Pay attention to your sleep cycle, so you don’t wake up in the middle of deep sleep. And as others have said, wake up early the day before so it’s easier to fall asleep
I think I used to use this website to try to figure out when I should go to sleep based on when I needed to wake up. I eventually stopped because I got to where I could figure out 6, 7.5, or 9 hours + 15 minutes on my own (or even 3 or 4.5 hours if I made poor decisions about when I’m going to sleep). It seemed to help.
I have add and take adderall. My alarm is set for 7 and 8. At 7, I get up, take my meds (more than just adderall), let the dogs out, and feed them. I do all this trying to stay as “asleep” as possible and go right back down to nap until 8. By then the adderall has started to kick in and I literally can’t stay asleep.
I do the classic where I get anxious about having to be up and actually alert, and don’t sleep as a result. Don’t really recommend.
What is your point of no return? For me it’s 3 in the morning. If I’m still awake, i better stay awake…
That makes no sense, any sleep is better than no sleep
Nah, getting half a sleep cycle is worse than no sleep.
Eat relatively healthy, stay hydrated, and get 7 hours of sleep.
cracks a beer and stuffs a jalapeño popper in his gob
Do as I say and not as I do
" I ain’t an athlete, lady. I’m a baseball player." - John Kruk absolute unit and legend First Baseman.
Knowing the right steps is not the same as doing them. That is only hypocritical if you judge others for what you won’t do. Otherwise it is just being self aware.
Biphasic sleep. One 5 1⁄2-6 hour block over night, one 90 minute siesta before work.
I know what biphasic sleep is. But I’m not clear on when you are doing it. Do you get up at like 4 am? For how long?
Or maybe I just need to know when work starts for you?
6:30am-12pm I am awake
12pm-1:30pm I am asleep (siesta)
1:30pm-12:30am/1:00am I am awake
12:30am/1:00am-6:30am I am asleepI work from 2:30pm-10:30pm
You can’t make yourself sleep. You can make yourself get up. Force yourself to get up early the going to bed early part will take care of itself.
Oh and you should stop drinking liquids a couple of hours before bed. Unless your a man over 50, in that case if you want to sleep through the night you’ll have to avoid any fluids after Tuesday.
Force yourself to get up early the going to bed early part will take care of itself.
Maybe for you, for me I get exhausted in the middle of the day, and when night rolls around I get a second wind that lasts until the wee hours anyway.
YMMV but personally, I’ve never found that no liquids thing to be good advice. My body seems to wake me up if I need to pee in between sleep cycles, and I have no problem getting back to sleep. But I can get busy and forget to drink enough, and then realize how thirsty I am as I’m getting ready for bed.
This is not the way.
One of those sunrise alarm clocks, going to bed more than 8 hours before it goes off, a neti pot or benadryl so I can breath while sleeping. Blackout shades, and an air filter that makes some soft white noise.
Sunrise alarm and more than 8 hours before alarm is the best for me
I don’t. I’m not a morning person and I’m always garbage if I try to be.
No screens for two hours before bed.
I get seasonal affective disorder in the winter. Thirty minutes of the light therapy lamp first thing in the morning works wonders if you use it properly and consistently.
No drinking definitely helps me.
Ignorance is what helps you.
My “strategy” consists of going to bed at a fixed time and a modern electronic alarm clock that is 100% reliable.
Don’t have kids
Go to bed earlier. Give yourself 9 or 10 hours to sleep so that you wake up before your alarm rested.
Not possible for some people, but as a single person without kids it works for me.
Go to bed early if possible. Coffee if I can’t and then try to stay away from other humans till I can be less of an asshole.
If I’m shifting my schedule, I’ll try and aim for 9 -10 hours in bed until my body adapts, then it’s back to the 6 to 7 I usually get.