I feel like he’s a kind of modern-day Delia Smith. He has recipes for almost every meal you could think of but they tend to be quite basic and often not authentic - like the time he pissed off all of Spain with his ‘take’ on paella. He’s also said and done some really dumb things.
I’ve been given a couple of his cookbooks over the years but I think my mother-in-law has them at the moment and I’m not missing them.
I think his television appearances always make me wonder if there’s spit in my food.
I also think his attempt to fix school lunches was well intentioned but tragically naive, and ended up doing more harm than good by making reform attempts look pathetic.
I think his recipe game is weak enough that I’d just suggest improvising instead - just throw some shit together with some spices and enjoy.
cooking naked is both dangerous to him and unsanitary towards the people he’s feeding
but I guess everybody needs a shtick
I don’t like that he is in favor of forever chemicals with his teflon frying pans