Let me guess: he was 30 when that picture was taken.
has some common ancestry with the assholes from Spaceballs, I see
“Who made this man a gunner?!”
It’s the classic I-suffered-so-everyone-else-should-suffer-to-keep-it-fair mentality.
Ignoring the fact that we should work to reduce suffering for future generations.
And that it’s probably a lie, and even if it isn’t a lie he’s not doing it anymore.
He is counting all of his two hour lunches, his golfing/tennis/other sport activities that count as ‘networking’, spending hours harrassing his secretaries, and all of the other non-productive ‘work’ in his entirely fictitious work schedule.
Men like this do not understand the magic of the world around them 😔
Plenty of them are just liars. They’ll look you dead in the eye and tell you “When I was your age, I worked 29 hours a day and 10 days per week”.
Others simply don’t want to acknowledge that the nature of their “work” is play. Flying from party to party with their gaggle of C-level friends, wining and dining clients and patrons, getting a Bill Clinton style office break between angry calls to your junior managers to “work harder!”, playing Sim City or Factorio with a billion dollars in state money unconcerned with the end result because you already took out a big chunk as your share, golfing…
None of these assholes are doing manual labor. They’re all just schmoozing with one another and collecting a vig on the cash that passes through their hands.
Not to mention they have people to take care of their cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. Regular people do all that work themselves.
Plus they parasite the society.
They know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
… extremely bright, excelling at everything they do, yet a total lack of common sense.
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Fuck you. I am whoring out my brainpower and will do only what I’m paid for. If it happens to take only an hour each workday, that’s not my concern.
Did he fly to work on the back of a dragon as well?
if you remember the faces of your children you have failed as a salaryman
It’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.
Sometimes I feel like we need a government appointed slapper, a person who’s job it is to look dickheads up and be authorized to give them a big slap across their face for being assholes.
Bodyguards would not be allowed to prevent it, and a report on why the slap was delivered would be presented.
In this case the report would say:
Slap ID: 2025-01-427
Reason for slap: Being an uncaring idiot
Details: Slapee forgot about the value of family and personal growth, made statements and took actions to reduce those to unsustainable levels. This was based on slapee’s own missersble work history and mistaken assumption that slapee’s personal choices in the past is the only correct choice by modern workers. This is currently false and was false in the past as well. Slapee is reminded that their own choices and failings should not be forced onto others.
Expected outcome from slap: Slapee takes a week off work and experience their own personal life to experience the value of it, then spends six months in intensive therapy sorting out their own life to be a better leader.
Possible future actions: If Slapee neglects to take action to correct their behavior, the ministry of punching may need to be contacted and further percussive encouragement may be delivered.
Percussive encouragement, lol!
A modern version of the court jester. I like it.
Yeah he’s like Elon; he never sleeps and has no concept of how anyone could possibly be different than him unless they’re inferior. Just another rich narcissist sociopath.
I am even more disappointed by that guy’s choice to work only 6 days a week.
I do not believe in sleep or rest.
I firmly believe that CEOs require diapers, not toilet breaks.
I used to shit myself continuously at the office, the stench was unbearable. And yet I went on, staying at my desk, asking people to come in to berate them.
I chose to be estranged by my whole family. My kids hate me. My wife despises me. My father won’t talk to me. Even my mother loathes me.
I managed all that by dedicating every second of my life to my job, so that I can die miserably any get a gravestone saying ‘lmao the shitman’s dead, rest in shit loser’.
Someone is thinking about the shareholders!!!
Amateur! I haven’t stood up in so long my leg muscles have atrophied. I have fused with my office chair. Also I never leave and only take 10 min micro naps as my body periodically shuts down, unfortunately a weakest of my human form. I occupy one entire floor of the building as my productivity lair and only enter other floors when most employees are gone for the day, usually late at night. Typically to double check their work or scavenge for food.
I scare most of my coworkers, I think I’ve become something of myth? The interns gave me a name, I heard one scream “the Chairman is real!”. He was working late that night and I bumped into him. Anyhow I was famished, so I quickly knocked him out with my keyboard and dragged him back to my lair for a quick power lunch.
What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your life and you think everyone else should be doing this too so it’s not like your “sacrifice” is so that they can enjoy life, then what are you working for?
Asian parents be like: “dEPreSSiON iS cAusEd bY LaZiNesS, juST WoRK hARdeR aND yOU wiLL bE hAPpy!”
Me: 🥲🔫
Going outside, getting some fresh air and exercise, and seeing friends/family/neighbors is a great treatment for depression
But long hours of private work/study and repetitive manual labor get in the way of that
It’s not just Asia, my parents are from the 1950s, in an European country, and they had the same mentality. Money through hard work was the equivalent of a good life. Our holidays were never fun. No one knew what enjoying life is.
I used to work with a guy like this, they’d do six hours of work in twelve hours, were constantly having important business calls etc, and simply didn’t have a life outside of work.
I’d be willing to bet this person was less productive than some executives that worked less than half the time.
That sort of thing was common at this shitty bank I used to work for. People would fart around and stretch out tasks just to spend more time in the office pretending to be at “work”.
Performative nonsense that drove me bonkers. Especially when I wanted to finish up a task so I can go home, and they’re hanging out at my desk bending my ear with small talk.
I honestly feel like six hours of work in twelve hours is pretty good. I usually have about two hours of work a day. Rarely it will be a long grind stay on late to get things done day. It’s partially my own fault though since I could spread it out multiple days but it’s nice just logging in and fucking off the whole day since I finished my part the day before. I got a really good job where I’m not punished for getting things done early though. Once every month or two I’ll have a busy day like that and I have no issue joining a teams meeting with my boss the next day on my work computer to run through stuff with him while one of my personal computer monitors I’m playing a game on is plainly in view of the camera (L shaped desk). He knows he can count on me, I bust my ass when I need to, I’m generally available whenever, and if I tell him something is bullshit busy work he listens and runs interference when he can and when he can’t he sighs and says he knows and couldn’t stop it this time. I got pissed after spending 12 years at the same grind and it took me five different employers over the past six years to find a really great place to work. I’d follow my current boss anywhere he went and I’m fairly certain most of my 21 reports would feel the same about me. Their previous boss was apparently up their ass constantly. When I started I told them I don’t care what they do day to day as long as the work gets done and just add themselves to the calendar if they won’t be available at any point that day to reply to email or messages otherwise we’re all adults and I don’t care to babysit anyone just as much as I don’t care to be babysat. I also told them they aren’t required to work anything unless it comes through me. Apparently the teams productivity is through the roof compared to when I started almost two years ago but overall it’s very chill and folks seem happy.
When I say that, I mean they get done in twelve hours what anyone else would do in six. Not that they’re actually working for six hours.
Oh, I misread that and left you a novel lol, my apologies.
Exactly. I worked with a few people like this. Claimed to work 7-8 basically. I would see them drop for a hour at a time several times a day, be unresponsive for hours, and hardly get anything accomplished, and when it was, it was either broken or poor quality.
The brag isn’t what they think it is
I have to suffer, so the other people should do that, too.
havechoose to suffer, so the other people should do that, too.
Just to add more context, this shithead’s daughter is the wife of the British PM.
It’s a big club
Wife of previous British PM, not the current one
I was just looking at a picture of Victoria Starmer thinking, “uhhh, what?”
To be fair, she could’ve been adopted.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akshata_Murty - Wife of Rishi Sunak