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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • 11111one11111@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    2 days ago

    Hookers. They’re cheaper than a shrink, have access to all the pharmaceuticals your heart desires and if all else fails… they are almost always super good at… listening to how your day went. Hell most even prefer it to sucking on a soft chub for an hour just for you to come to the same conclusion that depression fucks with your libido.

  • People need to chill the fuck out. We all know what we are getting with either candidate. This isnt the fuckin game of thrones where some forgotten character hidding in the old woods is guna wheel out and save the fucking day. If Biden loses to Trump the only people to blame are the ones who didn’t go out to vote. If Trump loses to Biden the only people to blame are the ones who didn’t go out and vote.

    I don’t give a fuck what the crackpots are guna say after the loss. There will prolly be protests, riots, panick but this will be the fucking end of the road the the shit show.

    No large mass is storming the capital again. No large protests will errupt into riots. The SCOTUS is set for the foreseeable future. Noone has the fuckiny overhead to cause a ruckus muchless miss work anymore. People are too fucking exausted paying out the dickhole just to afford the 300% pandemic price increases that are here to stay.

    Our parents left us for the summer with the grandparents and yeah maybe it was our first time seeing 70’s porn bush and stash, smoking a backwoods, and sipping on some moonshine that mightve just been kerosene, those of us who survived will guaranteed never be the same but we still grew older, wiser and hopefully developed a sense of fuckin regret for everything that brought us to this point. It’s a huge country with huge flaws but it doesn’t mean we can’t still be friendly neighbors who wave to each other 6 times a year.

    Well the mushrooms are kicking in so ima go and try to tell which fireflies are real and which ones are just reflecting off the pond water. No idea where I was going with this.

  • Is it different for non premium accounts? Or is it because I use a created playlist? I have 1 playlost I use as a “like” button and just add songs when I listen to a new album or just one that isn’t on the playlist. When I’m listening to music normally, I just put it on shuffle and it plays thru only songs on the play list. The same add to playlist turns to remove from playlist whe it’s on there so I’ll also just add a bunch of albums from a genre and remove songs that really don’t fit my liking. I’ll do that when I want to bulk up the variety.

  • Where is the anti pronoun shit though? I’ve only seen one cited link and it was asking not to use the forum for discussing irrelevant topics. Github forums are resources used by all levels of developers for finding answers for issues with open source no instruction manual software development. Nothing i saw was anti-gender or pronoun anything (didt read thru the responding comments from users but why would they reflect on the person in question? Am I missing something beyond what op commented without providing any rhyme, reason or resource for?

    Edit: now I’m even more confused after reading a second commenter’s link that shows they made the requested edit.

  • Chill. Read the cited sources. It’s someone asking the community to not use the github forum for discussing the completely irrelevant topic. It’s not a fucking open forum it’s for developers to use as a resource. I don’t care if the person was giving out a $1,000,000 to anyone that commented, find an appropriate place to post your comments. I saw nothing against the topic itself but a bunch of angry responses. I mean if you read and are like na fuck that dude than 100% that’s your take but that’s the thing, its YOUR take. I hate seeing people so quick to draw the fuck this or fuck that card from absolutely zero rhetoric than what an anonymous internet comment said.

  • So you didn’t read the comments that added context lol. Starting to think this is more of a reading comprehension issue lol.

    So Ill give you the outline:

    I live in NY.

    There would have to be like 5 million democrats voting republican to even create a scenario where my voting 3rd party affected the outcome.

    NY goes democratic every election no matter what my vote is for. For that reason the presidential election is the least important election.

    The quote you keep taking out of context emphasized the importance of voting for EVERY elected official because even with Roe v Wade over turned nothing has changed where I live for how abortions are handled.

  • What I want is more than 2 fucking options. What you are assuming is that I wouldn’t get what I want if a conservative won NY. For this to happen there would need to be a mass exodus of democrats abandoning their party to vote conservative. So for that to happen either the democratic candidate is God awful or the conservative is a homerun. Either way I dont give a fuck.

    I vote for my interests in state and local elections. Presidential elections in NY are the least concerning elections as they should be for every fuckin American.