Personally I press Ctrl
Wait, there are people that don’t press Ctrl?
You mean num lock, right? Ctrl actually does something.
What does ctrl do on its own?
Up arrow
Can’t believe I had to scroll this far. Always Escape!
The “any” key, of course.
This is what I came into the comments section for…
Ctrl to wake the screen, system set to never sleep. Stupid Plex running on Windows addiction.
Mouse click gang
I hit the “wake on lan” icon on my phone, since my computer is in a different room from my monitor and the usb doesn’t work for waking it up directly. But if I could, left ctrl all day!
Idk how anyone does anything else. It’s in the corner, easy to hit…. It’s basically only a modifier key, so it will do nothing but wake the computer.
I don’t want to type a space, or accidentally close something.
It’s in the corner
Angry ThinkPad noises
Swap the keys in the bios
Usually space
I mash space bar! At work I mash Ctrl alt delete
Same here. Whenever I need to wake up my PC I send it on a suborbital spaceflight. The forces of launch and reentry move the mouse a lot and it wakes up once I recover it from the ocean.
I always shutdown even for a short break.
Me too :)
When did the norm become leaving computers on? Is it me who’s out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.
Someone with their fucking life together? On Lemmy‽
The judgment spreads
I… Judge this
Control, but I have Caps Lock and my right control key swapped, so physically the Caps Lock key.
It also doesn’t really “wake” my computer. When I lock my desktop, I have the operation also set up to enable DPMS with a short timeout, so my monitor also powers down if I’m not typing for a few seconds. When I come back, I just smack Control to make the monitor power on and make my screen locker show an indication that it’s active. Unlocking the screen locker disables DPMS, so once the system’s unlocked, I don’t need to tap anything to wake the monitor.
If there is a pin set, decimal on the numpad, else Ctrl or ESC.
Right arrow. Wake on mouse disabled because cats. Right arrow is on the bottom right corner and convenient to hit when pulling the keyboard tray out.
It’s least likely to mess up your command line, won’t trigger an action, and easy to find blind.
I use a macbook for work, so I lightly tap the power button and touchID unlocks it.