I get that the point is inflation, but why eggs? If they went to $12/dozen, it would cost me like $4 extra dollars per week.
A few a week, apparently 3 to 4 a week is optimum for health.
When our household was at full bore with the kids home, we could go through three dozen per week. It’s not just eating them, it’s cooking. Two eggs for a some cake, brownies, etc. one day of french toast (not doing that into the foreseeable future), if I did breakfast with eggs it would take anywhere from 6 to 10.
At our height of consumption we had four teenage boys, one teenage girl and a 10 year old who could out eat anyone at the table.
I’m just fortunate that our kids are mostly grown, but now they’re struggling to keep food on their own tables.
I actually kept a small flock of chickens for a while because we would go through so many eggs.
I have two boys. I can’t imagine feeding twice that!
Family of four. We probably go through 10 to-12 eggs a day much of the time. Scrambled eggs, French toast, homemade bread, cookies, pancakes, frittatas, huevos rancheros tacos… It adds up. I recently started buying the 18-egg packs because it’s more cost-effective.
Same same. Family of 4, we use a bit over a dozen if I dont make quiche, 18 if I do.
It’s not inflation, it’s bird flu reducing supply.
It’s almost like the president doesn’t directly control the prices of things like gas and eggs. Looking at you “I did this” sticker gang…
Yeah, but mostly it’s something to yell about on tv and ‘news’ radio to distract us from what’s really going on.
It’s a combination of greedflation and bird flu. It’s amazing we still don’t have an RNA vaccine for livestock yet.
You’re right that it’s principally bird flu, but it’ll still count towards inflation. CPI – what people are typically referring to when they say “inflation” – has a basket of goods which I strongly suspect includes eggs. If the price goes up, that’s inflation.
goes to check
Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs
Though that whole category, which is not egg-exclusive, only makes up 1.737% of the weighting for the basket. So it’s not as significant as, say, the cost of housing in calculating inflation.
Yes, it counts toward inflation. The price is not caused by inflation. At least not significantly.
I mostly use them for baking. I will probably just switch to substitutes going forward. I can live without eggs.
How many do you use in a week? I can’t think of enough baking for it to make a huge difference in my life. Going from $2 to $4 per dozen costs me an extra dollar per week.
According to this, as of 2019 – which is a couple years back, though probably good if you want a pre-avian-flu number – Americans had a per-capita rate of 279 eggs consumed a year, up 16 percent over the twenty years prior.
EDIT: according to this, numbers are about the same in 2023, dipped a little bit over the past couple years, but looks like there’s a pretty low price elasticity of demand.
In 2023, consumption of eggs in the United States was estimated at 281.3 per person. This figure was projected to reach 284.4 eggs per capita by 2024.
EDIT2: On a non-statistical note, eggs are goddamn delicious.
We use 4 every weekend for breakfast tacos and sometimes one or two more for fried rice or baking. I really don’t love the texture or smell. A few times per year i boil some just for something different.
About 12 every 2 days on my keto diet. I buy 18packs for like $5
What’s your favorite way to prepare the eggs?
Favorite way, steamed. Eggs are delicate and deserve to be treated like it.
I’m waiting for the day I can try making chowanmushi.
Yeah. We made a lot of egg bites when we were low carbing. Probably need to go back to that.
There! I’ve been looking for a demographic upon which to lay blame, and here you are!
Keto!?! It’s been the keto bros all along? Hoarding all those delicious eggs for your own woke ass diet? No wonder eggs are so pricey.
Jk. Good luck with the diet though. And try not to fart in any enclosed spaces!
Me, 10-18. 2 per work day for egg Sammy. Then weekends depend on omelets and other meals depending on recipe. 10 minimum tho. Brother has 1 more chicken than his family eats eggs so if anything I buy less eggs than most households per month.
I can eat up to a dozen boiled eggs a day if I’m particularly craving them. They’re my fave source of protein!
A fourth of the way to Cool hand Luke.
Don’t forget that most baked goods and other foods rely heavily on the gas in their recipes. Most food sectors are affected.
Yes, but the fixation on the price of a dozen…
??? Did you mean to say eggs instead of gas?
It’s possible premade baked goods will switch to substitutes. And if those substitutes turn out to be cheaper, then the egg industry is really screwed.
lol yes, eggs not gas. My bad!
With cooking and baking, 12+ per week. Which is about USD 5.60 for the XL bio eggs from the farm shop.
Luckily, I am not in the US.
8-12. They
arewere inexpensive, versatile protein.Varies a lot. Sometimes weeks can go by without me eating a single egg. But when I start, I go hard. It’s not unheard of that I go through an entire carton as a late night snack with boiled eggs.
Eggs still only 3 something where I am. Don’t eat em much but maybe a dozen each month or two.
Zero because I don’t have chickens and fuck animal abuse.
You fuck animal abuse?
You eat another species’ menstruation? Byyyyye
Lol what? I didn’t say that. Are you suggesting that you eat human menstruation? I hope it’s at least consensual.
chickens don’t menstruate