They could get the fuck out of politics.
They could get the fuck out of politics.
What dumbass is letting AI post articles without human oversight? That’s like rule one of what not to do.
Should we tell him, guys?..
Maybe they can save some money by protecting fewer pedos?
They’re also just straight murdering entire sections of the population in plain sight of the rest of the world, but sure, the water thing too.
I mean, terrorism is just politically motivated violence.
This country was founded by terrorists.
Everyone? No.
Anyone? Maybe.
No. Not being destitute doesn’t automatically make you rich. Things are not black and white. There’s a wide spectrum that is very flat until you get to the top 0.1%.
Bring in the top 10% doesn’t mean much when the different between top 99 and top 90 is multiple orders of magnitude larger than top 90 to top 10.
No one is going to want to but some weird ass operating system
Are old retirees rich, then? I wouldn’t consider that accurate.
If you’re not pulling in upper 6 figures from those investments, you’re still not rich.
Yes, but this has to be done in a more local level. Trying to force a new party into existence starting at the federal level is not planning for success
No it’s not. They don’t fill the same story niche. And you’re human too, regardless of what your calls for calls for attention say.
I have a problem with dragons. They’re overused to the point of being boring
Our election system mathematically guarantees there will be only two useful choices. Any attempt to swap one of those out requires years of transition in which you are actively helping the side who agrees with you even less to win and move you further away from what you want.
Until we have more ubiquitous ranked-choice-esque systems, that will not change.
These people didn’t play Witcher 3. It’s mostly right wing rage bait podcasts. They’ll move on to a different side thing to be mad about in a few days.
You know some prankster programmer is going to put that in a comment somewhere for the lols now that he’s said that
So…Edge of Tomorrow, but with elves
… Less traceable in that the price of the coin going up and them cashing out isn’t a direct line from the government coffers to their pocket.
I’m aware it’s a public ledger.
That’s exactly what the plan is. They’re funneling themselves government money, but in a way that’s less traceable
Yes, you’re all doing it wrong…by doing it at all.