Didn’t you hear? Fromsoft nerfed consort radahn = labour of love. Never mind Larian Studios casually dropping new subclasses in a patch 1 year after release.
The Steam Awards are mostly just “what’s my favorite game” or “which game have I heard of” for all categories. It doesn’t matter if the game fits or not. For Wukong it’s additionally “where was the game made”, since it’s one of the few high profile Chinese games (outside of China) and Steam has a lot of Chinese users.
Action games with few linear cutscenes between hours of finger break wins those awards almost every year, simply because they are more popular. I was actually shocked last year when a game with actual story won that cathegory.
Wukong for best story? That game has more of a premise than a story. What are my Steam peeps smoking?
The rest is disappointing, but not surprising.
Yeah but the Chinese market absolutely flooded it with votes.
100% Agree. I’ll throw Elden Ring into the “I don’t get why these games are so popular with people” category.
Not sure how Elden Ring won Labour of Love either.
Didn’t you hear? Fromsoft nerfed consort radahn = labour of love. Never mind Larian Studios casually dropping new subclasses in a patch 1 year after release.
I am actually shocked that Baldur’s Gate didn’t get that award. total bullshit tbh.
Thank god it didn’t
Stardew deserved it more. Game is maintained for 9 years now and still gets updates.
Actually valid. Though I feel like concernedape genuinely needs to take a break. Stop giving us more!
What didn’t you like about Elden Ring? I thought it was awesome, and I’m hard to please when it comes to mainstream big studio games like that!
Not my cup of tea. Haven’t been about to get into any of the souls like style of games. Not sure what it is.
Yeah but why LOL? That’s for games getting long term patching and devs going to extra mile, like DRG, BG3, etc. Not From Software stuff.
Or Srardew Valley getting new content 9 years later.
The Steam Awards are mostly just “what’s my favorite game” or “which game have I heard of” for all categories. It doesn’t matter if the game fits or not. For Wukong it’s additionally “where was the game made”, since it’s one of the few high profile Chinese games (outside of China) and Steam has a lot of Chinese users.
It’s probably all because it didn’t win the GOTY in the games awards so all the fanboys went to make their game win something.
The game is not goty material, and for how shitty the devs are, they don’t deserve crap.
Who cares about the GOTY?
I’d say Chinese people don’t.
They didn’t care so much they review bombed the winner…
And also Baldurs Gate 3 for some reason
And the lead dev didn’t care so much that he wrote a goty acceptance speech in the middle of the development cycle, then cried about not winning.
It was a translation error though
Oh so I guess the review bombing of BG3 that it kicked off was just a translation error also?
Action games with few linear cutscenes between hours of finger break wins those awards almost every year, simply because they are more popular. I was actually shocked last year when a game with actual story won that cathegory.