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Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I ran Storm Linux for a short while in about… 2001-2002. Got it on a CD in a misc pack of disks from some Linux distro vendor.

    It was supposed to be a server oriented distro, secured more than others, and ran Enlightenment for a desktop. Overall, it was a reasonable distro, but didn’t gain enough general support and devs to keep it up and running. The group behind it folded after a short while.

  • It’s been a very long time since I’ve been in a class with assigned readings like these books.

    I’ve come full circle and now I read both for pleasure and for personal growth.

    At the moment my current books are the Stone of Tears (Sword of Truth series) and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. One is for general enjoyment, the other is for self reflection and growth.

  • This month was a wacky selection for no good reason:

    Pastoral Approach to Atheism; Pastoral Theology; Concilium Volume 23

    Silver Canyon, Louis L’Amour

    Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice

    Gateway, Frederik Pohl

    Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know

    Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns, Victor Dover

    Babel, Kuang, R.F.

  • The hiding of the control panel is just extra pain for the fun of it. I know it’s the same tool they’ve had for many generations now so they’re hiding it because it’s ugly, but it’s the real way to get things done. Hiding it is just making everyone’s life harder, which is basically the Microsoft approach to OS design.

  • Sorta. It’s a democracy with the voting and all that at this time. Since the person holding presidency is now above the law, then as long as the current president decides that we get to continue to have a republic, then we’re a republic. The moment a US president decides that it needs to be an official act to end voting, or just stall on voting indefinitely, then we stop being a republic. Basically, we’re living on borrowed time until the “by the people” part of the US nation is taken away by whomever we voted in as president last.

    President Biden has the idea that he should respect the Constitution. He’s unlikely to decide to end the republic. If he gets reelected (and the conservatives don’t just kick off a civil war trying to end the election like they failed to do back in 2020), then we buy at least a few more years. Then… we go into a cycle where if benevolent dictators keep getting elected we stay afloat. The moment a populist gets elected president who also doesn’t personally decide to not take over as dictator, the republic ends.

  • No, the goal is to sleep in silence. When I’m able to put aside my worries and truly rest I don’t need any noise or background hum to be completely out.

    I only use a short video (under my pillow at mom volume so I can barely hear it) to get to sleep and then I’m usually out for a long time.

    I’ve always felt that much of getting to sleep and what makes it easy to rest is training to some extent. Changing the ambient noise (especially if you move homes) can really screw things up until you get used to the normal noises of the new location. While that happens I’ll use something to fuzz the ambient sounds, but I’ll actively remove the white nose or background video over time so I acclimate to the new normal.

    I consider it a worthwhile goal to be able to sleep without aids, if possible. Most of the real trouble is in my head (or a neighbor with fucking loud music at 2am to be dealt with), so when I have control I seek silence and a mental even keel when possible.

  • I’m not hugely invested in the 3D printing world, but here’s my setup:

    Printer: Creality Ender 3 pro v2 Filament: Mostly Matchbox Upgrades: just stiffer springs for the bed holder to help keep it level longer

    Software: Cura for slicing FreeCAD for part design My kids also use Blender for making designs

    As long as you check the bed leveling every so often (I don’t have an auto leveler) it does just fine. I make all kinds of technical parts and models along with other stuff for fun.

    What can I say? It works and it’s a reasonably low maintenance setup.

  • Requiring someone to provide evidence to back up a claim is not the same as taking a position that the claim isn’t true. This is the root component of the burden of proof and the stance many people have towards a god claim: they aren’t convinced the god exists due to a lack of evidence provided by the person claiming the god does exist. Until there’s actual evidence it’s rational and reasonable to withhold judgement.

    The unicorn (or other mythological beings) are used as a similar case to illustrate to a theist that they have the same kind of attitude towards the idea of a unicorn existing as an atheist does to any gods. They’re both neat concepts, but without evidence showing they actually exist, they’re nothing more than an idea for stories and art.

  • There was a similar issue with Cities Skylines. When they tried to put a realistic amount of parking lot space for modern US cities in, the simulation would have the cities quickly decay and collapse. It was just too much room and distance required to support the parking area. It cost too much and the travel times were too high due to the expanded city distances.

    They took out the real parking and made cute little lots instead so the game would stay viable.

    Of course, our real city leadership most ignores this warning and says “let’s add more parking and lanes for those ever larger vehicles!” My city’s downtown is about 30% dedicated to off street parking and there’s moves afoot to increase the number of they can knock down a few more buildings to make space.

    Oh, and we declared a parking garage an official city historical site. That one’s a little on the nose.

  • Our US city (pop 180k, metro 600k) is just about to lose the last downtown grocery store.

    Generations of city councils have allowed (or encouraged!) the demolition of all housing in the city core to replace it with parking lots.

    There’s almost no one left downtown so the city itself is dying. It’s just kind of rotting away. There’s currently at least some effort to reverse the trend, but the vice grip that car oriented everything has on people is terrifying to politicians.

  • That explains the noises at night! If they could just shore up our one sagging foundation corner in the back while they’re at it, that’d be great. After they do some serious manual labor in the summer sun for me, then they can go back to their country until I need more work done. Oh! Actually, no, we need them to do the harvest. And there’s this thing with some construction… shit. It turns out that hard workers are actually really needed everywhere and we shouldn’t be such xenophobic/racist assholes all the time.

    I do actually need the foundation looked at, though but I can’t afford it despite having a pretty decent and high experience required job. All the money is going to billionaires instead. Strange that those same billionaires are funding lots of media telling me to be afraid of people all the time… no relation to the whole immigration thing, I’m sure.