Many cultures have decades of pop-culture anti-nazi media. What are some of your favorite video games, movies, music, tv shows, books, and other media that are anti-nazi?
Does Hetalia count?
The Saboteur. A somewhat forgotten but excellent game from the PS3/X360 era, still available on Steam I think.
You play an Irishman in Paris punching nazis and blowing up their shit. The world is black & white and becomes colorful as you capture things.
The racing part sucks, but otherwise the concept and style was just a ton of fun. It had memorable and unique sights and sounds and was just overall a satisfying play.
Propagandhi - The Only Good Fascist Is a Very Dead Fascist. Especially the line “You can wear my nuts on Your nazi chin”.
Y’all need to see the OG anti-nazi movie, Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator, which he made in 1939.
American History X ?
Many Italian songs, especially Modena City Ramblers
During all this Elon Musk BS I suddenly wanted to watch Kung Fury.
Not exactly Nazis (in a strict aesthetic point of view), but I’ve been having fun seeking out Klansmen in RDR2 and disrupting their gatherings.
Also, that racist in Blackwater. Tying him up, dragging him behind you on your horse to the police station, and just killing him there. Over and over again.
That was one thing I always did too! Been thinking about replaying that one. The violence in that game was a bit hard for me to deal with in a lot of cases, but I never had any personal conflicts deciding how to deal with klansmen.
I don’t like Micah or Strauss, personally. Most of the other fights you have in the game are against racists, rapists or criminal underlords. But those two have missions where you’re killing or beating up regular townspeople because Micah is a psychopath and Strauss is a heartless loan shark. I’ve yet to finish the story mode, but I’ve been wanting to put a bullet in Micah since I had to break him out of jail in Strawberry. Already kicked Strauss out of camp and that felt really good.
I seriously sat there in Strawberry thinking “I can’t believe I’m breaking this guy out. I’d rather just let him die.” I think I restarted that mission several times looking for an alternate story.
I wanna say The Producers. So many works trying to demonise Nazis falls into the trap that demons are kinda cool, but Springtime for Hitler is so ridiculous that no matter how pro-Nazi the lyrics are, you can only laugh at them. And watching Hitler throw it back is just peak theatre.
And remember: They were trying to make a flop by making it about Hitler, yet it became a hit. In a way, it kind of parallels reality.
I hereby define the Bren Gun as a type of media. Traditionally very anti-nazi.
I’d add the Sten Mk II S. :)
Hard to beat the Wolfenstein games and the Indiana Jones movies.
Those were two of the first ones I thought of too. I love The Last Crusade.
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Fine, crystal skulls then.
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“No ticket!”
Indy is all about showing us how to properly handle Nazis.
Straight up, Wolf3D and Fate of Atlantis gang stand up
Anti-Nazi is not supposed to be funny, not in today’s politics. Seeing Nazism for what it is and how Nazis saw themselves is best IMO.
inglorious bastards, disco elysium
I don’t know much about Disco Elysium. How is it anti-nazi? Isn’t it a space game?
its antinazi in a very subtle way. its a story game loosely inspired by post-soviet life in rural russia/the balkans, but in an alternate universe with motor carriages, cryptids and and The Fog.
you investigate some weird crime involving commies, the local labor union and some fascists. its actually excellent worldbuilding.
It is not a space game. It is a detective game were the narrative comes from your inner voices. Highly recommend, especially if you are looking for some political commentary!