I was able to choose my own Lenovo. Twice. 14+ years at the same place.
Oh, hey, 15+ and on my second Lenovo here too 👋
Albeit I had a desktop at first. Don’t remember which brand.
Seems like you chose wisely! I kind of want you to choose a dell for science next time, but it would definitely be against your best interests according to the laws of physics that mysteriously underly this phenomenon.
The laws of thermal- and accoustic physics are surely warped within Dell hardware. Otherwise, I have no explanation why it acts so much worse than other laptops with similar specs.
What about a Framework laptop?
Edit: or a desktop that you can remote into from your personal machine if you want to work outside the office?
Just got a framework 13. Can’t imagine going back to anything else right now.
Adding to OP:
Framework: You are self-employed.
It ain’t much but it’s honest work, the honestest.
Wouldn’t it either be a really new start up or a non profit foss group? Talking about framework
In my friend’s case, it’s a web development company that’s been around for at least a decade. His previous machine at the same company was a Dell, I think.
Yes, having a work desktop (or a virtual insurance somewhere) is great.
Especially if you need to run some intensive jobs.
creepily accurate in my experience.
I don’t even work in tech and that was my first thought.
deleted by creator
Bonus security because you’re clearly developing for legacy code.
Wait… but my manager has been at his job for 18 years and we use… oh god, Lenovos. 😱
HP laptop: please remember to log out of your laptop in case someone else needs to use it.
Always “a” dildo, or “the” dildo, never “your” dildo…
what if you get to choose?
Then choose wisely.
Then you owe your IT unit a monthly sacrifice
What if I am the IT unit?
Bring in the interns?
Hmm I don’t think you have to make a sacrifice to yourself, but you should probably buy yourself a sweet treat once a month just to be safe.
Lenovo replaced with Dell when the startup I work at was purchased by a multinational a year and a half ago. They’re closing our office down and moving operations out of state in June.
You cash out?
I got a decent windfall when my stock vested instantly, but I don’t think I’m going to make it to the final payout of my retention bonus. As soon as annual bonus hits in March, I’m donion rings.
Think about the sink cost. It’s not fallacy. You have the numbers in front of you. You’re at the finish line, you can do this.
Joke’s on you, I have a trackpoint on my Dell Latitude
Still gonna get laid off, but at least your index finger gets a little more action.
Siemens PG: forget about making a resume ever again.
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
Had to look it up, the version with a handle killed me
It has an RS232 port, that’s hilarious.
I use that port more than my usb ports at work, no kidding. You don’t know how many things still use that port to communicate even today.
Oh, I’m aware, I work on fire alarm systems.
There was a point where I really wanted a decent laptop with one to run STAR C3. Never bought the laptop nor the kit but never knew if I’ll need it again. I don’t own a Benz anymore but it could literally change on a whim because I do still love them lol
You can get USB to RS232 cables for very little, so any laptop should work.
People have reported those not working very well with STAR / DAS I believe. You can usually buy the kit with a laptop included, I just figured I’d wanna try if it runs on something made less than 23 years ago.
And how cool would you look carrying your laptop like an attache case, with dongles and wires hanging off it? No thank you. If I need to interface with cold war era serial hardware, this is the way I’m going to do it.
You do realise there is equipment being manufactured today that uses RS232?
We have brand new machines that use RS232 and RS485. We just did some configurating on one of them last week.
In case you need to play spider solitaire in the middle of a hurricane, or knock the head off a T-800.
It’s actually pretty useful when you have to move around with it in your workplace. Tbh, I am so used to the handle that I’d miss it if my next computer didn’t have it.
Now i wanna make this my daily driver
Unironically love that. There’s a CD drive but what is that next to it? Is it a Zip drive?
The SSD slot. You can easily swap the ssd without having to open the computer. It takes a couple of minutes.
Oh, that’s actually kind of cool. Is that for the primary drive or for swapping additional ones in and out?
For the primary. It is really useful when your ssd dies (happens more often than you’d think) and you need to keep working because you are operating in a situation where you can’t afford to lose the time that would be required to swap disks opening the laptop. We have at least one spare ssd in my office always ready to be swapped in case of emergency.
There are also a lot of cool features on them:
They come with 4 usb ports, 2 ethernet ports + wifi, 1 dvi port, 1 dp, 1 serial port, 1 mpi/profibus port, pcie expansion, dvd unit and bluetooth (which is a given). They also, as per manufacturer warranty, can stand a fall from 1-1.5m without suffering damage.
If it’s the primary, do you keep those drives with OS pre-installed on them, or is there like… some sort of bios-like built in to hold the ummm… OS image…? And what about the programs and files and stuff? All vpn/network accessed?
Hopefully you can sort out what that is asking… I know just enough about computers to fix Linux problems… if other people have posted about them… usually… with significant effort.
In our case, we keep them with preinstalled OS (and all the apps we need running) so we can swap and go in a moment.
I had an old cf-27 toughbook with a handle. Handles on laptops are wicked handy!
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
Finally! Something I can relate to, I had one of these in my last workplace. Was older than my manager and it was only used to fix those 20 year old machines we had lying around.
To anyone wondering, this is a industrial PC which is meant to withstand the hardest of environments. The handle is a boon when you have to run around the factory and your hands are full.
My company is using Lenovo, and a bunch of my colleagues were already working there 20+ years ago, now I’ve got a permanent contract too… I think it might check out.
My company is using Lenovo
Someone died in front of it!
And that’s how you got hired.Actually, my position was newly created in a company just now fostering overdue digitalisation. Some bloke came up with the idea of actually trying to figure out what they’re doing and justifying their effort at progress with figures because that’s what upper management likes to see, so they brought me on to do just that.
People definitely died for the company, but that’s not my fault.
Or so I tell myself to sleep at night.
I’m in a weird unicorn org where we were issued MacBooks, but some of the people on my team have been there >20 years. The broader org issues Thinkpads, my dept picked MacBooks because apparently that’s what developers use and we didn’t want to deal with corporate’s locked-down images.
I’ve been there about 4 years now, which is almost as long as my dept has existed (we started w/ a contractor group for 1-2 years before I got hired on).
I hate macOS, but I really like the dept. We’ll see what happens.
We get macbooks at my work because we develop for linux servers but IT don’t want to have to deal with linux clients on their network.
The corporate surveillance infrastructure is there for MacOS and it’s nix enough for the development we need to do.
We had them complaining a few years ago that all these macbooks were too expensive (which they are) and we said to them “We’re happy to take good quality Linux laptops…”
IT were like “Nah”
My first laptop with this company was a £3000+ MBP with an I9 which got too hot to touch. TBH since they replaced it with an M3 one i’ve actually enjoyed using it. i can spend all day in bed on a single charge
Are you British me? That’s pretty much exactly how things went down for us as well. As we’ve been upgrading from the crappy Intel Macs, the complaints have gone down as well.
Yeah i’m london based (although almost exclusively work from home). the company is a huge multinational though, offices all over the world
Can confirm. Currently on year eight, always with Lenovo.
Year 12. Started issuing Microsoft Surfaces at some point. I got an exception made for me.
My company switched from Lenovo to Toshiba… what does that mean?
Now we’re switching to Dell
Now we’re switching to Dell
Fs in chat. O7
Panasonic Toughbook: You’re gone get wet and dirty.
I’ve seen them using them at In n out for the drive thru.
Wet and dirty indeed
Thoughtbook? is that like an offbrand ThinkPad?
Thoughts and prayers book is a whole other technology with paper and ink and shit.
Op got a porn studio job.