Someone just asked the opposite of this question here and I was wondering if there are cases were you’re just not interested in something but you know the community is great nonetheless.
Rugby players.
I don’t care for sports so much, but a ton of my friends play rugby. Several of my exes play rugby. I’ve got cousins who play rugby. I live in the States and, while rugby is popular, it’s no where near the levels of enthusiasm where like 90% of the people a person hangs out with plays it (and you not also play or have any real interest in it). Mostly to support people I was dating, I’ve been to like ten games in my life and, while I understand how the game is played, I’m just completely uninterested in sports and following sports as a hobby or interest. I don’t know why, but rugby people love me and I love them.
I FUCKING HATE ketchup. I can’t tolerate the taste or the texture. But I recognize that people that love ketchup are not evil, just misguided.
Same, but with onions. I love ketchup.
Sex. Neurodivergent/nerd social circles often have a lot of kink/BDSM and otherwise sex positive people, so my friends group is pretty open about sex.
I’m on the asexual spectrum and would rather forget that sex is a thing, but I love my friends and as long as everyone is consenting and safe, I’m happy for them. I sometimes get awkward when sex convos happen around me, but hey, I get awkward with many other convos too.
I’m a part of the wrong nerd circles. Most of mine consist of one token furry, a couple lbgtqia+'s, an aging jock who clearly hasn’t grown up since highschool(but they were pretty in highschool as well) and a weirdly successful dude who you would never guess it. I don’t think any of them talked about sex with one another.
ranked competitive sex
edit: oh and also trans girls, now that i think about it.
Not particularly into guys, but I love women who are into them.
No, not really. Do you need a diagram and flowchart?
(Come to think of it: An awesome use case for gen AI would be a bot that generates memes and weird images on demand)
(not my meme, but I’ll add) Some missing context - Professor Chang, pictured in the meme - is also shouting at something that clearly isn’t gay.
Professor Chang is essentially a continuous uncomfortable non-sequiter of nonsense.
Makes a lot more sense with the added context, thank you 😂
If you have never watched community, I am genuinely jealous of the adventure you have ahead of you. Phenomenal show all around! Except for Pierce, he’s a GDB.
Books. I’m dyslexic as fuck but heavy readers are mostly chill people.
Did you ever get into audio books? It’s nice to have someone else read to you at bedtime or during a commute.
Ooohh ooh audio books are my bag baby yeah.
Podcasts too.
It’s all about timbre and accent. I could listen to the right voice read the phone book.
See, I have ebooks I want in audio, so I have to settle for ‘robot’ android voice when there is no ‘audiobook option’
Any good podcast recs? Any genre/subject is fine.
Ancient civilisations. Noiser network. Paul McGann is the Narrator.
Dudes that are into piss
Surprising from a user named stinky. I guess you’re more the type who don’t frown when you go down to brown town.
the entire point of the thread
I am not a fan of the hardcore heavy/death metal music itself; but the metalheads are awesome people. The more unintelligible and scary/evil sounding the music, the nicer the crowd. It’s weird and cool and funny.
Yes I meet tons of people going to metal shows! They’re all very nice
And there’s science backing that up!
Well you can’t just say that and not give me a link, you’ve piqued my curiosity
It’s all in this podcast epi but if you don’t want to listen, the name of the prof is there too
Metalheads. The nicest people in the world cosplaying as the toughest.
I’ve seen more than a couple hold their own in fights. Nice ≠ incapable of appropriate violence. Also not saying that is what you’re saying, but the “cosplaying” bit had me feeling some kinda way. 🤘
Horses. Let’s say she was rather liberal regarding stuff.
Eggs. Never much liked eggs outside of scrambled or omelets and I only really tolerate those but I know pretty much everyone else likes them so 🤷
I don’t like to dress in a slutty outfit and go out in the public
Meat-eating and political apathy. Few people are vegetarians at this point in history, and activism tend to attract defective personalities.
If it sounds like I must be a misanthropic bastard that hates everyone, unfortunately, yeah, I think I do at this point.
Pineapple on pizza. You’re wrong and I wanna fight you but we can still be friends and have a good time over drinks.
No I am not wrong. And I can raise you with pineapple on burger.
This is gonna be just like my buddy at my old job where it became an office-wide (joke) rift and everybody took sides and anytime someone new joined we’d ask them which side they were on and there was much hemming and hawing on Slack.
Grilled pineapple on a burger.
But have you tried pizza on pineapple? A grilled pineapple slice with all of your pizza toppings on it.
I’m not into other girls, but I’ve got lesbian friends who are great! 😃
I’m not into guys but I’ve got pan/bi/het friends who are great! 😃
I’m a cishet dude and all but one of my friends are some combination of gay, bi, or trans
One that’s less relevant now, but throughout my life has been relevant: Juggalos.
I was a big metalhead in school, and i had a bunch of juggalo friends. I liked a couple of their songs well enough, but I found the “culture” grating. Still, those mothafuckas were the most accepting and tolerant people I knew. Tolerant of anyone’s way of life, except they fucking hated bigots. In the 90s, being accepting of queer peeps really wasn’t in vogue (to put it lightly) but juggalos welcomed queer peeps as friends with open arms.
Lol same. Juggalos are just awesome and wholesome. The music is soooooo bad tho.
Hahaha yeeee bad… but sometimes very funny. “Fuckin magnets” is timeless
Alright. I looked up what you’re talking about. I believe your referencing the song Miracles. Which is wholesome AF and an absolute banger. 10/10. No notes
Here is the contemporary SNL parody, for the record XD