What movie or scene from a movie (or show) makes your eyes misty?
Grave of the fireflys… Sometimes the trailer is already enough… F*** can’t even rewatch the thing…
I watched it once and didn’t cry but I must’ve been dissociated AF or something because I don’t remember any of it.
I watched it once, and cried for two hours. Not going through that again!
I always recommend it… But also with the warning: You will only be able to watch it once!
I was looking for the movie when I opened the thread. I remember buying the special edition DVD, watched the movie, and put it away. It broke me, and I’ll never forget it! One of the best movies ever created.
I’ve been watching Shrinking and it has a lot of those moments
Yeah, I don’t know which is more effective at catching me off-guard with shit I’ve not thought about in decades: Shrinking or The Bear. 😅
Another one is the movie ‘The Fountain’ which is played excellently by Hugh Jackman.
It’s not a movie, it’s an old avertisement, and I guarantee you if it doesn’t stir something in you, you’re not human:
That crash was so cartoonish, I couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“I have been, and always shall be, your friend.”
-Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
John Q
A few episodes of Futurama. You can guess which ones.
Tap for spoiler
Jurassic Bark?
That’s one for sure.
Edit: but not the biggest culprit for me
Luck of the fryrish always gets me
Yeppp that’s another one
Edit: still not the biggest one for me
Game of Tones?
There’s like 5 episodes that people always mention. If it’s not that, it’s probably The Late Philip J Fry, The Sting, or Lethal Inspection
Yeah that’s all of them. Game of Tones makes me the most emotional. 🥹
Edit: just thinking about it is doing it right now lol
Philip J. Fry was named after Phil Hartman.
To carry on his spirit.
This one gets easier when you remember that they retconned it later.
The one where Nixon’s reelected hits too close to home.
All those crying Pokemon in the first film when Ash is turned into stone.
Pikachu crying gets me every time :')
They’re just weeping because he’s recently discovered titties are a thing he can potentially enjoy, and Pokemon’re no longer very interesting to him, as a result. 🥹
Les Mis
for example: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulJXiB5i_q0
The ending of that Scrubs episode with Brendan Fraser https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e__1KU7lg-4
The ending of Jurassic Bark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0WBbKSFhw9A
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “The Body”.
Mom? Mom! Mommy?
Most are giving joke answers.
This one hits hard.
Maes Hughes’ big action moment in Full Metal Alchemist - either version.
Alternatively, the scene this music https://youtu.be/EL7e5XrzanA goes to (Ep 5 of Cowboy Bebop) - far more of a tear jerker for me than the final episode.
The original Fresh Prince when Will is desperately trying to convince himself he doesn’t need his dad. Every time.
Link for the uninitiated.
“How come he don’t want me, man?” And the way Phil grabs him for the hug 😭💔
It’s funny that for having such a full career I still think Fresh Prince was an absolute masterpiece and unequaled by anything else Will Smith did. (Second place was probably the original Men in Black).
The last scene of the last episode of Six Feet Under.
“A toast to my big brother George, the richest man in town.”
“You are who you choose to be.”