Video Games are a broad medium, akin to reading. Asking “should I get into books?” would be similarly difficult to answer.
Also, be mindful of sturgeon’s law. 90% of everything is crap. For every “Taylor Swift” that was widely popular and successful, there’s 9 meh bands no one remembers.
All of that said, it’s a wide and deep medium with a lot of experiences.
If you like card games, there’re related genres. Deck builders are popular. Slay the Spire is popular. Cobalt Core is fun and not as hard. Monster Train is pretty good.
Those are all also “rogue lites”, so you could make the leap from there to something like FTL.
Lots of options.
Probably don’t spend a lot of money up front. Stuff goes on sale on Steam pretty often.
Probably avoid “gacha” games that are free to play or have “loot box” stuff. Those tend to be exploitive and bad.
Some people probably know them in real life. Like, you might have a friend who’s like “Yeah this [slur] wouldn’t update her mod so i posted [hateful thing] on her insta”. You could talk to them. People listen to their in-group more than randoms online.
But then again, the worst sort of people probably mostly have the worst sort of friends, and reinforce their bad behavior.