid tool while apt is nicer for end users.
Amazing! 16 years with Ubuntu, and now I know!
Today I learned that
is likeapt-get
but newerWhen I started on Debian, there was only apt-get. (And dpkg if you manually pulled .debs from somewhere).
Then a little while later, there was aptitude, which was nice.
apt the command didn’t show up until 2014.
They just can’t make it easy
Ah, the innocence of youth.
I didn’t understand time zones, but heard about “losing” or “gaining” hours when flying, so I thought that time moved differently while you flew, depending on if you were flying with or against the spin of the Earth.
That there was a disembodied head that lived in the toilet at night.
But there is though?
I thought the moon had a face. Like, as a kid, I would look at the moon and in my mind the craters formed what clearly seemed as two eyes and a mouth.
That prayers appease god to make things better.
it still blows my mind on a daily basis, the arrogance of humans to think they not only know what their creator-god wants but can sway “Him” with some fucking magic words
I mean… If I was playing like The Sims and one of the Sims was like “yo can I get a new bike?” I might be like sure bro. From their perspective I’m a god that exists outside time and space.
That’s not really how Christianity talks about its God though, usually. But also like the story of Job does seem like a kid and his friend fucking with their game.
I don’t think we could classify it as “false belief” since we can’t verify that statement.
I’m completely on board with that, except for the “wish fulfillment”. I don’t know how it got twisted around that you could presume to tell God what to do or that he would - it seems so entirely inconsistent with anything else about religious beliefs
So we have this all powerful and all knowing supreme being , right? And he’s got a plan for the entire universe and all of time, right? But he’ll disrupt all of that to grant you a favor if you wish hard enough? Or you can blame him if something bad happens to you specifically, out of all the universe over all time? What hubris, what ego could make us think we’re in control and can use it for personal gain?
We can verify that prair has no effect and is at best a placebo.
Sure you can!
Get a coin, and flip it 100 times. Record each time it lands on heads/tails.
Now get a devout believer, and have the believer continuously say devout prayers petitioning God to make the coin read heads. Then, flip the coin 100 times, and record heads/tails.
Do statistical analysis to see whether there is a statistically significant difference between the control group and the prayer group. Pretty easy to verify if true.
That line of thinking led to the “docudrama” ‘What the bleep do we know?’ and the extended version “What the bleep, further down the rabbit hole.” Both of which can appear to be rational to most laymen, but are basically religious BS forced on a quantum physics foundation.
Even a recent book advocating the efficacy of prayer in treating disease (Larry Dossey, Healing Words) is troubled by the fact that some diseases are more easily cured or mitigated than others. If prayer works, why can’t God cure cancer or grow back a severed limb?
– Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World (1995)
I thought that women drank tea and men drank coffee, because that was what my mum and dad did.
My mom still drinks tea
I don’t drink coffee, and rarely drink tea. Caffeine and I don’t really get along, and I think coffee tastes bitter.
My mother drinks coffee, and tea. My father drinks tea.
One morning I got up before my mother did, and decided to make her a pot of coffee because of Folgers commercials, and wanting to be nice. I think I was 7 at the time. I thought that one scoop of coffee grounds = one cup of coffee, and the coffee maker clearly said that it made 12 cups of coffee.
My mother wandered into the kitchen smelling fresh coffee and prematurely thanked me for making coffee for her. She added the cream and sugar that she always did, and took a sip. Her eyes shot wide open, and she sat the cup on the counter before asking me how much coffee grounds I had added to that pot.
Apparently she only used 1.5 scoops of grounds, so I accidentally made something akin to cappuccino, except not. All I know is that because she taught me how to make coffee properly, I can still make a good pot of coffee for all the coffee zombies in my life, and my ADD wakes me up earlier than anyone that drinks the stuff.
How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Double rainbow deep
Looking at my mum, dad and sisters drinking habits I can confirm this is true. Also, I’m NB and don’t drink either
Oddly, it’s also true of me and my wife. Maybe I was on to something?
That, despite my feelings and emotions at the time, I would never be a girl. So, that was a fucking lie.
That America was the greatest country in the world. And truly, not trying to be political, but honestly the propaganda in Midwest America was real. I didn’t know anything about other countries - except for we were better. We figured it out, we built the best system ever and everyone else wanted to be like us.
Now those are the people I see overseas who are about to get punched in a pub.
Definitely heard this all the time and went with it blindly. I grew up in Ohio, now live on the other side of the planet with zero intention of ever living in the US again.
That midwest propaganda is still around, just chewed out a coworker who said they’d be fine with everyone in Ukraine dying so that the US can ‘have more money’ and ‘be independant’
How did they react to you calling them out?
They shut up luckily enough
Good. Americana think they’re so much different from everyone else and we’re literally not. I hold a form belief that everyone just wants to go to work, get off work, they’d rather get a pizza for dinner but they’re going to try to eat something better, are looking forward to their next day off, and when it comes they’re going to go to their target equivalent for a boring errands run. I think about 90% of the people are in this category, just average working people, and that makes me feel a little more connected with them.
Yes, many millenials have been mentally fucked up by being constantly told that they were special or they would grow up to be special or achieve to become special. Now they’re not special, they’re average, just like everyone else, but they can’t handle it or accept it. They grow depressed, of get a bloated ego or vote for Donald Trump et al.
I personally think it’s a liberating feeling to just be average. Make the best of your life, no pressure. I’ve made some lasting (positive) impressions on a handful of individuals and that gives me loads more satisfaction than being a world changer and loads less stress.
Gen X had the same messaging. We were told we were all special, and then reality set in and we couldn’t do shit about anything. That’s literally the plot of Fight Club. Late stage capitalism is a bitch and we’ve been here for at least 15 if not 20 years.
I know I failed out of my first year of college simply because all through school I was told I was so smart. So I got to college and was bitch slapped by what actual work looked like. Luckily I turned it around. However I had someone who was sort of my counter part who was in the same advanced classes as me, same thing happened and he works at a gas station in the middle of nowhere now. You want to think your kids are special and want to encourage them, but no.
We need to teach that special is earned, not a given.
I thought rabbits and hares were the same species but just the male and female name similar to cow and bull.
Bugs Bunny has a lot to answer for.
For too much or too little lipstick usage?
That my parents never had parents. Sure, I had grandparents and saw them daily, but I somehow never realized that they were my dad’s parents.